
unusual facts about The Approach

Thomas Helbig

He has also shown at galleries and museums such as Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach, Danel Hug Gallery in Los Angeles and The Approach in London.

see also

A Nature Conservation Review

The approach adopted by Ratcliffe was adapted and applied to the selection of sites important for geological conservation in the Geological Conservation Review.

Article 9 of the Constitution of Singapore

This is in contrast with the approach taken in the Philippines, where the Constitution provides that the state shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.

Banded forbearance

Developed by LIRNEasia, the approach is useful especially for regulatory agencies with limited capacities, markets with limited competitors, and markets that are fast changing and dynamic.

Battle of Drakenburg

After Eric was informed of the approach of the enemy near Drakenburg, he ordered his soldiers to get into battle formation.

Battle of Scimitar Hill

Scimitar Hill, which guarded the approach to this ridge from the southwest along the Anafarta Spur, had been captured unopposed by the 6th Battalion, The East Yorkshire Regiment, on 8 August but was then abandoned.

British railway signals

Additionally, a red signal will be shown on the approach to a set of points when a clear path through them is not set.


Such was their reputation that when a battered Roman army under Consul Gaius Hostilius Mancinus was besieging Numantia in 137 BC, the rumour of the approach of a large combined Cantabri-Vaccaei relief force was enough to cause the rout of 20,000 panic-stricken Roman legionaries, forcing Mancinus to surrender under humiliating peace terms.


The area is intimately associated with the heartland of the Delmatae and the area's strategic importance is emphasised by the citing of the legionary fortress at Tilurium (Gardun), just above today's city of Trilj, which guards the entrance to the valley from the south and the approach to the provincial capital at Salona.

Charles Carleton Coffin

Coffin rode with Major General Winfield Scott Hancock on the approach to Gettysburg, and then accompanied Gen. Strong Vincent and Col. Joshua Chamberlain on their way to the successful defense of the strategic hill known as Little Round Top.

China Airlines Flight 605

A British Airways pilot had refused to make the approach to Kai Tak runway 13 minutes before the CAL 605 Captain decided to attempt it.

Colt State Park

The marble gates of the main entrance, modeled after the approach to the Petit Trianon at Versailles and unveiled in 1913, bear an inscription: "Colt Farm, Private Property, Public Welcome." A pair of life size bull statues, named Conrad and Pomeroy, guard the gate to the park.

Comorian independence referendum, 1974

The approach was criticised in Mayotte, where Marcel Henry, leader of the anti-independence Mahoré People's Movement, claimed Mayotte residents had a right to self-determination based on article 53 of the French Constitution, which states that secession cannot happen without the consent of voters.

Corfu International Airport

The approach and landing, in a northeasterly direction, afford the flying passengers a spectacular aerial view of Pontikonisi and Vlaherna Monastery as well as the hills of Kanoni as the runway used for landing is actually a few hundred metres away from these landmarks.

Dietrich v The Queen

This is the approach used in the United Kingdom, in relation to decisions of the European Court of Human Rights, for example.

Edward Riou

Riou worked closely with Rear-Admiral Horatio Nelson during the approach to the Battle of Copenhagen, earning Nelson's trust and admiration.

Exon trapping

The technique has largely been supplanted by the approach of sequencing cDNA generated from mRNA and then using bioinformatics tools such as NCBI's BLAST server to determine the source of the sequence, thereby identifying the appropriate exon-intron splice sites.

FCM 36

Due to the rout of the last French defence line at Bulson during the night and the ensuing confusion, the approach march could only begin early in the morning of the 14th, when the first German tanks started to cross the river on pontoon bridges.

First American Regiment

In 1786, Secretary of War Henry Knox ordered Col. Harmar to the outpost village of Vincennes to drive away the Kentucky militia, who fled at the approach of the First American Regiment.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Beginning in the 1960s, Anglo-American Hegel scholarship has attempted to challenge the traditional interpretation of Hegel as offering a metaphysical system: this has also been the approach of Z.A. Pelczynski and Shlomo Avineri.

George Bancroft Park, Blackpool

The development is part of Blackpool's "Central Gateway", a project which has gradually adapted derelict railway land, which was formerly the approach to Blackpool Central railway station, into an access road and associated facilities.


The approach is based on the assumption that many aspects of intelligence can be achieved by the manipulation of symbols, an assumption defined as the "physical symbol systems hypothesis" by Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon in the middle 1960s.

History of the Republic of Macedonia

The results of the official investigation revealed that the cause of the plane accident was procedural mistakes by the crew, committed during the approach to land at Mostar airport.

Interstate 74 in Iowa

The interstate passes over US 67 and railroad tracks beloning to the Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern Railroad on an elevated highway, which serves as the approach to the Interstate 74 Bridge over the Mississippi River.

