
unusual facts about Viceroy of Naples

Juan Alonso Pimentel de Herrera, 5th Duke of Benavente

Juan Alonso Pimentel de Herrera (died Benavente, Spain on 7 January 1621) was a Knight of the Order of Santiago, Grandee of Spain, 5th Duke of Benavente at the death without issue of the 4th Duke, as he was the second son of the 3rd Duke, 8th Count of Mayorga, 3rd Count of Villalón, President of the Council of Italy, 15th Viceroy of Valencia, 25th Viceroy of Naples.

Manuel de Acevedo y Zúñiga

He married Eleonora de Guzmán y Pimentel, daughter of Enrique de Guzman y Ribera, (1540–1607), Viceroy of Naples, 1595–1599, while his own sister, Inés de Acevedo y Zúñiga had married Elenora's brother, Gaspar de Guzmán y Pimentel, (Roma, Italy, 1587 – Toro, Spain, 1645), the virtual Spanish Prime Minister, 1621 - 1643.

Pedro Henriquez de Acevedo, Count of Fuentes

As he and his wife died childless, the title passed to one of her relatives, Manuel de Acevedo y Zúñiga, 6th Count of Monterrey, Ourense, Spain, Grandee of Spain by king Philip IV of Spain on 11 July 1628, Viceroy of Naples, 1631–1637.

see also

Gilbert, Count of Montpensier

He was made the Viceroy of Naples in 1495 by king Charles VIII of France after the conquest, losing it that same year to an allied Neapolitan/Spanish army commanded by Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba.

Guillén de Castro y Bellvis

At one time a captain of the coastguard, at another the protégé of Benavente, viceroy of Naples, who appointed him governor of Scigliano, patronized by Pedro Téllez-Girón, 3rd Duke of Osuna and Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares, Castro was nominated a knight of the order of Santiago in 1623.