
2 unusual facts about The Hours

Biography in literature

While other biographical fiction will create two parallel strands of narrative one in the contemporary and one focusing on the biographical history, such as Malcolm Bradbury's To the Hermitage and Michael Cunningham's The Hours.

It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish

It's Not How You Start, It's How You Finish is the third full-length album by The Hours.

see also

1989 Australian pilots' dispute

As part of this campaign, AFAP pilots imposed on their employers (Ansett Australia, East-West, Ipec and Australian Airlines) a limitation on the hours they were prepared to work, arguing that if they were to be treated in exactly the same way as other employee groups (the stance adopted by the Government), their work conditions should also be the same.

Alfred Gatley

In 1844 he received the silver medal for the best model from the life, and exhibited marble busts of "Cupid" and "Psyche", and in 1846 he exhibited a bust of Marshal Espartero, and a model in bas-relief of "The Hours leading out the Horses of the Sun", which went to the library of Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire.

Altgeld Hall

The Seth Thomas clock mechanism was installed in 1922 that allows the chime to play the Westminster chime to mark the hours and the quarters.

Brighton hotel bombing

One of her biographers wrote that Thatcher's "coolness, in the immediate aftermath of the attack and in the hours after it, won universal admiration. Her defiance was another Churchillian moment in her premiership which seemed to encapsulate both her own steely character and the British public's stoical refusal to submit to terrorism".

Buford Tower

The bells play Westminster Quarters on the hour, and Christmas carols during the Christmas season, as well as chiming the hours.


In the Liturgy of the Hours, the Confiteor was said at Prime (usually) and Compline (always).

Edgar Perez

Knightmare on Wall Street is the account of the hours following Knight Capital's August 1, 2012 trading disruption which led to a $400 million rescue by Jefferies, Blackstone Group, GETCO, Stifel Financial, TD Ameritrade and Stephens.

Ex parte Quirin

Burger, Dasch, Heinck and Quirin traveled from occupied France by German submarine U-202 to Amagansett Beach, Long Island, New York, landing in the hours of darkness, on June 13, 1942.


Horarium (Latin for "The hours") is the name given to the daily schedule of those living in a religious community or seminary.

Hours of Henry VIII

The Hours of Henry VIII is an illuminated codex from the 15th century, painted in Tours, France housed under shelfmark MS H.8 in the Morgan Library & Museum, in New York.

Liturgy of the Hours

Within Anglicanism, the Liturgy of the Hours is contained within the book of Daily Prayer of Common Worship and the Book of Common Prayer, as well as in the Anglican Breviary.

Luigi Chinetti

The Ferrari 166M in which Chinetti won was turned over to Baron Selsdon of Scotland (Peter Mitchell-Thomson) for twenty minutes during the race, making Thomson the official co-driver although Chinetti had driven twenty-three of the hours of the race.


Mattins, often spelled in the Anglican tradition with a double "t", is the Morning Prayer which consolidated the hours of Matins, Lauds and Prime.

Norfolk Four

Dick also claimed to have committed the crime between the hours of 9 and 11 p.m, which clashed with Taylor's claims that she and Michelle had remained out from noon until 11:30 p.m. as well as naval logs that reportedly showed that Dick was on duty on the USS Saipan at the time of the murder.

Stefano Tofanelli

For the artist Morghen, he completed a drawing of Poussin's Dance of the Hours, of Raphael's Jurisprudence, Transfiguration, and Miracle of Bolsena; and of Murillo's Magdalene.

Striking clock

The clock of the Beata Vergine (later San Gottardo) in Milan, built around 1330, was one of the earliest recorded that struck the hours.

Tanya Riches

In 2003 Tanya became the lead singer of popular Christian Indie band 'Speaking of Sarah', she toured Australia's main Christian festivals, main staging at Blackstump and Easterfest (formally known as AGMF) before the band broke up citing "... it was time for a few of the guys to get serious about their work and family commitments, and it was just impossible to put the hours into the band that they had been up until that point.".

You and I Both

Now sharing a jail cell, a bereft Mraz doodles on the walls and pines away the hours.