
unusual facts about allusion


The CCC ran a group of 21 candidates (dubbed by detractors the "Gang of 21", an allusion to the Gang of Four) standing for the Legislative Council, the NSW Upper House of Parliament .

Absalom, Absalom!

Like other Faulkner novels, Absalom, Absalom! allegorizes Southern history; the title itself is an allusion to a wayward son fighting the empire his father built.

Alberto Assa

In his weekly column El Rincón de Casandra (Cassandra’s Corner) (he adopted the pseudonym in an allusion to the priestess of the Greek Mythology), published in the El Nacional, del Caribe and El Heraldo newspapers, he defended and promoted culture and education in Barranquilla for more than 40 years.

Angelica Schuyler Church

This is an allusion to a sexually charged scene in Laurence Sterne's popular novel A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy in which "Parson Yorick" has to negotiate sleeping arrangements when obliged to share a room with an attractive Italian woman and her maid.

Baptista Mantuanus

Besides his sermon preached before Innocent VIII, Mantuan’s most notable works in prose include De patientia, a rambling discourse on physical and spiritual illness that includes an early allusion to Columbus’ discovery of America, and De vita beata, a dialogue on the religious life that he wrote soon after entering the Carmelite order.


The title was an allusion to the flour mill from Kusturica’s Black Cat, White Cat.

Bruce R. Davis

In 1988, he developed SUGAR—a circuit analysis simulation tool named in allusion to University of California Berkeley's software called SPICE.

Canberra Cavalry

Marcus Knecht was wearing 51 but fans pointed out that he should have the number 4, in allusion to the game Connect Four; and, this became his catch-cry.

Closet drama

The genre also influenced other forms of literature and theatre; the portions of Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick that are in dialogue form are at least a casual allusion to closet drama.

David Treuer

It was named for a fleet of trains operated by the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad (and by allusion the epic poem The Song of Hiawatha by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.) The novel features a Native American family who migrate to Minneapolis in the mid-twentieth century under the federally sponsored urban relocation program.

Don Pimpón

He claimed to be a friend of the Maharajah of Kapurthala, probably an allusion to the marriage of this Indian prince to Spaniard Anita Delgado.

Educating Eve: The 'Language Instinct' Debate

Sampson explains the original title of the book as a deliberate allusion to Educating Rita (1980), and uses the plot of that play to illustrate his argument.

Electra complex

In addition, the album Electra Heart, from artist Marina and the Diamonds, makes a clear allusion to the Electra complex through the name and several of the tracks on the album, all of which consist of exploration of the female sexuality.

Foros Timis Ston Greco

The title is an allusion to the man who inspired the composition, Dominikos Theotokópoulos (Δομήνικος Θεοτοκόπουλος, 1541–1614), the Cretan-born painter and sculptor better known as El Greco.

Four Seasons of Love

Pics included "Winter" in a fur with a tear on her cheek; "Spring" in a Scarlett O'Hara style hoop skirt on a swing; and "Autumn" re-enacting Marilyn Monroe's infamous scene from The Seven Year Itch with the billowing white dress over the subway grate - an allusion to her song "Love to Love You Baby", which she has been quoted as using Monroe for inspiration on her recording of it.

Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis

The ambassador notes that on the damaged ship was ‘another Friar Buil’ - this being an allusion to Bernardo Buil, the Minim missionary who had accompanied Christopher Columbus's 1493 expedition.


The chorus to the song is an allusion to the lyrics of "Mack the Knife", a song written by Berthold Brecht for his play The Threepenny Opera.

Hot Cross Bunny

The title is a play on the nursery rhyme Hot Cross Buns as well as a punny allusion to the basic plot premise.

Inscription of Abercius

The allusion to St. Paul the Apostle, which a gap in the text renders indecipherable, may originally have told how the traveller followed on his way back to his country the stages of St. Paul's third missionary journey, namely: Issus, Tarsus, Derbe, Iconium, Antioch in Pisidia and Apamea Cibotus, which would bring him into the heart of Phrygia.

Internet Oracle

(The particular word *ZOT* may be a reference to the comic strip B.C. Alternatively, it may be an allusion to Walter Karig's 1947 novel entitled Zotz!, in which a person could point at anyone or anything, say "Zotz!" and make that thing or person instantly disintegrate.

Jackie Lockhart

The Scottish media dubbed it the Stone of Destiny, a slightly over-the-top allusion to the coronation stone for medieval Scottish monarchs, and it now sits proudly as an exhibit in a sports museum.


An allusion is made to Lothario in William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! when referring to Charles Bon, the proclaimed ladies-man and woman-seducer who is about to marry a woman while already being married.

Lunaria annua

In Denmark it is known as judaspenge and in Dutch-speaking countries as judaspenning (coins of Judas), an allusion to the story of Judas Iscariot and the thirty pieces of silver he was paid for betraying Christ.

