
unusual facts about Trotsky

Arkadi Maslow

From 1934 to 1936, Maslow worked closely with Trotsky and served as a part of the movement towards a Fourth International.

Censorship in Thailand

During the existence of the Communist Party of Thailand, books pertaining to Communism and Socialism (references to Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, or Mao Zedong) and it associated publications e.g. the Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital were banned – even to the extent of not using and/or teaching it in social sciences courses or to sociology majors.

Dewey Commission

Trotskyist historian Pierre Broué noted that Trotsky had misinformed the Commission, claiming to have had no contacts with oppositionists inside the USSR to form a bloc (one of the charges of the Moscow Trials) despite being reminded during the Commission by his secretary, Jean van Heijenoort, of the opposite being the case.

Edward Alsworth Ross

However, he served on the Dewey Commission, which cleared Trotsky of the charges made against him by the Soviet government during the Moscow Trials.

French Turn

Albert Glotzer, Trotsky: Memoir and Critique Prometheus Books, 1990.

George Novack

This body initiated the celebrated 1937 Dewey Commission that inquired into the charges made against Trotsky in the Moscow show trials, and found the Moscow trials to have been a complete frame-up.

Georgy Pyatakov

However, it later emerged that the Oslo airdrome reported that no foreign planes had arrived at the time of Pyatakov's supposed visit to Trotsky at the Hotel Bristol in Oslo.

Jack Barnes

Barnes' article Their Trotsky and Ours also underpinned the party's decisions in the 1980s to abandon its support for Leon Trotsky's theory of Permanent Revolution, and its withdrawal from the world Trotskyist movement and the reunified Fourth International.

Left Review

"there is a line at which criticism ends and destructive attacks begin, and we regret that this line separates us both from Dr. Goebbels and from Leon Trotsky.".

Making Stars

Acts include the Colorful 3 (a trio of stereotyped Black babies singing "Hi De Ho"), an Asian baby marksman, and a bouncing Russian baby named "Little Miss Trotsky."

Mark Zborowski

After Sedov's death, Trotsky initiated an investigation of Etienne and entrusted the matter to Rudolf Klement, his one-time aide and organizer of Trotsky's Fourth International.

Mauritz A. Hallgren

Others joining Hallgren in resigning from the Trotsky Defense Committee included journalists Carleton Beals and Lewis Gannett, as well as Nation magazine editor Freda Kirchwey.

Michael Puntervold

Several letters between Leon Trotsky and Michael Puntervold are stored in the Harvard Library.

Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934

A number of militant members, including several Communist Party members who had gone to the newly formed Communist League of America (Left Opposition) in the internal split following Trotsky's expulsion, became members of Local 574 in the early 1930s.

Otto Schüssler

After the Stalinists killed Trotsky in a second attempt on August 20, Schüssler remained in Mexico, took a job, and continued to be active in the Mexican section of the Fourth International under his Mexican pseudonym, "Julián Suárez."

He arrived in Coyoacán in February 1939 and started working as Trotsky's secretary and bodyguard.

Pat Wall

The strong links he established with the Asian community in his Bradford constituency had led him to promise to speak in Pakistani Kashmir and Lahore on the fiftieth anniversary of Trotsky's death, had his own health allowed.

Philosophy and Social Hope

'Trotsky and the Wild Orchids' is the most autobiographical piece and explains how he moved from Plato's philosophical framework towards Wittgenstein's and Dewey's anti-essentialism.

Prince Islands

After Leon Trotsky was deported from the Soviet Union in February 1929, his first residing place in exile was a house in Büyükada, the largest of the Princes' Islands, where Trotsky lived for four years between 1929 and 1933.

Richfield, Utah

Joseph Hansen, secretary and guard to Leon Trotsky in Mexico for the last three years before Trotsky was murdered - born in Richfield

Russian Revolution

It was these views of Martov that predominated in a manifesto drawn up by Leon Trotsky (a major Bolshevik revolutionary) at a conference in Zimmerwald, attended by thirty-five Socialist leaders in September 1915.

Scottish Labour Students

SOLS remained famous for its hostility to Trotskyism and its members were key to recovering control of the National Organisation of Labour Students, NOLS, from the Militant tendency in 1975 and the following year SOLS members took the famous "icepick express" (a bus with an icepick - the weapon used to kill Trotsky - attached to the front) to that year's NOLS conference at Lancaster University.


Also punctuating the main story are scenes depicting the arrival of Trotsky in France to seek political asylum, and his sojourn in various country houses and hotels, receiving visits from left-wing activists.

The Assassination of Trotsky

The Assassination of Trotsky is a 1972 British film directed by Joseph Losey with a screenplay by Nicholas Mosley.

Variations on the Death of Trotsky

After seven essentially comedic variations, the eighth involves Trotsky seeing Mercader out of the house in a civil manner, with Ramon—having posed as a gardener—revealing that he actually did perform some gardening on Trotsky's property and requesting that Trotsky go outside to admire his nasturtiums.

The play is divided into eight scenes or "variations", each depicting a differing final moment of Trotsky's life and making satirical allusions to soap opera conventions, The Honeymooners, and Act 5, Scene 1 from Hamlet.

Zalmond Franklin

Upon returning in the late 1930s, Zalmond is alleged to have been recruited for anti-Trotsky work and was sent on several missions to Canada on behalf of Soviet intelligence.

Zinaida Volkova

Ken McMullen, in his film Zina, suggests that the relationship between Volkova and her father Trotsky mirrors the Greek tragedy of Antigone.

see also