
unusual facts about Talking Points Memo

Ashley Todd mugging hoax

According to journalism website Talking Points Memo, McCain's Pennsylvania campaign communications director told reporters about several aspects of the story before the facts were known or established.

American Independent News Network

Spencer Ackerman, who has written for The New Republic and Talking Points Memo writes for The Washington Independent. Ed Brayton, a freelance writer who blogs at Dispatches from the Culture Wars, is the state editor for The Michigan Messenger.


Blogads provides advertising to many high-traffic blogs, including Daily Kos, Perez Hilton, Cute Overload, Wonkette, Dlisted, Go Fug Yourself, Atrios, Talking Points Memo, Americablog, Crooks and Liars, Firedoglake, Political Wire, and Outside the Beltway.

Clay D. Land

Within hours of Land's decision, the physician's attorney, Orly Taitz, told the news site Talking Points Memo that she felt Land's refusal to hear her case was an act of treason.

George Polk Awards

Josh Marshall's blog, Talking Points Memo, was the first blog to receive the Polk Award in 2008 for their reporting on the US Attorney Scandal.

Maureen Dowd

Talking Points Memo blogger "thejoshuablog" found a paragraph in Dowd's May 17, 2009 Times column that was similar to one in a May 14 blog post by TPM editor Josh Marshall, and accused her of plagiarism.

see also