
unusual facts about Tunis–Carthage International Airport

Tunis–Carthage International Airport

The history of the airport dates back to 1920 when the first seaplane base in Tunisia was built on the Lake of Tunis for the seaplanes of Compagnie Aéronavale.

449th Air Expeditionary Group

From Tunis they flew to their forward operating base at Grottaglie Airfield near Taranto, Italy.

Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Othman

In a campaign in early 1347, Abu al-Hassan's Moroccan army swept through Ifriqiya and entered Tunis in September, 1347.

Ahmad II of Tunis

On 14 January 1928 he became the Bey al-Mahalla (crown prince) of Tunis, and thus the lieutenant-general of the Beylical Army, and became bey upon the death of his cousin Muhammad VI al-Habib.

Alfonso d'Avalos

In July 1535 he was part of the naval troops reconquering the city of Tunis in North Africa.

Amor Ben Salem

Alif, Tunis, 1990 ISBN 9-9737-1648-5
—Arabic translation works La Méditerranée. L'espace et l'histoire et La Méditerranée. Les hommes et l'héritage, both under the direction of Fernand Braudel

Andrej Prean Nagy

Nagy had three stints as coach for Club Africain, Tunis in 1969–71, 1977–81, and 1984–85.

Arabesk trilogy

Frequent flashbacks tell the story of Sally Welham, Raf's mother, from New York to Tunis via Thailand as she sets out to get what she wants.

Arnold Book of Old Songs

He had been taken prisoner-of-war by German forces in Tunis in North Africa.

Aydın Reis

He participated in the conquest Tunis in 1534 (to be lost to Spain the next year.) He died in Bone (modern Annaba, Algeria in 1535) from natural causes.

Battle of Kasserine Pass

Rommel had planned for this eventuality, switching his line of supply to Tunis and intending to block the southern approach to Tunisia from Tripoli by occupying an extensive set of defensive works known as the Mareth Line, which the French had constructed in order to fend off an Italian attack from Libya.

Battle of the Cigno Convoy

Their aim was to isolate and defeat the bulk of the German Afrika Corps and the Regio Esercito (Italian Royal Army) in Tunis by strangling their supply lines.

Cathedral of St. Vincent de Paul

It is situated in the Place de l'Indépendence in the Ville Nouvelle, a crossroads between Avenue Habib Bourguiba and Avenue de France, opposite the French embassy.

Christianity in the 13th century

However, the crusade was diverted to Tunis, where Louis spent only two months before dying.

Cornelius Haga

Haga laid the foundations of diplomatic relations and he erected numerous consular posts at the most important ports and trade-centra in the Ottoman Empire; Patras, Thessaloniki, Athene, Gallipoli, Izmir, Aleppo, Sido, Dairo, Tunis and Algiers.


These include: the flags of the kings of Damascus and Lucha (yellow with a white crescent); Cairo (white with a blue crescent); Mahdia in Tunisia (white with a purple crescent); Tunis (white with a black crescent); and Buda (white with a red crescent).

Die Tunisreise

The former was done by Paul Klee, whose work was considerably influenced by his journey to Tunis, Tunisia, in 1914.

Digital solidarity fund

The Digital solidarity fund (DSF) was established following talks which took place during the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis in 2005.

François Baron de Tott

He travelled across the Ottoman Empire, visiting coastal cities around the Mediterranean Sea, mainly Alexandria, Aleppo, Smyrna, Salonika and Tunis.

Hafsid dynasty

After the split of the Hafsids from the Almohads under Abu Zakariya (1229–1249), Abu Zakariya organised the administration in Ifriqiya (the Roman province of Africa in modern Maghreb; today's Tunisia, eastern Algeria and western Libya) and built Tunis up as the economic and cultural centre of the empire.

Henry VI, Count of Luxembourg

His father took part in Saint Louis's crusade against Tunis and he continued this war, being killed alongside three of his brothers at the Battle of Worringen by a knight of John I, Duke of Brabant.

International Association of Students in Agricultural and Related Sciences

Students in the field of agriculture decided to come together and create a new international student platform by establishing IAAS more than half a century ago 1957 in Tunis, the same year when the Treaty of Rome has been signed to establish the European Community.

Internet governance

Since no general agreement existed even on the definition of what comprised Internet governance, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan initiated a Working Group on Internet Governance (WGIG) to clarify the issues and report before the second part of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis 2005.

Jean de Thévenot

In January 1659 he sailed from Alexandria in an English ship, visiting Goletta and Tunis (Tunisia) on the way, and, after a sharp engagement with Spanish corsairs, one of which fell a prize to the English merchantman, reached Leghorn (Italy) on 12 April.

