
unusual facts about Upper House

Upper house

The German Bundesrat is composed of members of the cabinets of the German states, in most cases the state premier and several ministers; they are delegated and can be recalled anytime.

Ahmed Uthman

He was the first Mutasarrif (governor) of Erbil in the first Iraqi government (1921-1927), the Mutasarrif of Sulaymaniyah (1927-1929), member of the Iraqi House of Notables or Senate "Majlis al-Ayan" (1929-1937), and Member of the House of Deputies "Majlis al-Nuwaab" representing Erbil (1937-1946).

Ahmed Wali Karzai

Before the 2009 Afghan presidential election, Wali Karzai and Sher Mohammad Akhundzada, former governor of the Helmand Province and a member of the Upper House of the Afghan parliament, were accused of vote rigging.

Carl Theodor Zahle

He won the seat and kept it in subsequent elections until 1928 where he was elected to the upper house of parliament.

Elect the Lords

Elect The Lords is a campaign established in September 2004 by the New Politics Network - a successor group to the Democratic Left - and Charter88 calling for the United Kingdom House of Lords to be replaced by a predominantly elected upper house.

Japan Post

The bill was subsequently defeated in the upper house (which cannot be dissolved) because of scores of defections from the ruling coalition.

National Party of Western Australia

In the upper house, the party won five seats with the members being Mia Davies, Philip Gardiner and Max Trenorden (Agricultural Region), Colin Holt (South West Region) and Wendy Duncan (Mining and Pastoral Region).

New Country Party

Two Western Australian state upper house MPs elected on One Nation tickets, Paddy Embry and Frank Hough, joined the party and were its only serving MPs until their defeat in the Western Australian state election in 2005.

New Zealand Legislative Council

To assist its passage into law, Holland appointed twenty members known as the "suicide squad", to vote for abolition, just as the Australian state of Queensland had done to abolish its upper house in 1922.

Oregon State Senate

Oregon, along with Arizona, Maine, and Wyoming, is one of the four U.S. states to have abolished the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, a position which for most upper houses of state legislatures and indeed for the U.S. Congress (with the Vice President) is the head of the legislative body and holder of the casting vote in the event of a tie.

Ramón Muñoz Gutiérrez

Ramón Muñóz Gutiérrez (born 1960 in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco) is a Mexican right-wing politician affiliated to the National Action Party (PAN) who currently serves in the upper house of the Mexican Congress.

Senate of Bermuda

In 1888, the Privy Council was split into an Executive Council, which later became the Cabinet, and a Legislative Council, which became the upper house of Parliament, akin to the House of Lords, in the United Kingdom, although its members were appointed, rather than being hereditary peers.


Since then the château has continued to welcome the parlement when called upon to sit in a congressional sitting, jointly with the upper house in order to enact constitutional changes or, as happened most recently in June 2009, to listen to a formal declaration by the president.

see also


The CCC ran a group of 21 candidates (dubbed by detractors the "Gang of 21", an allusion to the Gang of Four) standing for the Legislative Council, the NSW Upper House of Parliament .

Arthur Ohnimus

In 1958, Ohnimus authored the book, "The Legislature of California." Ohnimus's years of Capitol service closely mirrored that of his colleague, Joseph Beek, who served as Secretary of the upper house from 1913 to 1968.

Bill Tilley

He was elected at the 2006 Victorian state election, beating Labor candidate and Wodonga mayor Lisa Mahood and former Nationals Upper House member Bill Baxter.

Brij Bhushan Tiwari

Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari (died April 25, 2012) was a politician of the Samajwadi Party who was a Member of the Parliament of India representing Uttar Pradesh in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian Parliament.

Council of States

Rajya Sabha, also known as the Council of States, the upper house of the Parliament of India

Count Johann Bernhard von Rechberg und Rothenlöwen

Born at Regensburg the second son of the Bavarian statesman Count Aloys von Rechberg und Rothenlöwen (1766–1849), Johann Bernhard was destined for the Bavarian public service, his elder brother being a hereditary member of the Upper House in the parliament of Württemberg.

David Renton, Baron Renton

According to The Washington Post in 2005, Renton maintained that "the genius of the upper house is that it includes world-renowned experts in law, science and the arts who would never run for election", and that "Democracy has its limitations." His memoirs, The Spice of Life, were published in 2006.

Elections in Idaho

Idaho Senate: The Idaho Senate is the upper house of the state legislature.

Federal City

Since April 28, 1994, it is the second official residence of the President of Germany, the Chancellor of Germany, the Bundesrat (upper house), the first official residence of six federal ministries and approximately 20 federal authorities.

Friedrich von Hollmann

On 22 April 1890, Hollmann became a member of the Federal Council (Bundesrat, upper house of the Parliament) and State Secretary of the German Imperial Naval Office (Reichsmarineamt) in the cabinet of Chancellor Leo von Caprivi, following the resignation of Karl Eduard Heusner.

George Miller, Jr.

Brown's campaign manager and political strategist, Don Bradley, was an old and close friend of Miller, whom he called "the best politician I ever ran into", and they worked closely together to "engineer" the election of more liberal Democrats to the State Senate; their unsung efforts "changed the ideological complexion" of the conservative upper house, and thus "made possible the enactment of much of the Democratic legislation" of the Brown years.

