
unusual facts about The International Journal of Human Rights, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs

Al-Quds Al-Arabi

Marc Lynch of Foreign Policy called Al Quds Al Arabi "the most populist/'rejection camp' of the major Arab papers".

Alexander Benard

He has written columns on U.S. foreign and domestic policy for Foreign Affairs, the Wall Street Journal, the National Review, World Affairs, the New York Post, Forbes, Policy Review, the Journal of Strategic Studies, Foreign Policy Digest, Foreign Policy, and World Politics Review.

Aluf Benn

His articles have been published in a variety of international newspapers, including The New York Times, The Guardian, Foreign Affairs and Newsweek.

America's Secret War

America's Secret War: Inside the Hidden Worldwide Struggle Between America and Its Enemies, a book by Stratfor founder George Friedman, is an attempt to analyze United States foreign policy in 2004; specifically, the war efforts in Afghanistan and Iraq, and the war on terror.

Angela Stent

Angela Stent is a foreign policy expert specializing in U.S. and European relations with Russia and Russian foreign policy.

Aryeh Neier

He has contributed articles and opinion pieces to newspapers, magazines and journals including The New York Review of Books, The New York Times Book Review and Foreign Policy.

Beijing Consensus

Stefan Halper, Director of American Studies at the Department of Politics, Cambridge and former foreign policy official in the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan administrations, offered his own interpretation of the term in his 2012 book, The Beijing Consensus: How China's Authoritarian Model Will Dominate the Twenty-First Century.

Carolyn Lamm

In a 2009 article in Foreign Policy, Lamm was criticized for having "close ties" to controversial countries and corporations, such as Zeromax.

Corrine Brown

In 2003-2005, Brown cosponsored legislation regarding civil rights and foreign relations.

Denise Dresser

She has published articles in the Journal of Democracy, Current History, Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics and Foreign Policy.

Eirene White, Baroness White

When Labour came to power under Harold Wilson in 1964, White became parliamentary under-secretary at the Colonial Office, in 1966 Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and in 1967 Minister of State at the Welsh Office for three years.

Erica Chenoweth

In December 2013, Foreign Policy named Chenoweth one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers of the year "for proving Gandhi right," noting her work on providing evidence for the efficacy of nonviolent political movements.

Foreign Service Journal

It covers foreign affairs from the perspective of American Foreign Service personnel, members of Washington's foreign policy establishment, as well as features on living overseas as a foreign affairs professional.

George A. Lopez

Lopez's work has been published in Human Rights Quarterly, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of International Affairs, The International Journal of Human Rights, Foreign Policy, Foreign Affairs, and Ethics and International Affairs.

George Fielding Eliot

He continued to write books and articles about military strategy and world politics into the 1960s, for the popular press as well as the scholarly journal Foreign Affairs.

Global Poverty Act

The Global Poverty Act would require the U.S. President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day.

Graham T. Allison

Allison is best known as a political scientist for his book Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis (1971), in which he developed two new theoretical paradigms - an organizational process model and a bureaucratic politics model - to compete with the then-prevalent approach of understanding foreign policy decision making using a rational actor model.

Hans Morgenthau

Morgenthau also wrote widely about international politics and U.S. foreign policy for general-circulation publications such as The New Leader, Commentary, Worldview, The New York Review of Books, and The New Republic.

Ibrahim El-Orabi

He is the relative of Ali Zaki El-Orabi Pasha, Minister of Public Knowledge and Head of the Parliament of Egypt in the period (May 7, 1942 - Dec 19 1944) and (June 17, 1950 - Dec 10 1952) during the reign of King Farouk I of Egypt, and brother of Nabil El-Orabi, Egypt's Ambassador to the Russian Federation, and the relative of Mohamed Orabi, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Egypt.

Illiberal democracy

The term illiberal democracy was used by Fareed Zakaria in a regularly cited 1997 article in the journal Foreign Affairs.

Jadranka Kosor

In foreign policy, Kosor and her Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor were successful in solving the long-standing border dispute and she is credited with successfully finishing the negotiating process of the Croatian accession to the European Union.

James E. Akins

In an influential article in the journal Foreign Affairs in April 1973, Akins correctly predicted that world oil consumption for the next 12 years would exceed that of all previous human history, and warned that the loss of production from any two Middle Eastern countries would push prices from $3 a barrel to more than $5.