Jaffna University Helidrop

By the time the first flight of the second wave—flown again by Sapre and Vinayraj—took off from Palali airbase however, the Tigers had been able to identify the approach route and moved troops and heavy machine guns to the rooftop of a building north of the field.

Language primitive

There are some elements of interpreted language primitives embodied in 4gl and 5gl specifications but the approach to the original problem is less a procedural language construct and are more oriented toward problem solving and systems engineering.

László Fejes Tóth

The approach that Fejes Tóth suggested in that work, which translates as "packing of objects in a plane, on a sphere and in a space", provided Thomas Hales a basis for a proof of the Kepler conjecture in 1998.

Liverpool Central railway station

On 26 October 2005 a Wirral Line train derailed on the approach to Liverpool Central en route from Liverpool Lime Street.

Marco Iansiti

Iansiti and Sinofsky discuss the approach Sinofsky took within the Windows and Windows Live Group at Microsoft to bridge this gap during the development of the Windows 7 operating system.

Merry-go-round train

This is the nickname (from its appearance) given to the automatic door opening/closing equipment located on the approach to and from the bunker in the power station.

MOGUL framework

Two major sources for inspiration for the approach described here are the ideas of generative linguist Ray Jackendoff on language faculty and modularity and Global Workspace Theory, as advanced by Bernard Baars.

MV Doña Paz

President Corazon Aquino described the accident as "a national tragedy of harrowing proportions...the Filipino people's sadness is all the more painful because the tragedy struck with the approach of Christmas".

New Orleans Lakefront Airport

On January 23, 2010 a United States Navy Beechcraft T-34 Mentor training aircraft crashed into Lake Ponchartrain just over one mile from the approach end of the airport.

Newport Pagnell services

On 3 September 2007, a National Express coach from Birmingham to Luton airport and Stansted airport (making an unscheduled stop) failed to make a turn on the approach road and overturned.

Partners for Change Outcome Management System

The approach was inspired by Michael J. Lambert’s research regarding the use of consumer feedback during the therapeutic process with the Outcome Questionnaire 45.2 (OQ) and is designed to be a briefer method to measure therapeutic outcome.

Patrol Craft Fast

Two boats, PCF-14 and PCF-76, were lost in rough seas at the mouth of the Cua Viet River near the DMZ, and a third, PCF-77, was lost in a rescue effort during a monsoon at the mouth of the Perfume River on the approach to Huế.

Progressive enhancement

semantics, presentation, and behavior", and based on the then-common use of CSS hacks to work around rendering bugs in specific browsers, the PE strategy has taken on a life of its own as new designers have embraced the idea and extended and revised the approach.

Rafe de Crespigny

The approach owes a great deal to the narrative tradition of the historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Right to vote in Singapore law

However, an analogy may be drawn from the approach taken by the High Court of Australia to the Australian Constitution.

Siege of Halicarnassus

On the approach of Alexander in 334 BC, Ada, who was in possession of the fortress of Alinda, surrendered the fortress to him.

Snyder's Regiment of Militia

Part of the regiment was usually stationed at Little Shandaken to watch the approach through the valley of the Esopus Creek.


The approach being brought to market by companies such as Infinera, Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei and Ciena makes use of multiple laser sources.

The Sandman: Worlds' End

Gaiman had asked artist Alec Stevens to model the approach after that which he had employed in The Sinners, published by DC's Piranha Press imprint in June 1989.

The Unknown Witches of Oz

As with other attempts at contemporizing Oz fiction (see, for example, Martin Gardner's Visitors from Oz), the success of the approach will vary with the taste of the individual reader.

Thunder Horse Oil Field

Thunder Horse PDQ was evacuated with the approach of Hurricane Dennis in July 2005.

United Kingdom agency worker law

In 1997, when Tony Blair led New Labour to election victory, the approach to employment policy he brought was one of upholding labour market flexibility.

Warren-Prescott School

Samuel Prescott succeeded in warning the town of Concord of the approach of the British army after Paul Revere was captured.


Under the Byrne Group's ownership, local content on WBUW has expanded to mirror the approach of its sister station W48CX, including local news, sports, and discussion programming as well as long-form (half-hour) content featuring sponsoring businesses.

What I Am

The song is highlighted by a guitar solo that emulates the approach of Jerry Garcia including the use of an envelope filter.

World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine

In doing so, Frey wanted to emulate the approach used by the Club of Rome; that is, he wanted influential members of the health professions to use research data "to convince persons with power about the need for change".

Wright's Tavern

On April 19, the day of the Battle of Lexington and Concord, when the courthouse bell announced the approach of Major Pitcairn's British troops, the Concord Minutemen assembled at Wright's Tavern.