"The Resolution" is the first single from American alternative rock band Jack's Mannequin's second studio album, The Glass Passenger.
United Nations Security Council resolution | resolution | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1267 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1373 | United Nations Security Council Resolution | Resolution (law) | Resolution | Image resolution | Gulf of Tonkin Resolution | Display resolution | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1559 | Optical resolution | Iraq resolution | HMS ''Resolution'' | Address Resolution Protocol | United Nations Security Council Resolution 418 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1822 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1566 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1484 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1196 | United Nations Security Council Resolution 1170 | Springer resolution | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol | joint resolution | Iraq Resolution | HMS Resolution (Cook) | HMS Resolution | Final Resolution | Dispute Resolution |
Despite the resolution of the 2012 "Pasty tax" matter, the BBC has reported that some Cornish Pasty Association members are still unsure whether Value Added Tax applies to their baked goods.
the European Court of Justice (ECJ), an institution of the European Union (EU) for the resolution of disputes under EU law, based in Luxembourg
On September 2, 2004, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1559 calling for the disbanding of all Lebanese militias, among other things, and an armed Hezbollah in South Lebanon is seen by many to be a contravention of the resolution, though the Lebanese government differs on its interpretation.
The foundations of the prize are considered to be the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, the International Agreement on Civilian and Political Rights of 1966, the resolution of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights of 1998 as well as the consequences of the meeting of the European Council of the Heads of State and Governments in Copenhagen of 1993 and other statements issued by the European Union.
The Finiani who voted against the resolution were 13 out of 172 members of the Committee: Roberta Angelilli, Andrea Augello, Italo Bocchino, Carmelo Briguglio, Cesare Cursi, Fabio Granata, Donato Lamorte, Silvano Moffa, Flavia Perina, Andrea Ronchi, Salvatore Tatarella, Adolfo Urso and Pasquale Viespoli.
In September 2000, Ugryumov and Deputy Interior Minister Vladimir Kozlov managed the resolution of a hostage crisis in Lazarevskoye near Sochi.
However, on August 30, 2005, Bishop Peter D. Weaver, then president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, announced the resignation of Bishop Kim as a part of the resolution process.
The resolution was not successful; however, on 12 January 1910, the government of Prime Minister Sir Wilfrid Laurier took the resolution and introduced it as the Naval Service Bill.
In fact, the resolution of a goal clause with a definite clause to produce a new goal clause is the basis of the SLD resolution inference rule, used to implement logic programming and the programming language Prolog.
If any components in the display chain do not support HDCP (such as a display connected to the player through analog connections like component, composite or S-Video) and the ICT flag is enabled, the player automatically reduces the high-definition video to the resolution of 960x540 pixels before outputting it.
Rona Ambrose, Canada's Minister for the Status of Women, sponsored the resolution; a delegation of women and girls made presentations in support of the initiative at the 55th United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
While the enforcing powers had cited United Nations Security Council Resolution 688 as authorizing the operations, the resolution contains no explicit authorization.
The Secretary-General of the UN at the time the resolution was passed, Boutros Boutros-Ghali called the no-fly zones "illegal" in a later interview with John Pilger.
The resolution was adopted by the body of mayors after vigorous debate that included speeches by conference guest speakers John Kerry and John O'Neill.
The resolution adopted called on "the whole Jewish people", Zionists and non-Zionists alike to contribute toward the building of the Land of Israel through Keren Hayesod.
The improvements to National Guard training and readiness and the resolution of the circumstances under which the National Guard could be federalized led to the call up of National Guard units for service on the Mexico-United States border during the Pancho Villa Expedition.
Barr and Stroud participated in improving the resolution and usability of the instrument.
Such issues catalysed the impending secession: On 7 August 1965, Tunku Abdul Rahman announced to the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur that the Parliament should vote yes on the resolution to have Singapore to leave the Federation, choosing to "sever all ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government" as opposed to the undesirable method of suppressing the PAP for its actions.
Fitzwallace retires almost immediately after the resolution of the Zoey Bartlet (Elisabeth Moss) kidnap crisis at the beginning of season five and is replaced as chairman by General Nicholas Alexander (Terry O'Quinn).
