
unusual facts about ancient


The Acirvati was an ancient river flowing through what is now Nepal and the northern portion of Uttar Pradesh.

All Saints Church, Patcham

The commissioners produced a book, The Book of All The Auncient Ancient Customs heretofore used amonge the fishermen of the Toune of Brighthelmston, whose orders were enshrined in law.

Anne Claude de Caylus

He caused engravings to be made, at his own expense, of Bartoli's copies from ancient pictures and published Nouveaux sujets de peinture et de sculpture (1755) and Tableaux tirés de l'Iliade, de l'Odyssée, et de l'Enéide (1757).

Astra Zarina

In the late 1960s, Zarina, and second husband Anthony Costa Heywood, also an architect, began working on the restoration of the ancient Italian hilltown of Civita di Bagnoregio, located 60 miles north of Rome.


Bloodletting is one of the oldest medical techniques, having been practiced among ancient peoples including the Mesopotamians, the Egyptians, and the Greeks.

Bungo Yoshida

Concerned by falling audience numbers and a lack of young people taking up bunraku, Yoshida combined the ancient art form with his love of rock music, which he combined for a 1980 adaptation of The Love Suicides at Sonezaki (Sonezaki Shinjū) with the music written and performed by Japanese rock musician Ryudo Uzaki, and occasionally with a live orchestra.


The ancient Roman road between Alchester and Towcester, now the A4421, forms the eastern boundary of the parish.


The Monte dei Santi di Dio by Antonio Bettini is the most ancient book bearing chalcographies, printed in Florence on September 10, 1477 from Nicolo di Lorenzo Tedesco.

Church of St Lawrence, Rode

It is an ancient custom that is traditionally held on Easter Monday or Shrove Tuesday in the United Kingdom.

Clunia, Austria

Clunia is the name of an ancient Roman city that is situated in Feldkirch (Vorarlberg, Austria) and indicated on the Tabula Peutingeriana.


Notable Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass recently disclosed that ancient Egyptian mummification practices from the third to fifth dynasties utilized a chemical compound molecularly similar to cosmoline.


This type of decemvirate (also called the decemviri litibus iudicandis and translated as "the ten men who judge lawsuits") was a civil court of ancient origin (traditionally attributed to King Servius Tullius) mainly concerned with questions bearing on the status of individuals.


This story was recorded by the ancient historians Diodorus Siculus and Quintus Curtius Rufus, in "Library of History" and "The History of Alexander", respectively.

Flag of Uzbekistan

The 12 stars depicted on the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan are also directly connected with Uzbek historical traditions, with the ancient calendar-cycle of the sun.

Girdle of Thomas

There were a number of supposed original girdle relics across the ancient Christian world, partly conflated with "tertiary" relics of belts that had touched the supposed genuine belt - Elizabeth of York, queen of Henry VII of England, bought one of these from a friar to help her pregnancy, and there was an "original" at Westminster Abbey in London.

Gojōme, Akita

The area of present-day Gojōme was part of ancient Dewa Province, dominated by the Satake clan during the Edo period, who ruled Kubota Domain under the Tokugawa shogunate.

Great Cities of the Ancient World

The work is a study of the ethnology, history, geography, and everyday life in such famous ancient capital cities as Thebes, Jerusalem, Nineveh, Tyre, Babylon, Memphis, Athens, Syracuse, Alexandria, Anuradhapura, Rome, Pataliputra, and Constantinople.

Jemdet Nasr

The site was first excavated in 1926 by Stephen Langdon, who found proto-cuneiform clay tablets in a large mudbrick building thought to be the ancient administrative centre of the site.


The former name is apparently free from Iranian or Paisaci influence since Maharashtra location was far removed from the north-west division of ancient India.

Largo, Sofia

The lawn and the flags in the centre are to be substituted by a glass lid on the floor, so that the ruins of the ancient Thracian and Roman city of Serdica can be exposed in an impressive way, thus becoming a tourist attraction.


Lempa, Cyprus, village near Paphos District capital on island's southwestern coast; sometimes written as Lemba; located on top of escarpment overlooking Mediterranean Sea in one of Cyprus' most fertile as well as ancient regions; settled in Chalcolithic Period (c. 3800–2500 BC); since 1976 has been site of ongoing archaeological excavations

Leon Golub

While in Italy, both Golub and Spero were profoundly influenced by the figurative works of Etruscan and Roman art, whose narratives addressed ancient themes of power and violence.

Louis C. Midgley

Other topics Midgley has studied included the abandonment of a belief in the Book of Mormon as an ancient document by members of the Community of Christ.


Belsinon is an ancient Celtiberian archeological site located in the Cerro del Convento hillock, formerly known as Mania or Manlia, near Mallén.