James F. Hoge, Jr.

After, in 1991, being awarded a fellowship at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, he was appointed editor of Foreign Affairs in 1992, replacing William G. Hyland and remained until 2010 when he was succeeded by Gideon Rose.

James O. Goldsborough

He is author of numerous articles on foreign affairs for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New York Times Sunday Magazine, Fortune, and the Reader's Digest.

John Bersia

He is also the Executive Producer and host of the weekly "Global Perspectives Show" on WUCF-TV/PBS, and writes on foreign affairs.

Johnnie Mortimer

Mortimer later wrote series for radio such as Men from the Ministry and Round the Horne, before writing many TV situation comedies including Foreign Affairs, Man About the House, Never the Twain, Robin's Nest and George and Mildred, often working in partnership with Brian Cooke.

Jules Basdevant

He worked for the Foreign Affairs Department from 1930 to 1941 as a law consultant.

Julian Ridsdale

From 1958-60 he was PPS to the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs.

Nicholas Guyatt

He also wrote a popular book, Have a Nice Doomsday, on Christian fundamentalist belief in the Rapture and how it is changing American foreign policy towards Israel.

Nicholas Shaxson

Since 1993 he has written on global business and politics for the Financial Times, Reuters, the Economist and its sister publication the Economist Intelligence Unit, International Affairs, Foreign Affairs, American Interest, the BBC, Africa Confidential, African Energy, and others.

Office of Foreign Relations and Information

It is mandated to provide accurate and timely intelligence to the Government of the Czech Republic that is vital to support and protect foreign and economic policy interests.

Peter F. Krogh

The Digital Archives cover a wide range of topics relating to foreign affairs ranging in date from the late 20th century to the early 21st century, including the Cold War, Terrorism, International Diplomacy, Energy, Human Rights, Immigration, Conflict Resolution, Democracy, Defense and National Security, Environment, Technology, United States Role in the World, and several others.

Peter L. Levin

Levin co-authored a Foreign Affairs article with Dan E. Geer Jr. detailing how to expect and isolate different cybersecurity problems.

Roger D. Pierce

As of 2008, he is serving as the foreign policy advisor with the U.S. Special Operations Command.

Rufino de Elizalde

Dr. Rufino de Elizalde (August 1822, Buenos Aires – March 1887) was an Argentine politician who was Foreign Affairs Minister of Argentina, from October 15, 1862, to September 6, 1867.

Shane Harris

Prior to joining Foreign Policy magazine in 2013, Harris worked as a senior contributor for The Washingtonian and a staff correspondent at National Journal.

Sitalchay Military Airbase

In March 2012, the magazine Foreign Policy reported that the Israeli Air Force might be preparing to use the airbase, located 500 km from the Iranian border, for air strikes against the nuclear program of Iran.

Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence

It is responsible for policies relating foreign affairs, military, development cooperation, Svalbard or in other polar regions and matters in general relating to agreements between Norway and other states or organizations.

Steven A. Cook

Cook contributes regularly to foreign policy journals such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, The Atlantic, and The New Republic.

The Complexity of Cooperation

Philosopher and political economist Francis Fukuyama, writing for the Foreign Affairs, praises the book for showing that realist models, which assume that in situations lacking a single sovereign actor that anarchy will necessarily result, are too simplistic.

Tim Marshall

Timothy John 'Tim' Marshall (born 1959), is Foreign Affairs Editor for Sky News, the 24 hour television news service operated by Sky Television, part of British Sky Broadcasting.

Timeline of the Saffron Revolution

White House foreign affairs spokesman Gordon Johndroe said "The United States strongly condemns the atrocities committed by the junta and calls for a full investigation into the death of Win Shwe during his detention in Burma. The junta must stop the brutal treatment of its people and peacefully transition to democracy or face new sanctions from the United States."

Tomas van Houtryve

He also published a lot of photographs in the following magazines and newspapers; Time, The New York Times, Newsweek, Le Figaro, Le Monde, The Independent Magazine, GEO, Smithsonian, Stern, Foreign Policy and National Geographic.

United States vice-presidential debate, 2008

Palin spoke in greatest depth about energy policy while Biden spoke in greatest depth about foreign affairs.

Yochi Dreazen

Yochi J. Dreazen (born c. 1976) is an American reporter for Foreign Policy.

see also