Metalasia muricata

The name of the genus Metalasia is derived from 'meta' which can have many meanings, but in this case is intended as 'reverse', and 'lasios' meaning 'woolly', an allusion to the woolly reverse sides of the leaves; 'muricata' means warty with short, sharp points like the shell of the Murex.


In 1983, the then U.S. Vice President George H. W. Bush visited and exclaimed, "Ich bin ein Mödlareuther!", an allusion to John F. Kennedy's "Ich bin ein Berliner" statement.

Night of the Murdered Poets

Nathan Englander, whose story The Twenty-seventh Man is an allusion to this event

Of Angels and Angles

Its title is likely an allusion to the phrase Non Angli, sed Angeli. ("Not Angles, but Angels.") In legend, this was a Latin pun allegedly said by Pope Gregory I after a response to his query regarding the identity of a group of fair-haired Anglian children whom he had observed in the marketplace.

Reno Bighorns

The team colors of green, tan, and blue are designed to be an allusion to nearby Lake Tahoe.


In fact, S. salmacis was named for Salmacis of Ovid's tale; this is an allusion to the slight difference between males and females when compared to other Scleromystax.

Smeg Virus Construction Kit

Messages within the two viruses Pile created with it, SMEG.Pathogen and SMEG.Queeg, suggest that it is also an allusion to the word smeg, used as a profanity by characters in the British TV series Red Dwarf.


Some have suggested that the use of water is an allusion to the baptism of Mieszko I, the Duke of Polans (c. 935–992) in 966 AD, uniting all of Poland under the banner of Christianity.

Strawberry Marshmallow

The series is speckled with many small, music-related allusions, such as Ana's dog Frusciante being named after John Frusciante of the Red Hot Chili Peppers, while episode eight of the anime sees two goldfish called Richard and James.

Sub Arturo plebs

The first words of the text refer to a ruler under the legendary name of "Arturus" (i.e. Arthur), apparently an allusion to king Edward III (reigned 1327 – 1377), who liked to see his role as the founder of the Order of the Garter likened to that of the legendary Arthur.

Surrey Chapel

Today, on the site of the Surrey Chapel is a modern office block named Palestra(an allusion to the site's twentieth century sporting history).

The Act of Roger Murgatroyd

There are many more references to prominent crime writers and their works, including, tongue-in-cheek, an anachronistic allusion to critic Edmund Wilson's 1945 essay, "Who Cares Who Killed Roger Ackroyd?".

The Ballad of Little Joe

As the story begins we are introduced to the brothers (Jean Claude & Phillipe and their brothers) and Little Joe (Larry) (an obvious allusion to "Little Joe" Cartwright) who all live at the "Okie-Dokie Corral" (an obvious parody of the O.K. Corral).

The Best Burger in New York

This is allusion to Johnny Carson's skit "The Great Carnak" on The Tonight Show.

The Bonnie House of Airlie

Given the numerous references to “Chairlie” and the allusion to “Locheil”, the song has inevitably taken on additional layers of meaning, being understood to refer to Charles Edward Stuart and the 1745 rebellion long after the events at Airlie.

The Courts of Chaos

The allusions grow deep here however; the line in Lolita is itself an allusion to Bizet's Carmen as well as Mérimée's novella upon which it is based.

The End Has No End

The music video for the song contains several allusions to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and features actresses Mila Kunis and Eva Mendes as well as The Strokes' manager Ryan Gentles in the lead role.

The File on H.

The expedition of the two scholars is an obvious allusion to the research of Milman Parry and Albert Lord in Bosnia, whose effect was to make the oral epic tradition in Serbo-Croatian far better known, at least in Western scholarship, than it had been before.

The Miserable Mill

Her building is designed to resemble a great eye, which is a likely allusion to the famous figure from Orwell's book Nineteen Eighty-Four, Big Brother, who is proverbially "watching" at all times; some editions of 1984 feature one or more eyeballs on the cover.

The Well of the Unicorn

He too compared it to the works of Cabell and Eddison, as well as Lord Dunsany, "to whom, indeed, it is somewhat indebted" (an allusion to Pratt's acknowledged adoption of the setting of Dunsany's play King Argimenes and the Unknown Warrior).

Thirty Cases of Major Zeman

ep 29(1972) Mimikry (Mimicry) - episode about plane hijack, with allusion to the music band Plastic People and young long-haired sympathizers of rock music called máničky.


Vartox bears a striking resemblance to Scottish actor Sean Connery and his name and appearance are regarded as an allusion to the movie Zardoz in which Connery starred.

Your Favorite Weapon

A line in "The Shower Scene" (which itself is a reference to Alfred Hitchcock's film Psycho) which reads "It's time for you to choose / The bullet or the chapstick" is an allusion to a speech by Malcolm X entitled "The Ballot or the Bullet".


The title of the work, "Zuginsfeld", is an allusion to Springinsfeld, the antihero from Grimmelshausen's work Der seltsame Springinsfeld.

see also