Mark S. Smith

He also began to explore the representation of deities and divinity in the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East from the Bronze Age to the Greco-Roman period.

Megasthenes' Herakles

As was common in the ancient period, the Greeks sometimes described foreign gods in terms of their own divinities, and there is a little doubt that the Sourasenoi refers to the Shurasenas, a branch of the Yadu dynasty to which Krishna belonged; Herakles to Krishna, or Hari-Krishna: Mehtora to Mathura, where Krishna was born; Kleisobora to Krishnapura, meaning "the city of Krishna"; and the Jobares to the Yamuna, the famous river in the Krishna story.

Meron, Israel

The association of Meron with the ancient Canaanite city of Merom or Maroma is generally accepted, though the absence of hard archaeological evidence means other sites a little further north, such as Marun as-Ras or Jebel Marun, have also been considered.

Miriam Lichtheim

In 1973 she published the first volume of the Ancient Egyptian Literature (abbr. AEL), annotated translations of Old and Middle Kingdom texts.

Mirza Hadi Baig

He settled in Punjab near Beas and established a state of 80 villages one of which he named as Islampur which was the ancient name of Qadian.


In ancient times, Misenum was the largest base of the Roman navy, since its port (Portus Julius) was the base of the Classis Misenensis, the most important Roman fleet.

Narym River

Modern descendents of the ancient Alats are Alats in the Altai, and Khalaches and Khalajes in the northern India and eastern section of the Iranian plateau.


We first encounter him on Earth, old and forgotten, living in reduced circumstances on a canal-boat in the ancient (but fictitious) city of Rollingshaven: apparently a Vanceian conflation of Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg.


Oppidum, a Latin word meaning the main settlement in any administrative area of ancient Rome


:He continues by discussing his own preoccupation with Emperor Nero and his love for the period of Ancient Roman history as works on his own opera, Nerone


Pigres of Halicarnassus first ancient Greek poet, who introduced the iambic trimeter.

Pools of Darkness

The party's objective is to defeat Bane's lieutenants Thorne (an ancient red dragon), Kalistes (a Tanar'ri Marilith), and Tanetal (a Tanar'ri Glabrezu) and acquire the items they possess.


Another counter-argument is the fact that ancient Anatolia is known to have been inhabited by non-Indo-European people, namely the Hattians, Khalib/Karub, and Khaldi/Kardi; though this does not preclude the possibility that the earliest Indo-European speakers may have been there too.


Querolus (‘The Complainer’) or Aulularia (‘The Pot’) is an anonymous Latin comedy from late antiquity, the only Latin drama to survive from this period and the only ancient Latin comedy outside the works of Plautus and Terence.

Salting the earth

Later accounts of other saltings in the destructions of medieval Italian cities are now rejected as unhistorical: Padua by Attila (452)--perhaps in a parallel between Attila and the ancient Assyrians; Milan by Frederick Barbarossa (1162); and Semifonte by the Florentines (1202).

San Benedetto dei Marsi

The ancient Marruvium was the chief city of the Italic tribe of the Marsi; Marruvii or Marrubii is another form of the name of the Marsi, and was used by Virgil as an ethnic appellation ("Marruvia de gente", Aen. vii. 750).

Susila Budhi Dharma

Although the author described himself as a conventional Muslim, the book's name chimes with ancient Indian wisdom.

Takahata, Yamagata

The area of present-day Takahata was part of ancient Dewa Province.


In the fictional universe of Warhammer Fantasy, Tilea is the region of the warhammer world roughly analogous with that of renaissance Italy and Polis, an ancient Greek city-states.


The ancient city was built after the destruction of the nearby cities by Xerxes' Persian army in 480 BC.

Usui Pass

The pass on the ancient Tōsandō highway was described as early as the 8th century, in the Nihon Shoki, as Yamato Takeru went through the pass during his journey in eastern Japan.


Uxul is an ancient Mayan settlement in the Campeche region of Mexico.

Via Flaminia

It went on, followed at first by the modern road to Casuentum (San Gemini) which passes over two finely preserved ancient bridges, through Carsulae to Mevania (Bevagna), and thence to Forum Flaminii (S. Giovanni Profiamma).


In Graham Robb's book "The Ancient Paths" there is a suggestion that Welwyn lay on a late-Celtic highway running in the direction of the summer solstice angle straight from Bury St Edmunds to Salisbury via the Catuvellauni headquarters outside modern-day St Albans.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game

Due to the inspirations for some of the cards, such as ancient mythology and Japanese folklore, the card game was a potential target for religious advocacy groups.


In the Orkneyinga saga (13th century), Þorri is an early Norwegian king, the son of Snær ('Snow') the Old, a descendant of Fornjót, an ancient king of Finland, Kvenland and Gotland.

see also