
unusual facts about The Ark

The Ark, London

The Ark, so called in reference to its hull-like profile, was designed by celebrated architect Ralph Erskine, for Swedish developers Ake Larson and Pronator.

John Wiles

He was credited as producer on four serials between 1965 and 1966, namely The Myth Makers, The Daleks' Master Plan (which lasted for twelve episodes), The Massacre of St Bartholomew's Eve, and The Ark.

Steve Gillette And Cindy Mangsen

Their album Live In Concert, recorded at The Ark in Ann Arbor in 1991, is available from their own company, Compass Rose Music.

see also

All Aboard for Ararat

God returns to Noah Lammock a week later, and, after some literary chit-chat that reveals that God is under the misapprehension that Noah Lammock is the author of The Time Machine The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind, and World Brain, the two discuss the plan for the Ark.

Anne Provoost

In the Shadow of the Ark (2001) is an account of the biblical story of Noah told from the perspective of a teenage girl who was not chosen to survive the deluge.

Arca di San Domenico

When the Ark was later redesigned, these supports were dispersed and are now tentatively identified in several museums: the archangels "Michael" and "Gabriel" (in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London), the statue "Faith" (Louvre, Paris), a group of three deacons (in the Bargello, Florence) and a similar group in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.

Barton Bouchier

In 1852 Bouchier commenced the publication of his 'Manna in the House,' being expositions of the gospels and the Acts, lasting, with intervals, down to 1858; in 1854 he wrote his 'The Ark in the House,' being family prayers for a month; and in 1855 he wrote his 'Manna in the Heart,' being comments on the Psalms.

Blackburn Beverley

In operation, it was regarded as "ungainly but highly effective" and was described by Air Chief Marshal Sir Robert Freer as "like something out of the Ark, but it was a superb supply dropper.

Bob Cornuke

Cornuke travels to Axum, where today he believes the Ark is kept in absolute isolation at Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion by a man referred to as "The Guardian of the Ark of the Covenant".

Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion

According to tradition, the Ark came to Ethiopia with Menelik I after he visited his father King Solomon.


took his children, their wives, and pairs of animals with him on the ark, and later built a great temple in Manbij (northern Syria), on the site of the chasm that received all the waters; he further describes how pilgrims brought vessels of sea water to this place twice a year, from as far as Arabia and Mesopotamia, to commemorate this event.

Genesis flood narrative

By the eighth edition (1853–1860), the encyclopedia said of the Noah story, "The insuperable difficulties connected with the belief that all other existing species of animals were provided for in the ark are obviated by adopting the suggestion of Bishop Stillingfleet, approved by Matthew Poole...and others, that the Deluge did not extend beyond the region of the Earth then inhabited".

Golden Minbar International Film Festival

The high award of the festival is the Golden Minbar statuette in the shape of a reel of cine-film with the ends transforming into the waves carrying the ark with a Minbar - a place from where the Imam preaches.

Noah's Ark

Johan's Ark, a full-scale replica and smaller version of the Ark


In 1523 it was sold to James Leveson, a merchant from Wolverhampton, and it eventually passed down to Richard Leveson, a sailor, who served aboard the Ark Royal in the English Navy and who fought against the Spanish Armada.

Robotech Armed Forces

The Robotech: Prelude to the Shadow Chronicles comic series and the movie Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles introduced the Shimakaze class (a battlecruiser slightly larger than the Tristar class), the Crusade-class dropship, and the Ark Angel-class colony ships.

Scarborough Junction

It opened in 1955 named after Maria Goretti and boasts a double gymnasium with a stage, closed circuit television in every classroom, an elevator and an assembly area named the "Ark'" which can be used for gatherings of up to 300 people.

Searches for Noah's Ark

In 1876, James Bryce, historian, statesman, diplomat, explorer, and Professor of Civil Law at Oxford, climbed above the tree line and found a slab of hand-hewn timber, four feet long and five inches thick, which he identified as being from the Ark.

Six Ages of the World

#The First Age: "The first is from the beginning of the human race, that is, from Adam, who was the first man that was made, down to Noah, who constructed the ark at the time of the flood," i.e the Antediluvian period.

The A.R.K. Report

He is convinced that the Ark is buried underneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem but is not under the Dome of the Rock, as is commonly conjectured.

Moskoff also discounts other hypotheses that suggest that the Ark is in the Vatican or Ethiopia.

The Log of the Ark

Like many later fictionalisations of the Noah story, from Gary Larson to Julian Barnes, it introduces mythical beasts such as the unicorn into the Ark's passenger list, a device with obvious dramatic potential: we assume that such creatures are unlikely to survive the voyage.

The Sign and the Seal

The Ethiopian Church, apparently fearful of losing the Ark to the Knights Templar, sent emissaries in 1306 to Pope Clement V; the Catholic Church's fear of the Knights Templar acquiring the power of the Ark of the Covenant, the book claims, is one of the reasons why Pope Clement V began prosecution and arrest of the Knights Templar in 1307.

The Ethiopian Church believes that the Ark is indeed held today in the Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, but as opposed to the book, they believe that it was brought to Ethiopia by Menelik I, stolen from Solomon's Temple during the reign of King Solomon himself, some 200 years earlier than the events proposed by the book.