
unusual facts about The Falcon and the Co-eds


She also designed the costumes for the 1942 film A Date With the Falcon and the 1943 The Falcon and the Co-eds.

A. G. Hopkins

Toyin Falola and Emily Brownell (eds.): Africa, Empire and Globalization.

Adriana Kugler

Market Reforms, Factor Reallocation, and Productivity Growth in Latin America, (with Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, and Maurice Kugler), in Norman Loayza and Luis Serven, eds.

ASK Group

The deal called for 30 percent of ASK to be sold to Hewlett-Packard and Electronic Data Systems (EDS) for a total of $60 million, which in turn enabled ASK to pay $110 million for Ingres.

Benjamin K. Sovacool

Sovacool, BK and MA Brown (Eds.) Energy and American Society: Thirteen Myths (New York: Springer, 2007), xi + 340 pp.

Bhima Bhoi

Bäumer, Bettina and Johannes Beltz 2010 (eds.), Verses from the Void: Mystic poetry of an Oriya saint, New Delhi: Manohar Publishers.

Colin J. McInnes

'HIV/AIDS and national security', in Nana K. Poku, Alan Whiteside and Bjorg Sandkjaer (eds.), AIDS and Governance (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007).

Combinatorial optimization

Arnab Das and Bikas K Chakrabarti (Eds.) Quantum Annealing and Related Optimization Methods, Lecture Note in Physics, Vol.

Confusion of the inverse

In D. Kahneman, P. Slovic and A. Tversky (Eds.) Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases (pp. 249–267).

Constructivist epistemology

Friedrich Kratochwil: Constructivism: what it is (not) and how it matters, in Donattela Della Porta & Michael Keating (eds.) 2008, Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sciences: A Pluralist Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 80-98.

Daniel David Ntanda Nsereko

"The Implementation of the ICC Statute within the Southern African Community (SADC)", in Claus Kress & Flavia Lattanzi (eds.), The Rome Statute and Domestic Legal Orders, Volume I: General Aspects and Constitutional Issues (il Sirente, Fagnano Alto/Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, Germany, 2000. ISBN 88-8784-00-2).

David I of Scotland

Hudson, Benjamin T., "Gaelic Princes and Gregorian Reform", in Benjamin T. Hudson and Vickie Ziegler (eds.), Crossed Paths: Methodological Approaches to the Celtic Aspects of the European Middle Ages, (Lanham, 1991), pp.

Drift Sight

The CFS was in turn replaced by the Equal Distance Sight (EDS) designed by in 1916 by Warrant Officer Scarff, better known for the Scarff ring.

Forgotten Silver

Roscoe, Jane/Hight, Craig (2006): Forgotten Silver: A New Zealand Television Hoax and Its Audience. In: Juhasz, Alexandra/Lerner, Jesse (eds.) (2006): F is for Phony. Fake Documentary and Truth’s Undoing. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, p. 171-186.

Francis Gurry

“The Evolution of Technology and Markets and the Management of Intellectual Property Rights”, in Frederick M. Abbott and David Gerber (eds.) Public Policy and Global Technology Integration, (Kluwer Law International, London, 1997), ISBN 90-411-0655-3

Franz Rosenzweig

Amir, Yehoyada, "Towards mutual Listening: the Notion of Sermon in Franz Rosenzweig's Philosophy", in: Alexander Deeg, Walter Homolka & Heinz–Günter Schöttler (eds.), "Preaching in Judaism and Christianity" (Berlin, 2008), 113–130

Hans J. Salter

In: Christian Cargnelli, Michael Omasta (eds.): Aufbruch ins Ungewisse. Österreichische Filmschaffende in der Emigration vor 1945. Vienna, Wespennest: 1993.

Harry Hoijer

Maquet, Jacques, Daniels, Nancy (eds.) (1984), articles by Sidney Mintz, Maurice Godelier, Bruce Trigger: On Marxian Perspectives in Anthropology. Essays in Honor of Harry Hoijer, 1981, Undena (for the UCLA Dept. of Anthr.), Malibu, CA.

Human–computer interaction

Jonathan Grudin: A moving target: The evolution of human–computer interaction. In Andrew Sears and Julie A. Jacko (Eds.).

If Women Counted

Margunn Bjørnholt and Ailsa McKay (eds.), Counting on Marilyn Waring: New Advances in Feminist Economics, with a foreword by Julie A. Nelson, Toronto, Demeter Press/Brunswick Books, 2014, ISBN 9781927335277

International Business Wales

Over 500 international companies are located in the country including many of the world’s largest multinationals such as Ford, EDS and Alcatel.

James R. Webb

After providing leadership in such prominent consulting firms as Price Waterhouse, Deloitte & Touche and EDS A.T. Kearney, he became an internationally known strategy consultant.

Jewish English Bible translations

Barry Levy, "Our Torah, Your Torah, and Their Torah: An Evaluation of the ArtScroll Phenomenon" in Truth and Compassion: Essays on Religion in Judaism, Howard Joseph, Jack N. Lightstone, and Michael D. Oppenheim, eds.

Jicarilla language

Axelrod, Melissa; Gómez de García, Jule; Lachler, Jordan; & Burke, Sean M. (Eds.).

Joanne V. Creighton

The author of four books on William Faulkner, Joyce Carol Oates, and Margaret Drabble, Creighton has also written a number of book reviews as well as op-eds and articles on issues facing higher education and women's colleges.