Joseph ha-Kohen

One of his chief concerns was also the release of the many Jewish captives taken by the vessels of the Italian republics and by the Corsairs; as in 1532, when Andrea Doria captured many Jews on taking Coron, Patras, and Zante; in 1535, when the emperor Charles V took Tunis; in 1542, when the galleys of Cegala Visconti had imprisoned a number of Jews.

Khurasanid dynasty

The Khurasanid dynasty was founded by Abd al-Haqq ibn Abd al-Aziz ibn Khurasan, who was appointed as governor of Tunis by the Hammadids, after they were solicited by its inhabitants who complained about the Zirid sultan Al-Mu'izz ibn Badis, who didn't protect them from Hilalian attacks.

La Marsa

Taïeb Mhiri School, Taib Mhiri, is a Secondary school in La Marsa district, Tunis.

M'hamed Djellouli

In April 1887, he received a palace in Tunis Médina on the rue du Riche (named in honor of his grandfather Mahmoud Djellouli) from Jules Ferry during his visit.

Mateur Airfield

Mateur Airfield is an abandoned World War II military airfield in Tunisia, located approximately 4 km north-northwest of Mateur, 52 km northwest of Tunis.

Matteo Manuguerra

Manuguerra was born in Tunis, Tunisia, to Italian parents, who later moved to Argentina.

Nafta, Tunisia

Nefta lies on GP 3 (Gafsa-Nefta), 25 km/16 mi southwest of Tozeur (airport; regular services to and from Tunis, Monastir, and Djerba) and 113 km/70 mi southwest of Gafsa.

Omar Agha

The Congress of Vienna, which addressed the problem of Christian slaves from Barbary piracy, charged the United Kingdom to negotiate with the Dey of Algiers and the Beys of Tunis and Tripoli.

Paola Pezzaglia

At the age of 4 she already enchanted her public in theatre, and she grew up as a popular actress, with the interpretation of more than 120 theatrical pieces in Italy, Swiss, Tunis and Egypt.

Pascal Lissouba

He gained his education at the Lycee Felix Faure in Nice (1948–52), the École Supérieure d'Agriculture in Tunis and the University of Paris (1958–61).

Pedro Navarro, Count of Oliveto

Navarro personally led the Spanish forces during the conquest of Bougie (Béjaïa), Algiers, Tunis, Tlemcen, and Tripoli in 1510.

Puerto Rican recipients of the Distinguished Service Cross

Private First Class Joseph (José) R. Martínez born in San Germán, Puerto Rico destroyed a German Infantry unit and tank in Tunis by providing heavy artillery fire, saving his platoon from being attacked in the process.

Pyotr Chikhachyov

In early 1878, at the age of 71, he visited Algeria and Tunis, and in 1880 he published a description of his travel under the title Espagne, Algérie et Tunisie.

Quatre études de rythme

The four movements were premiered on 6 November 1950 in Tunis (at that time under the French protectorate of Tunisia) by the composer himself, who shortly afterward made the first recording of the second and third études.

Rudolf Franz Lehnert

With Ernst Heinrich Landrock, he based a photographic company in, successively, Tunis, Munich, Leipzig and Cairo, publishing the works as by "Lehnert & Landrock".

Serafino Romualdi

He was a member of the Joint AFL-CIO Commission that investigated labor conditions in the Central Zone in January 1949, and was a member of the US delegation to the conventions of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) held in Milan, in 1951; Vienna in (1955) and Tunis in 1957.

Taïeb Mhiri

The sports stadium, Stade Taïeb Mhiri in Sfax, is named for him, as well as the street, Avenue Taieb Mhiri, in Tunis.

Tamim ibn Muizz

Even on the coast the Zirids were not unchallenged - Tunis was lost to the Banu Hurasan (1063–1128).

Thomas Martin Easterly

Born in Guilford, Vermont, he was the second of five children born to Tunis Easterly and Philomena Richardson.

Treaty of Küçük Kaynarca

Article XII-The Sublime Porte promises to use its power and influence to assist the Court of Russia when the court has the intention of making any commercial treaty with the regencies of Africa (Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, etc.).

Tunis Craven

The English poet Henry Newbolt immortalized Commander Tunis' sacrifice in Craven

Wilhelm Junker

After a series of short journeys to Iceland (1869), Western Africa (1873), Tunis (1874) and Lower Egypt (1875), he remained almost continuously in eastern Equatorial Africa from 1875 to 1886, making first Khartoum and afterwards Lado the base of his expeditions.

William Steger

He flew fifty-six combat missions piloting British Spitfire aircraft in the Tunisian, Sicilian, and Italian campaigns.

Zymen Danseker

Danseker and the English pirate John Ward were the two most prominent renegades operating in the Barbary coast during the early 17th century, both of whom were said to command squadrons in Algiers and Tunis equal to their European counterparts, and represented a formidable naval power as allies (much like Aruj and Hayreddin Barbarossa the previous century).

see also