"Little White Church," which was released in March 2010 as the album's lead-off single, has since become a Top 10 hit on the U.S. Billboard Hot Country Songs chart.
"Little White Church," the album's first single release to radio, was a Top 10 on the Hot Country Songs charts, with a peak of number 6.
Reason | Love Has No Reason | A Momentary Lapse of Reason Tour | reason | The Age of Reason | Texas Is the Reason | Reason Foundation | Appeal to Reason | A Momentary Lapse of Reason | The Last Summer of Reason | Rhyme & Reason | Reason to Believe | Reason (software) | Reason (magazine) | Last Chance to Reason | The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters | The Sleep of Reason | The Oracle of Reason | Texas is the Reason | Rhyme and Reason | ''Reason'' magazine | Pure Reason Revolution | One More Reason to Forget | Julius Wayland, publisher of ''The Coming Nation'' and the ''Appeal to Reason | Joyce Reason | I've Got a Reason | I Found a Reason | "I Found a Reason | Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason | Chris Reason |
The reason why the people of Morocco took up the madhhab of Imam Malik, is that the people of Morocco and Spain were originally upon the madhhab of al-Awza’i, and likewise the Sham, from where they were conquered.
She was struggling with the urge to kill her father, though this diary entry does not state the reason why she was patricidal.
The action is seen through the eyes of Shubhendu Chatterjee who has come to the Mela not out of any religious sentiment but to see and understand people and seek the reason why “….multitudes upon multitudes of the old and weak and the young and frail enter without hesitation or complaint upon such incredible journeys and endure the resultant miseries without repining.” (Mark Twain after visiting the 1895 Mela)
He presents some scandalous events, such as the reason why Gladys Reichard was not particularly positive about Sapir’s work: “it was in fact common knowledge in some circles that she was shacked up, living in sin, in Greenwich Village for years with none other than P.E. Goddard” (p. 63), with whom Sapir had “strange and strained relations” (p. 64).
The murder at Sarajevo in Bosnia by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb nationalist, Austrian subject and member of Young Bosnia (a secret society ), was the reason why this ultimatum was made.
During the banking panic of 1907, an ad-hoc coalition assembled by J. P. Morgan successfully intervened in this way, thereby cutting off the panic, which was likely the reason why the depression that would normally have followed a banking panic did not happen this time.
He was using the program Chessmaster on a PlayStation Portable, and that was probably the reason why the moves were not particularly strong.
Lesley Ann Warren credits Christopher as the reason why she landed her recurring role of Susan's (Teri Hatcher) Mom, Sophie, in the Emmy Award winning Desperate Housewives.
Clock skew is the reason why at fast speeds or long distances, serial interfaces (e.g. Serial Attached SCSI or USB) are preferred over parallel interfaces (e.g. parallel SCSI).
That was the reason why he had to leave Indian Union Muslim League, the party for which he lived and gave his sweat and blood.
Fly2K was to be released in 2000, but due to his incarceration, the release date was pushed back 2 years to 2002, which is the reason why this album has tracks already used from previous albums, such tracks like "Crownin' Me" from Fly Shit, "Nobody" from Movin' On, and "Ghetto Eyes" from Da Game Owe Me album.
Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why was reviewed in New Scientist by journalist Deborah Blum, who called it "rational, smart and compassionate" but also observed that it showed that scientific understanding of sexual orientation had advanced less than might be hoped since LeVay's 1991 study.
Washington Irving lived in the Village of Kinderhook in 1809 and wrote the Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow short stories which take place regionally and is the reason why the high school in Valatie is named "Ichabod Crane".
This is the reason why most current research in industrial ecology is focused on technological innovation (i.e., the T in the IPAT equation), such as improvements in eco-efficiency, design for environment, material flow analysis, etc.
Christopher Stipp of Asitecalledfred.com praised the film writing that "the combination of Moore's directing/writing and of Jeremy Boreing's writing with Levi and Amber Tamblyn's performances should prove to be the reason why this movie stands above most of the other independent fare that passes as film".
Luis Villanueva was a native of "The Tough Neighborhood" of Tepito, one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Mexico City, famous among other things because several international famous Mexican boxers and wrestlers were born at that place, (hence the reason why it is called "Tough Neighborhood".
While there, at the request of King Hassan II, he made inquiries into the reason why Pan American World Airways had decided against building an Intercontinental Hotel in Casablanca.
While the reason why Cartmell was nicknamed "Bloody Neck" is not entirely known, author Ken Rappoport speculates that it either comes from his use of the term Bloody due to the fact his family came from Cartmel, England, or from the fact that he had a childhood accident where he lost two and a half fingers from his right hand when an ax slipped while he was chopping wood.
Diarmaid MacCulloch, a historian of the Reformation, wrote that the reason why the early reformers upheld Mary’s perpetual virginity was that she was "the guarantee of the Incarnation of Christ", a teaching that was being denied by the same radicals that were denying Mary’s perpetual virginity.
Heiberg also translated a publication by the French writer Jean-Charles Laveaux, which was highly critical towards the upper class, this was likely the reason why Heiberg chose to publish the translated version anonymously.
This was the reason why in 1889 by the 1st General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) the three characteristics length, mass, and time were selected and in 1954 during the 10th CGPM three more characteristics were added and it was decided to derive an International System of Units (SI) that should cover all physical characteristics.
For instance "Timeboxing" is an answer to the optimism bias, that is one of the reason why the Mantra of agile software development and Lean software development is "Think big, act small, fail fast; learn rapidly" .
Khan has been described by noted Guyanese chess player and head of the Guyana Chess Federation, Errol Tiwari, as, "a person serious about his games, coming from a family of chess players and may have been the reason why he won 14 games and will be moving on to the senior level for the second tournament".
Calling himself Lazarus after the man resurrected by Jesus (John 11:41-44), he sets out to discover his true identity and the reason why he was buried alive.
Some blame the United Kingdoms involvement in the Iraq War the reason why no points were given to the song and others put it down to just a bad song.