Hamid Dalwai

Dalwai's brother Husain Dalwai is a Congress leader in Maharashtra, He is currently a member of Parliament upper house - Rajya Sabha.

Henry Vassall-Fox, 3rd Baron Holland

According to the 1911 edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica he for a while "almost ... constituted the Whig party in the upper house."

Hungarian Parliament Building

One of the famous parts of the building is the hexadecagonal (sixteen-sided) central hall, with huge chambers adjoining it: the Lower House and the Upper House.

In the Wet

The graduates of the National University of Ireland and of Trinity College are still represented in the upper house of Ireland's parliament.

Iran Constituent Assembly, 1949

He also increased his pressure for the formation of the Senate of Iran, an upper house of parliament that had been written into the constitution in 1906 but never formed.

Irish Countrywomen's Association

Two of its former presidents, Kit Ahern and Peggy Farrell, were nominated by the Taoiseach to serve in Seanad Éireann, the upper house of the Oireachtas (the Irish parliament).


Presently its editor is Binoy Viswam, Ex Minister, succeeding M. P. Achuthan who is a Member of the Rajya Sabha, upper house of Indian Parliament.

John Heydon Stokes

He was also a firm defender of the hereditary principle in the Upper House and wrote the foreword to a Monday Club booklet by Lord Sudeley entitled The Preservation of the House of Lords.

Kapila Vatsyayan

She was nominated as a member of the Upper house of Parliament of India, the Rajya Sabha in 2006, though subsequently in March 2006, she resigned following the office of profit controversy.

Kumaramangalam estate

His son, Mohan Kumaramangalam, daughter Parvathi Krishnan and grandson Rangarajan Kumaramangalam have all served as members of the upper house of the Indian Parliament the Lok Sabha.

Leanna Brown

She won the primary in what the Philadelphia Daily News described as a "stunning upset" and was elected to the State Senate, becoming the first woman from the Republican Party to serve in the upper house of the State Legislature.

Left and Democrats

LiD did not manage to elect any of its members to the upper house Senate.

Legislative council

India: The Vidhan Parishad (or Legislative Council) in seven of the twenty-eight Indian states (Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh), the Vidhan Parishad serves as the upper house of a bicameral legislature

Leonid Lebedev

In 2002 he was elected to the Federation Council (Russia), Russia’s Upper House of Parliament, representing the Republic of Chuvashia.

Lok Sabha TV

The channel broadcasts live and recorded coverage of the Lok Sabha (lower house of Parliament) while Rajya Sabha TV covers the sessions of the Rajya Sabha (upper house of Parliament).

Lupao, Nueva Ecija

The Second Philippine Commission (the Taft Commission) acting as the upper house of a bicameral legislature then issued Act No.82 in 1901, “The 1901 municipal code” provided for popularly elected presidents (mayor), vice presidents (vice-mayor), and councillors to serve on municipal boards.

North Rhine-Westphalia state election, 2005

For much of 2004, there had been speculation that if the opposition Christian Democratic Union were to win this election, they would gain a two-thirds majority in the national upper house, the Bundesrat, and force a new election for the Bundestag by making the country ungovernable for Gerhard Schröder's coalition.

Obafemi Anibaba

In November 2009, the Senate ad hoc committee on transport led by Heineken Lokpobiri, submitted a report to the upper house that revealed "alleged serial malpractices" in road contracting over a ten-year period, and recommended that former ministers of works Anthony Anenih, Adeseye Ogunlewe, Obafemi Anibaba, Cornelius Adebayo and others be prosecuted for corruption.

Philip Lee

Captain Philip Lee, Sr. (1681–1744), Naval officer of North Potomac, Justice, Sheriff, member of Upper House, and King's Council

Philippine Legislature

The two houses would share legislative powers, although the upper house alone would pass laws relating to the Moros and other non-Christian peoples.

Politics of Tokyo

After the 2010 and 2013 Councillors elections, Tokyo is represented in the upper house by three Liberal Democrats, two Democrats, two Kōmeitō members, one Communist, one member of Your Party and one independent.

Rajeev Gowda

He was also a prominent politician elected twice from the Mulbagal assembly constituency and member of the upper house of the assembly for two terms.

Richard le Scrope, 1st Baron Scrope of Bolton

He was a knight of the shire for Yorkshire in the parliament of 1364, and was summoned to the upper house as a baron by writ in 1371, when he was made Lord High Treasurer and Keeper of the Great Seal.

Roger Ormond

He served on the Royal council of North Carolina, in the Lower House and Upper House representing Bath, North Carolina.

Submission of the Clergy

The Upper House of the Convocation voted on the articles with John Longland, the Bishop of Lincoln, Dr. Henry Standish, the Bishop of St. Asaph and John Stokesley, the Bishop of London speaking in favour of the articles but with some reservation.

Zichy family

Count Géza Zichy (born 1849), nephew of the Count Ferenc mentioned above, studied under Franz Liszt and became a professional pianist; in 1891 he became intendant of the Hungarian national opera-house, a member of the Hungarian Upper House and head of the Conservatoire at Budapest.