
unusual facts about Timeline of telescopes, observatories, and observing technology

400 Years of the Telescope

It was shot on RED Digital Cinema at the world's leading universities and observatories including the European Southern Observatory, Institute for Astronomy, SETI Institute, Space Telescope Science Institute, Anglo-Australian Observatory, and Harvard University.

Akira Fujii

He graduated from Tama Art University in 1961, and began working at observatories, producing a substantial bibliography of general-audience astronomy books.

Albrecht Unsöld

His analysis of the B0 star Tau Scorpii, obtained on his 1939 visit to Yerkes and McDonald Observatories, provided the first detailed analysis of a star other than the Sun, and he was able to determine the physics and composition of the star’s atmosphere.

Astronomical seeing

The best conditions give a seeing disk diameter of ~0.4 arcseconds and are found at high-altitude observatories on small islands such as Mauna Kea or La Palma.

Chronometer watch

The Neuchâtel Observatory, Geneva Observatory, Besancon Observatory, and Kew Observatory are prominent examples of observatories that certified the accuracy of mechanical timepieces.

David Stanley Evans

Evans left England in 1946 to work at the Radcliffe Observatory, Pretoria, South Africa when positional determinations and photometry were the main interests of the astronomical world, but when he left some twenty years later, the South African observatories had become active in astrophysics.

European Northern Observatory

The European Northern Observatory is the name by which the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and its observatories (the Teide Observatory on Tenerife and the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma) are collectively known.

Europlanetarium Genk

The observatories of Grimbergen and Hove were already operating for many years at that time.

Gaithersburg Latitude Observatory

The Observatory — along with observatories in Cincinnati, Ohio; Ukiah, California; Mizusawa, Japan; Charjui in Russian Turkestan; and Carloforte, Sardina, Italy — performed in concert to carry out a coordinated program of star observation designed to investigate and calculate the degree of earth “wobble” or latitude variation.

Indian Institute of Astrophysics

The Institute has a network of laboratories and observatories located in various places in India, including Kodaikanal (the Kodaikanal Solar Observatory), Kavalur (the Vainu Bappu Observatory), Gauribidanur, Hanle (the Indian Astronomical Observatory) and Hosakote.

Isadore Epstein

Major observatories were constructed at all the sites he recommended, and he was particularly involved with the establishment of the Leoncito observatory in Argentina.

James R. Houck

Houck pioneered infrared observational astronomy, designing detectors and spectrographs that were flown on sounding rockets in the 1960s, on airborne observatories in the 1970s, and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) in 1984 and the Spitzer Space Telescope in 2003.

Katey Walter

Walter, who is fluent in Russian, works as project coordinator at Chersky for joint Russian-U.S. projects over the International Polar Year, aiming to network arctic observatories in Alaska and Russia for long term monitoring of climate change in cold regions.

Lamont–Hussey Observatory

Other observatories that UM has operated include the Detroit Observatory (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1854), the Angell Hall Observatory (Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1927), the McMath-Hulbert Observatory (Lake Angelus, Michigan, 1930), the Portage Lake Observatory (Dexter, Michigan, 1948), and the Peach Mountain Observatory (Dexter, Michigan, 1955).

Leiden Observatory

It was established by Leiden University in 1633, to house the quadrant of Snellius, and is the oldest operating University observatory in the world (before this, astronomy taught at medieval universities tended to be of a more theoretical nature, and any observations were usually done with private equipment rather than at University observatories —see this timeline).

Mark M. Phillips

He is the past director of Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory of the National Optical Astronomy Observatory and is the Associate Director and Carnegie Staff Member at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, part of the Observatories of the Carnegie Institution for Science.

Meridian circle

In the United Kingdom the transit instrument and mural circle continued till the middle of the 19th century to be the principal instrument in observatories, the first transit circle constructed there being that at Greenwich (mounted in 1850) but on the continent the transit circle superseded them from the years 1818-1819, when two circles by Johann Georg Repsold and by Reichenbach were mounted at Göttingen, and one by Reichenbach at Königsberg.

Mike Brotherton

He uses a wide assortment of telescopes/observatories operating across the electromagnetic spectrum including the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE), the Hubble Space Telescope, the Infrared Telescope Facility, and the Very Large Array, and optical telescopes including Keck, Lick, and Kitt Peak.

Monterey Institute for Research in Astronomy

MIRA maintains two observatories: the Weaver Student Observatory adjacent to the in-town offices of MIRA, and the Oliver Observing Station in the Los Padres National Forest.

Mount Woodroffe

It lost out due to its remoteness compared to Siding Spring in New South Wales, where the AAT sits today amongst other astronomical observatories.

Observatory Chronometer

The Neuchatel Observatory, Geneva Observatory, Besancon Observatory, and Kew Observatory are prominent examples of observatories that certified the accuracy of mechanical timepieces.

Rogier Windhorst

He received his Ph.D in astronomy in 1984 from the University of Leiden and did post doctorate work at Mt.Wilson and Las Campanas Observatories.

Rotating radio transient

Nevertheless, as more RRATs are detected by observatories such as Arecibo, the Green Bank Telescope, and the Parkes Observatory at which RRATs were first discovered, some of the characteristics of RRATs may become clearer.

Simon White

White is also Research Professor at the University of Arizona (1992), Guest Professor at the University of Durham (1995) Honorary Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich (1994) and at the Astronomical Observatories of Shanghai (SHAO) (1999) and Beijing (BAO) (2001).

Singapore Omni-Theatre

As one of the few observatories in the world located next to the Equator, constellations in both the northern and southern celestial hemispheres can be observed and thus opens up more vistas in the sky for observers.

Stefano Valentini

He is known for his freewares WinAstrometry (used at many Italian amateur observatories for the calculation of the astrometric positions of the asteroids from CCD images) and waEphemeris, a minor planets ephemeris.

Thomas Grubb

Later he built telescopes for observatories worldwide, including Aldershot Observatory, Melbourne, Vienna, Madrid and Mecca and others.

UK Astronomy Technology Centre

Its initial "customers" were the then new Gemini Observatory, the former ROE observatories in Hawaii (the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT)), and a former RGO observatory, the Isaac Newton Group on La Palma, Canary Islands.

Vasily Fesenkov

After graduating from the Kharkov University (1911) he entered the Sorbonne, where he defended a dissertation for the Doctor of Science degree in 1914; in between he interned at the Paris, Meudon, and Nice observatories.

Victor Clube

Clube is a professional astronomer, he has been Dean of the Astrophysics Department of Oxford University and has worked at the observatories of Edinburgh, Armagh and Cape Town.

Waimea, Hawaii County, Hawaii

Waimea is also home to the headquarters of two astronomical observatories located on Mauna Kea, the W. M. Keck Observatory and the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope.

Yevpatoria RT-70 radio telescope

6489 Golevka (the name 'Golevka' comes from the first few letters of the names of three observatories: GOL-EV-KA = GOLdstone-EVpatoria-KAshima).

see also