Joe Cribb

'The early Kushan kings: new evidence for chronology – Evidence from the Rabatak inscription of Kanishka I', in M. Alram and D.E. Klimburg-Salter (eds) Coins, Art and Chronology, Essays on the pre-Islamic History of the Indo-Iranian Borderlands, Vienna 1999, pp.

Joe Stork

(with Joel Beinin, eds.) Political Islam: Essays from "Middle East Report", University of California Press, 1996.

John Rapp

Daoism as Utopian or Accommodationist: Radical Daoism Reexamined in Light of the Guodian Manuscripts, in Laurence Davis and Ruth Kinna (eds.), Anarchism and Utopianism (University of Manchester Press, 2009)

Joseph Ginat

with Edward J. Perkins ( (eds.) The Peace Process Between Israel and Arab Countries: Achievements and Obstacles.

Karen Parshall

with Jeremy J. Gray (eds.): Episodes in the History of Modern Algebra (1800–1950), AMS/LMS History of Mathematics 32, Providence/London 2007 (Conference at MSRI 2003)

Laurent Thévenot

1989 (with Luc Boltanski) (eds.), Justesse et justice dans le travail, Paris, CEE - PUF.

Lydia Pasternak Slater

'Texts on Óndra Łysohorsky', translations (with Ewald Osers & Hugh McKinley) in Keith Armstrong, David Gill, eds.

Maurice Halbwachs

Marie Jaisson and Christian Baudelot, eds, Maurice Halbwachs, sociologue retrouvé, Paris, Rue d’Ulm, 2007 (ISBN 978-2-7288-0387-3).

No Lies

Mitchell Block (2006): The Truth about No Lies (If You Can Believe It). In: Juhasz, Alexandra; Lerner, Jesse (eds.) 2006: F is for Phony. Fake Documentary and Truth’s Undoing., Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 187-195, ISBN 978-0816642519

Noel Castree

Castree N., D. Demeritt, D. Liverman & B. Rhoads (eds.) A Companion to Environmental Geography.


J. Paseka, J. Rosicky, Quantales, in: B. Coecke, D. Moore, A. Wilce, (Eds.), Current Research in Operational Quantum Logic: Algebras, Categories and Languages, Fund.

Revolution in Military Affairs

Arquilla, John and David F. Ronfeldt (eds.), In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age, Santa Monica, CA, RAND Corporation, 1997 ISBN 0-8330-2514-7

Roman triumph

Brennan, T. Corey: "Triumphus in Monte Albano", 315-337 in R. W. Wallace & E. M. Harris (eds.) Transitions to Empire. Essays in Greco-Roman History, 360-146 B.C., in honor of E. Badian (University of Oklahoma Press, 1996) ISBN 0-8061-2863-1

Sarah Foot

"Where English becomes British: Rethinking Contexts for Brunanburh", in: Julia Barrow and Andrew Wareham (eds.), Myth, Rulership, Church and Charters: Essays in Honour of Nicholas Brooks, London, Ashgate 2008.

Sergei Nilus

Michael Hagemeister: "Vladimir Solov’ev and Sergej Nilus: Apocalypticism and Judeophobia" in Reconciler and Polemicist (eds.) Wil van den Bercken, Manon de Courten, Evert van der Zweerde, and Vladimir Solov’ev (Leuven: Peeters, 2000), pp.

Simon II, Count of Sponheim-Kreuznach

Johannes Mötsch: Trier und Sponheim, in: Johannes Mötsch and Franz-Josef Heyen (eds.): Balduin von Luxemburg.

Sione Lātūkefu

"Tonga at Independence and Now", in Brij Lal & Hank Nelson (eds.), Lines Across the Sea: Colonial Inheritance in the Post Colonial Pacific, Brisbane: Pacific History Association, 1995, ISBN 0-646-24640-2; (posthum.)

Spatial analysis

MacEachren, A. M. and D. R. F. Taylor (eds.) (1994) Visualization in Modern Cartography, Pergamon.


William H. Starbuck, Moshe Farjoun (Eds.): Organization at the Limit: Lessons from the Columbia Disaster. Blackwell, Malden 2005, ISBN 140513108X.

T. C. W. Blanning

with Hagen Schulze (eds.), Unity and Diversity in European Culture c. 1800 (Oxford, 2006)

The Journal of Sir Walter Scott

John Guthrie Tait and W. M. Parker (eds.) The Journal of Sir Walter Scott in 3 volumes (Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1939-1946).

Trevor J. Barnes

Barnes, T. J., Peck, J., and Sheppard, E. (eds.) The Wiley-Blackwell Companion to Economic Geography.

Vincent Barabba

2002 (With Pourdehnad J. and Ackoff, R.) “Above and Beyond Knowledge Management” in Chun, W. C. and Bontis, N. (eds) The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organization Knowledge, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.

Walter Arthur Berendsohn

"Zwischen Theorie und Glauben - Disparate Tendenzen im Monismus", in A. E. Lenz and Volker Müller (eds.), Darwin, Haeckel und die Folgen: Monismus in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart.

William Beynon

Anderson, Margaret Seguin, and Marjorie Halpin (eds.) (2000) Potlatch at Gitsegukla: William Beynon's 1945 Field Notebooks. Vancouver: UBC Press.

William S. Gray

In Susan E. Israel and E. Jennifer Monaghan (Eds.), Shaping the reading field: The impact of early reading pioneers, scientific research, and progressive ideas. Newark, DE: International Reading Association.

see also