Originally created during a collaboration between Telecom ParisTech and the R&D division of EDF, the CloudCompare project began in 2003 with the PhD of Daniel Girardeau-Montaut on Change detection on 3D geometric data.
In Télécom ParisTech, the French engineering school, room 404 of building A cannot be found.
Télécom ParisTech in Paris and Sophia Antipolis (ex École nationale supérieure des télécommunications, Télécom Paris, or ENST)
Telecom New Zealand | SK Telecom | Telecom Italia | Manitoba Telecom Services | Saudi Telecom Company | Chunghwa Telecom | Telecom Regulatory Authority of India | Telecom Egypt | Globe Telecom | Chimie ParisTech | Télécom ParisTech | Telecom Italia Mobile | Telecom | Portugal Telecom | ParisTech | Golden Telecom | telecom | TDS Telecom | Hong Kong Telecom | Golan Telecom | Global Village Telecom | China Telecom | Bouygues Telecom | Whidbey Telecom | Wataniya Telecom | Telecom ParisTech | Telecom & Management SudParis | Telecom dispute between Gibraltar and Spain | Tadiran Telecom | Mauritius Telecom |