
3 unusual facts about Vittoria


Battle of Vitoria, an 1813 battle in Spain during the Napoleonic Wars

Vittoria Coffee, Australia's largest coffee company, founded in 1947

F.C. Vittoria, a Serie C association football club from Vittoria, Italy

Carlo Odescalchi

After becoming acquainted with Joseph Pignatelli and following Pope Pius VII's restoration of the Society of Jesus, he planned on entering the Society but failed due to the resistance of his sister Vittoria, who desperately sought to live near her brother.

Federico Brandani

For Guidobaldo's wedding with Vittoria Farnese in 1548 Brandani was one of the team that embellished the Palazzo Ducale in Pesaro, where he collaborated with Taddeo Zuccari and Ludovico Carracci.

Giacinto Morera

He was born in Novara on 18 July 1856, the son of Giacomo Morera and Vittoria Unico.

Giuseppe Sciuti

In his La Vittoria d'Intera, he depicts the moment in which the Sicilian army has begins to defeat Hamilcar Barca's Carthaginian army.

Isabella Gonzaga

She was the daughter of Alfonso Gonzaga, Count of Novellara, and Vittoria Capua.

Joseph Vittoria

Joseph V. Vittoria (born 1935) was the Chairman and CEO of Avis.

Léon Letort

On this trip he broke the record for the greatest distance travelled non-stop (about 590 miles in 8 hours), exceeding the record set by Eugene Gilbert on 24 April 1913 from Villacoublay to Vittoria, Spain (513 miles in eight hours).

Lucera Cathedral

The dedication, to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, refers to a small gilded wooden statue of the Virgin of the late 14th century, which has the nickname Madonna della vittoria ("Madonna of Victory"), because it is said to commemorate the victory of the Anjou dynasty over the Hohenstaufen in Southern Italy.

Ludwig Tieck

More ambitious and on a wider canvas are the historical or semi-historical novels, Dichterleben (1826), Der Aufruhr in den Cevennen (1826, unfinished), Der Tod des Dichters (1834); Der junge Tischlermeister (1836; but begun in 1811) is an excellent story written under the influence of Goethe's Wilhelm Meister; Vittoria Accorombona (1840), the story of Vittoria Accoramboni written in the style of the French Romanticists, shows a falling-off.

Tieck's biggest influence was a 16th-century Italian poet named Torquato Tasso, who is featured in Tieck's novel, Vittoria Accorombona, as a secondary character.

Princess Anne of Orléans

Margherita Isabella Maria Vittoria Emanuela Elena Gennara (born April 7 1930 at Capodimonte Palace).

Renato Rascel

He also had a leading role in The Secret of Santa Vittoria with Anthony Quinn and Anna Magnani, Seven Hills of Rome with Mario Lanza, Questi fantasmi with Eduardo De Filippo and Figaro qua Figaro là with Totò.

The White Devil

The Royal Shakespeare Company performed The White Devil in 1996 at the Swan Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon (later transferred to London to The Pit at The Barbican), directed by Gale Edwards with Richard McCabe as Flamineo, Philip Quast as Ludovico, Ray Fearon as Brachiano, Jane Gurnett as Vittoria, Stephen Boxer as Francisco and Philip Voss.

Villa Pignatelli

The villa is perhaps the most striking building along the Riviera di Chiaia, the road bounding the north side of the Villa Comunale on the sea front between Mergellina and Piazza Vittoria.

Vittoria Accoramboni

On the death of Pope Gregory XIII, Cardinal Montalto, her first husband's uncle, was elected in his place as Sixtus V (1585); he vowed vengeance on the duke of Bracciano and Vittoria, who, warned in time, fled first to Venice and thence to Salò in Venetian territory.

Vittoria, overwhelmed with grief, went to live in retirement at Padua, where she was followed by Lodovico Orsini, a relation of her late husband and a servant of the Venetian republic, to arrange amicably for the division of the property.

Her story formed the basis of John Webster's drama, The White Devil, or The Tragedy of Paolo Giordano Ursini, Duke of Brachiano (1612), of Stendhal's novella Vittoria Accoramboni (1837-1839), of Ludwig Tieck's novel, Vittoria Accoramboni (1840) and of Robert Merle's novel l'Idole (1987) published in English translation as Vittoria.

VT Group

In 2001, in their most ambitious diversification project, VT started work on the US$55million superyacht Mirabella V for former Avis Car Hire boss Joe Vittoria.

Wellington's Victory

Wellington's Victory, or, the Battle of Vitoria, Op. 91 (Wellingtons Sieg oder die Schlacht bei Vittoria) is a minor 15-minute long orchestral work composed by Ludwig van Beethoven to commemorate the Duke of Wellington's victory over Joseph Bonaparte at the Battle of Vitoria in Spain on 21 June 1813.

Wilhelm von Gloeden

He lodged at the Hotel Vittoria before buying a house near San Domenico.

see also