
4 unusual facts about Thelma Todd

A. Ronald Button

In 1928, he began to practice in Hollywood, where he had a number of celebrity clients, including Hedy Lamarr and Thelma Todd.

Thelma Todd

After her mother's death in 1969, Todd's remains were placed in her mother's casket and buried in Bellevue Cemetery in her hometown of Lawrence, Massachusetts.

At the restaurant, she had had a brief but unpleasant exchange with her ex-husband, Pat DiCicco.

Todd had a wide circle of friends and associates as well as a busy social life; police investigations revealed that she had spent the previous Saturday night (December 14) at the Trocadero, a popular Hollywood restaurant, at a party hosted by entertainer Stanley Lupino and his actress daughter, Ida.

Bellevue Cemetery

It is also the burial place of comedic movie actress Thelma Todd, whose performance in title role in Laurel and Hardy's movie The Bohemian Girl was truncated due to her death, believed by some to have been a murder.

Roland West

West has long been considered a murder suspect in many conspiracy theories due to the unusual circumstances surrounding the death of his longtime mistress, actress Thelma Todd.

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