
4 unusual facts about The Apostles

City of Birmingham Choir

The choir also participates in other organisations' concerts, e.g. centenary performances of Edward Elgar's great oratorios Dream of Gerontius, The Apostles, and The Kingdom with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and the City of Birmingham Symphony Chorus under previous conductor Sakari Oramo.

Marcus Julius Alexander

Marcus along with his family were contemporaries to the life of Jesus of Nazareth and the lives of The Apostles of Jesus.

The Apostles

The Apostles were formed in the Islington area of London in 1979 by William 'Bill' Corbett (vocals), Julian Portinari (bass), Dan McIntyre (drums) and Pete Byng-Hall (guitar).

Martin recruited Dave Fanning (ex-Innocent Bystander) as bass player, along with a revolving line-up of musicians (which included John Soares, Kev Apostle, Flump, Chris Low (ex-Political Asylum) and Olly Bucket (Eat Shit) ) in order to continue the group who went on to play numerous concerts in the London area, and to record 8 demo cassettes and 4 7" singles between 1982 and 1984.

Deke Nihilson

Contributors included musicians and writers such as The Apostles, Steve Abbott, Donna Dresch, Larry Livermore, Daniel Nicoletta, and G. B. Jones.

Luther's Large Catechism

Luther's Large Catechism is divided into five parts: The Ten Commandments, The Apostles' Creed, The Lord's Prayer, Holy Baptism, and The Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Luther's Small Catechism

Luther's Small Catechism reviews the Ten Commandments, the Apostles' Creed, the Lord's Prayer, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, the Office of the Keys and Confession and the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Roman Catholic prayer

All true Christians frequently recite vocal prayers, such as the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Apostles' Creed, the acts of faith, hope, charity, etc.

see also

Agostino De Fondulis

His other works include statues of the Apostles for the dome of Santa Maria presso San Celso (1502), the Palazzo Landi in Piacenza, the Sanctuary of the Misericordia in Castelleone (1513) and the church of Mary Magdalene in Crema.

Annibale Maria di Francia

On July 11, 1909 he wrote to Pope S. Pius X: "From my youth I have devoted myself to the words of the Gospel: Pray therefore the Lord of the Harvest...In my charitable institutions, orphans, poor, priests and nuns, all pray incessantly to the loving Hearts of Jesus and Mary, to the Patriarch St. Joseph and to the Apostles, that they may provide the Holy Church with numerous and chosen laborers for the harvest of souls".

Authorship of Luke–Acts

According to Bart D. Ehrman, the "we" passages are written by someone falsely claiming to have been a travelling companion of Paul, in order to present the untrue idea that the author had firsthand knowledge of Paul's views and activities, and Acts of the Apostles is thereby shown to be a forgery.

Bartholomew Cubbins

Robert L. Short, in his book The Parables of Dr. Seuss, points out that Bartholomew shares a name with one of the Apostles of Jesus.

Epistula Apostolorum

The Epistula Apostolorum (Latin for Letter of the Apostles) is a work from the New Testament apocrypha.

Fernando de las Infantas

This is most notable in two almost unique settings of the Symbolum Apostolorum, a Credo according to the Apostles' Creed, not according to the ordinary of the mass.

Franjo Rački

After analyzing the tablet for a long time, he published Viek i djelovanje sv. Cirilla i Methoda slavjamkih apošlolov (The Age and Activities of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Apostles among the Slavs).

Friedrich Spitta

He is widely known as the author of a work on the Acts of the Apostles, Die Apostelgeschichte, ihre Quellen and deren geschichtlicher Wert (Acts of the Apostles, their sources and historical value, 1891).

Imparted righteousness

In fact, N. T. Wright says, Paul is speaking here of the apostles, and pointing out that in their role as apostles, their activity is effectively God's righteousness (covenant faithfulness) in action ("we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God" - vv 20-21).

Jean-Honoré Fragonard

In the year preceding his departure he painted the "Christ washing the Feet of the Apostles" now at Grasse Cathedral.


Soon after he became a member of The Apostles, and one of the judges of the aforementioned festival, Héctor Napolitano, who was a famed singer at the time, invited him to the recording studio of the label Ifesa to interpret the songs of Paul Anka and other artists, and that is how he released his first album called Puppy Love, which reached major airplay throughout Ecuador, and which marked the beginning of his career as a solo artist.

Listed buildings in Aldford

On the shaft are two brass plaques, both inscribed, one with the Apostles' Creed.


Because the writings of Sabellius were destroyed it is hard to know if he did actually believe in Patripassianism but one early version of the Apostles' Creed, recorded by Rufinus, explicitly states that the Father is 'impassible.'

Pope Clement XI

He established a committee, overseen by his favourite artists, Carlo Maratta and Carlo Fontana, to commission statuary of the apostles to complete the decoration of San Giovanni in Laterano.

Pope Leo I

In 445, Leo disputed with Patriarch Dioscorus, St. Cyril's successor as Patriarch of Alexandria, insisting that the ecclesiastical practice of his see should follow that of Rome on the basis that Mark the Evangelist, the disciple of Saint Peter and founder of the Alexandrian Church, could have had no other tradition than that of the prince of the apostles.


Porcius Festus, Roman leader mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles, 24:27

Protestantism in China

The Chinese Union Version of the Bible, the Chinese New Hymnal, the Lord's Prayer as it is written in the Chinese Union Version and the Apostles' Creed are usually used in the largest majority of Protestant worship in the present-day China.

Psalm 109

The Apostle Peter quoted this verse, before the apostles elected the replacement for Judas Iscariot in Acts 1:16-26.

Roman Catholic Diocese of Quimper

The hermit Saint Ronan, a native of Ireland, often held to be one of the 350 bishops consecrated by Saint Patrick, was in the fifth century one of the apostles of Cornouailles and the neighbourhood around Léon.


Kázim-i-Samandar - one of the Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh, and a prominent teacher of the Bahá'í Faith, known as Samandar

San Domenico Maggiore

Artistically, the most notable feature are the frescoes by Pietro Cavallini in the Brancaccio Chapel (1309), depicting Stories of St. John the Evangelist, Crucifixion, Stories of Magdalene and the Apostles Peter, Paul and Andrew.

Santi Giovanni e Paolo

John and Paul, not the apostles, but two soldiers martyred for their faith in the years 361-363

Simon the Zealot

In the miniseries Jesus of Nazareth, before joining the Apostles he is portrayed first as a member of the Zealots, hence his name.

Sortes Sanctorum

A French writer, in 506, says, "this abuse was introduced by the superstition of the people, and afterwards gained ground by the ignorance of the bishops.", as is shown by Pithon's Collection of Canons, which contains some forms under the title of The Lot of the Apostles.

St James the Great, St Kilda East

The choice of St James as the patron saint of the parish reflected the relationship with St John's College as the apostles James and John were also brothers (the sons of Zebedee).

Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Irinjalakuda

St Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ, after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, set about the mission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world.

United Apostolic Church

"Apostolic" does not mean separation from other denominations, but correlation with the teaching of the apostles (see gospel, Acts of the Apostles).