The resolution is sponsored by Commissioners Kim-Shree Maufas, Eric Mar, and Hydra Mendoza.
His work on the resolution of the Blattner's conjecture and the question of unitarisability of certain highest weight modules are significant contributions to this area in mathematics.
He led an army of Kashmiri guerrillas against the Maharaja of Kashmir, Hari Singh, after passing the resolution for Kashmir's accession to Pakistan in 1947, at his residence.
Some of the lesser known operations that BOP SORTs have been involved in include the mass movement of inmates from FCI Miami, after the facility was damaged by Hurricane Andrew; and the resolution of inmate disturbances at FCI Oakdale, Louisiana, FCI Lawton, Oklahoma, and the USP Atlanta.
The preamble of the resolution noted recent efforts to bring to an end the use of child soldiers in violation of international law, including the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court which prohibits forced conscription of children under the age of fifteen in armed forces or the participation in war crimes.
The resolution strongly condemned the murder of personnel from the United Nations Children's Fund and World Food Programme in Rutana Province in October 1999.
The resolution concluded by directing the Committee to improve contacts with ECOWAS, the Organisation of African Unity and international organisations such as Interpol with a view to publicising its findings through appropriate media.
However, the resolution failed to define 'Terrorism', and the working group initially only added Al-Qaida and the Taliban regime of Afghanistan on the sanctions list.
The preameble of the resolution reiterated the Council's support of Operation Artemis in Bunia and the need to replace the force once its mandate had expired, in accordance with Resolution 1484 (2003).
In the preamble of the resolution, the Council expressed concern at the presence of armed groups and militia in North and South Kivu and Ituri in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.
In the preamble of the resolution, the Council welcomed of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in Nairobi, Kenya, by the Sudanese government and Sudan People's Liberation Army/Movement (SPLA/M).
In the preamble of the resolution, the Security Council expressed concern at the presence of armed groups and militia in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, particularly in North and South Kivu and Ituri Province, while at the same time welcoming that some of the groups had began submitting an inventory of weapons and materiel in their possession.
The resolution recognised that the Liberian police and security forces needed to assume greater responsibility for national security.
Explaining the abstention, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the U.S. wanted to first see the outcome of the Egyptian peace efforts, but allowed the resolution to go forward because it was a step in the right direction.
It expressed concern at the violation of the resolution on August 3, 2010 during a border clash between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Israel Defense Forces near the Israeli kibbutz of Misgav Am and the Lebanese village of Adaisseh.
The resolution reiterated the importance of co-operation of all states with the ICTY and of the trial of all persons indicted, particularly calling for the arrest of Goran Hadžić.
The Resolution condemned the March 23 Movement for its attacks on the civilian population and MONUSCO peacekeepers, and demands the rebels groups in the area (FDLR, LRA, Mai-Mai militias, FNL and ADF) to cease immediately all forms of violence.
The Resolution then called for the creation of a federal 'United States of Indonesia' in which elections for constituents to a constituent assembly would be completed by October 1949 and to whom the Netherlands would transfer sovereignty of Indonesia to by July 1950.
The resolution also called on all parties and others concerned to reach an agreement on confidence-building measures in Croatia, including the opening of a railroad between Zagreb and the coastal city of Split, the highway between Zagreb and Županja, and the Adriatic oil pipeline, securing the uninterrupted traffic across the Maslenica straits, and restoring the supply of electricity and water to all regions in Croatia and the United Nations Protected Areas.
" Cuban Foreign Minister Roberto Robaina said that the resolution furthers "the repeated attempts by the Security Council to amplify its powers beyond those which were granted it by the Charter.
The resolution stated they had performed their duties “competently and professionally” and that the Japanese attacks were “not a result of dereliction of duty.” "They were denied vital intelligence that was available in Washington," said Senator William V. Roth Jr. (R-DE), noting that they had been made scapegoats by the Pentagon.
Tony Blair used the second congress to explain the Quartet on the Middle East's plans for the resolution of the Israel–Palestine conflict.
The resolution continued, that the applicant no longer belongs to the WSPC, or that the WSPC no longer exists.
When the resolution from the communist 6th National Conference held in the mid-1928 in Moscow reached the communist base in Jinggangshan, it was already winter.