
unusual facts about The Exchange

The Exchange, Bristol

A regular Tuesday night club called The Bristol Chinese R'n'B and Jazz Club was also established which attracted American Blues singers including John Lee Hooker, Sonny Boy Williamson and Little Walter.

see also

320 South Boston Building

It was originally constructed at the corner of Third Street and Boston Avenue as a ten-story headquarters building for the Exchange National Bank of Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1917, and expanded to its present dimensions in 1929.

Albert Ganzenmüller

The public prosecutor’s office continued to investigate him after 1957, as the exchange of correspondence with Wolff and Himmler had been discovered and published by the historian, Gerald Reitlinger.

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium Gundelfingen

Its Australian partner school for the exchange program for female participants is the Mac.Robertson Girls' High School.

American Information Exchange

Among early adopters, the computer industry itself became the source of many early markets such as a network for the exchange of libraries of object-oriented computer code.

Starting in 1984, Salin worked to create AMIX as an international network for the exchange of information, consulting contracts, computer code and research.

Arnold Amet

The exchange, which had been filmed, was posted on YouTube, and made front page news in the Post-Courier, the country's largest-selling daily newspaper.

Boundary representation

In the world of data-exchange, STEP, the Standard for the Exchange of Product Model data also defines some data models for boundary representations.

Church of St Mary Axe

No. 30 was the location of the Baltic Exchange until it was destroyed by an IRA bomb in 1992; the Exchange is now located at No. 38 just to the north of its former address.


Connectivity exchange, the exchange of information concerning routes to radio stations

Craig Busch

In 2005, Busch arranged the exchange of New Zealand's first natively-born white tigers Tane and Aotea (born January 2005), and later Kiwi and Rongo (Born October 2, 2005) with a white lion cub named Gandor from the Rhino & Lion Nature Reserve near Johannesburg.

Cross check

Cross-check, a chess tactic of blocking a Check with a check to force the exchange of pieces

David Scott de Hilster

This relationship and the exchange of information was the seed that eventually lead de Hilster to begin his documentary feature, "Einstein Wrong - The Miracle Year" in 2005.

Department 56

After failing to meet the exchange's requirements, trading was moved to the OTC Bulletin Board under the ticker "LENX".


It was founded in 1936 by academics Jef Van de Wiele and Rolf Wilkening as a cultural association, with the purpose of strengthening the exchange of students and professors between the universities of Leuven and Cologne.

Economic history of India

As the price of silver continued to fall, so too did the exchange value of the rupee, when measured against sterling.

Exchange Ilford

It was owned by The Mall Fund for a period of time but has now been sold and reverted to its original name of The Exchange Mall.

Exchange interaction

Because the Heisenberg Hamiltonian presumes the electrons involved in the exchange coupling are localized in the context of the Heitler–London, or valence bond (VB), theory of chemical bonding, it is an adequate model for explaining the magnetic properties of electrically insulating narrow-band ionic and covalent non-molecular solids where this picture of the bonding is reasonable.

Gone Baby Gone

The exchange at a nearby quarry in Quincy is botched and Amanda is believed to have drowned, as her doll is found in the quarry and returned to Helene.

Heping District, Tianjin

All Nippon Airways has its Tianjin Office in Tower 2 of The Exchange in the district.

Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange

The exchange was announced at a Hong Kong press conference on 25 June 2008 by chairman Barry Cheung Chun-yuen.

International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries

The International Association of Scientific and Technological University Libraries (IATUL) was founded in Düsseldorf, Germany in May 1955, as an international forum for the exchange of ideas relevant to librarianship in technological universities throughout the world.

International HCH and Pesticides Association

The International HCH and Pesticides Association (IHPA) was founded in July 1998 with the aim of facilitating and promoting international cooperation and the exchange of experiences within management of pollution problems stemming from the production and use of HCH and other unwanted pesticides worldwide.


The effort was led by Lee Kranefuss, who worked closely with the inventor of the ETF, Nate Most, who was by that time Chairman of the WEBs Board and an adviser to Barclays on the iShares effort.

ISO 2709

A format for the exchange of bibliographic information, it was developed in the 1960s under the direction of Henriette Avram of the Library of Congress to encode the information printed on library cards.

John D. McCormick

The Washington Post made mention of the exchange in a column by Dana Milbank.

Kansas City Board of Trade

It was formally chartered in 1876; among the exchange's founders was Edward H. Allen.

Leopold, Duke of Bavaria

The most important measure of his short reign was the Exchange of Mautern entered into with the Bishop of Passau in 1137.

National Association of City Transportation Officials

Founded in 1996 by former New York City Transportation Commissioner Elliot Sander, NACTO's mission is to facilitate the "exchange of transportation ideas, insights, and practices among large central cities while fostering a cooperative approach to key national transportation issues".

National Music League

American musicians to have participated in the exchange program to France included Sidney Harth (1951-1952), Theodore Lettvin (1951-1952), Lillian Kallir (1953), James Wolfe (1954), Shirlee Emmons (1954), and Betty Allen (1955) among others.

Nelson Monument, Liverpool

In 1866 the monument was moved to its present site in Exchange Flags to allow for an extension to the Exchange Buildings, and the Westmorland stone base was replaced by one in granite.

New York Institute for the Humanities

The New York Institute for the Humanities (NYIH) is an academic organisation affiliated with New York University, founded by Richard Sennett in 1976 to promote the exchange of ideas between academics, professionals and the general public.

Phiroze Jamshedji Jeejeebhoy

The building the Exchange is currently housed in is located at Dalal Street in downtown Mumbai, and bears his name - Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers.

R. Seth Williams

Eisenhower Fellowships is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization that fosters international understanding and leadership through the exchange of information, ideas, and perspectives among outstanding leaders throughout the world.

Sir John Lawes School

Most notable of these are the annual exchange programmes with the Upper Dublin High School in Pennsylvania, and the exchange trips with the Elizabeth Langasser Schule, Germany, and the Jules Ferry School, France, due to Harpendens own connections with the relative towns.


By definition, OSP represents all telecom equipment and services related to the network installation from the exchange Main Distribution Frame (MDF) or Optical Distribution Frame (ODF) to the subscriber premises (or to other MDF/ODF).


One of the largest such switches was operated by Royal Dutch Shell as recently as 1994, permitting the exchange of messages between a number of IBM Officevision, Digital Equipment Corporation ALL-IN-1 and Microsoft Mail systems.

The Man Who Sold the Moon

Fred Brooks's The Mythical Man Month quotes the exchange between Harriman and his chief engineer as an example of a "technical director as boss and producer as right-hand man" relationship.

Uwe Böning

Its aim is to foster the exchange of academics and practitioners and thus further professionalize the coaching industry.

Vancouver Stock Exchange

The history of the exchange's index provides a standard case example of large errors arising from seemingly innocuous floating point calculations.

Vladimir Georgiyevich Titov

Highlights included the exchange of U.S. crew members Mike Foale and David Wolf, the transfer to Mir of 10,400 pounds of science and logistics, and the return of experiment hardware and results to Earth.

Wendy B. Lawrence

Highlights included the exchange of U.S. crew members Mike Foale and David Wolf, a spacewalk by Scott Parazynski and Vladimir Titov to retrieve four experiments first deployed on Mir during the STS-76 docking mission, the transfer to Mir of 10,400 pounds of science and logistics, and the return of experiment hardware and results to Earth.

William Dennison, Jr.

A canny businessman, he led the Exchange Bank and the Columbus and Xenia Railroad, and organized the Columbus and Hocking Valley Railroad, while becoming active in politics.

William Dolben

He was (for about four months in 1623) the rector of St Bartholomew-by-the-Exchange before becoming rector of both Stanwick and Benefield in Northamptonshire on 8 November 1623.