
unusual facts about Wiener-Neustädter Hut

Wiener-Neustädter Hut

from Ehrwald along the Georg-Jäger-Steig (duration: 4 hrs)

Alfred Wiener

Ben Barkow: Alfred Wiener and the making of the Holocaust Library, London: Vallentine Mitchell 1997, ISBN 0-85303-328-5

Alfredo Carpaneto

As a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna ("Wiener Kunst Academy"), he was an Academy Professor Assistant and a member of the Vienna Secession as also had been Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and many other artists of his or previous eras.

Bartolo Musil

Bartolo Musil has worked with the Venice Baroque Orchestra, conducted by Andrea Marcon, the Wiener Klangforum, the Ensemble Kontrapunkte, the Moscow Symphony Orchestra, the SWR-Orchester, the Orpheus Kammerorchester, the Savaria Baroque Orchestra, Armonio Tributo, conducted by Lorenz Duftschmid, and directors such as Pet Halmen and Achim Freyer.

Brussels School of International Studies

Dr Wiener was appointed the founding Dean of the University of Kent at Brussels, and was later succeeded by John Macgregor, former British Ambasssador to Austria.

Christian Michelides

In the 1980s, Michelides was a collaborator for the newly founded magazine WIENER; he then joined the ad agency GGK Wien and the marketing team of the Swiss watch Swatch in Biel.

Cristoval Royas de Spinola

Cristoval Royas de Spinola (or Christopher, Rojas), born of a noble Spanish family, near Roermond in Gelderland in 1626; died at Wiener-Neustadt, 12 March 1695, was a Spanish Franciscan diplomat and Bishop of Wiener-Neustadt.

Diocese of Wiener Neustadt

In 1769 the new parish of Theresienfeld was added and in 1784 its territory was extended from Wiener-Neustadt to the boundary of Styria.


Eggendorf, Lower Austria, in the district of Wiener Neustadt-Land, Lower Austria

Ein echter Wiener geht nicht unter

Ein echter Wiener geht nicht unter starred popular Austrian actor Karl Merkatz as the main character, Edmund "Mundl" Sackbauer.

Elisabeth Castonier

In London she was also a correspondent for the News Chronicle and the New Statesman and also for emigrant newspapers like the Pariser Tageszeitung and the Wiener Tageblatt.

Georg Matthias Monn

Together with Georg Christoph Wagenseil and Josef Starzer, Monn formed the Viennese Pre-Classical movement (Wiener Vorklassik), whose composers are nowadays mostly known only by their names.

Jens Haaning

During the last couple of years Haaning has had solo exhibitions at San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, IAC Institut d'art Contemporain, Villeurbanne; Goodwater Gallery, Toronto; and Wiener Secession, Vienna.

Joseph Delmont

During 1910 he returned to Vienna where among other things he worked for the Österreichisch-Ungarische Kinoindustrie (later Wiener-Kunstfilm) as a cameraman, and was thus cameraman, and also technical director and director of scenery, on the oldest Austrian drama film to survive entire: Der Müller und sein Kind of 1911.

Julien Wiener

Wiener's father had early sporting success in table tennis, which Wiener applied to his cricket, playing for Prahran in Melbourne grade cricket.


Kirchschlag in der Buckligen Welt, a town in the district Wiener Neustadt-Land, Lower Austria

Lower Austrian state election, 2008

The List for Our Lower Austria (Liste für unser Niederösterreich, LNÖ) contested the election in Baden, Gänserndorf, Lilienfeld, Neunkirchen, St. Pölten and Wiener Neustadt, and the Animal Rights Party (Tierrechtspartei) contested the election only in Mödling.


The name originates in a word-play by Zemanek: Even if it cannot match the rapid calculation speed of American models called "Whirlwind" or "Typhoon", it will be enough for a "Wiener Mailüfterl" (which means something like Viennese May breeze).The official name of the machine is Binär dezimaler Volltransistor-Rechenautomat (binary-decimal fully transistorized computing automaton).

Nazareno Ferruggio

After having won prizes at the “Ibla Grand Prize” and the “Grieg International Piano Competition” at Oslo he began his career which has brought him invitations to perform in some of the world’s most important concert halls: Carnegie Hall, Lindemann Hall, Cheong Ju Arts Centre, Rosengarten, Wiener Saal, Palau de la Musica, Auditorium de Leon, Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center(XV Gina Bachauer International Piano Competition), Teatru Manoel, Teatro Municipal (Lima) .

Niklas Frank

1995 saw the first performance of a work commissioned for the Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival), Der Vater (The Father), by Frank and Joshua Sobol, directed by Paulus Manker at the Theater an der Wien.


Theodor Wiegand discovered a site at the end of the 19th century, and it was excavated in 1958 by Kleiner, Hommel and Müller-Wiener.

Sena Jurinac

She appeared at La Scala as Cherubino, and became established as one of the Wiener Ensemble (together with Irmgard Seefried, Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Christa Ludwig, Lisa della Casa, Anton Dermota and others).

Siege of Dorsten

According to a judgement by the Vienna Supreme Court (Wiener Hofgericht), Hesse-Cassel had to cede Upper Hesse, which included the University of Marburg, to Hesse-Darmstadt.

Siege of Wiener Neustadt

Siebenhirter placed the headquarters of the Order from Millstadt to Wiener Neustadt.

Siegfried Translateur

Author of about 200 works, Translateur's most famous piece remains the Wiener Praterleben waltz, opus 12, which he wrote at the age of seventeen.

Strait Jackets

The band also appeared on occasion on the Pam Wiener and John Dubrule punk radio show on WMNF.

Stratonovich integral

The Itō integral of the process X with respect to the Wiener process W is denoted by

The Uncle Al Show

:*Kahn's Wieners: Billed at the time as "The Wiener the World Awaited", these commercials sometimes featured a talking puppet in the shape of a "Man in the Moon" frankfurter, possibly created by puppeteer Larry Smith.

Vienna Business School

The Fonds der Wiener Kaufmannschaft operates six commercial academies (Handelsakademien) and six commercial schools (Handelsschulen) in Vienna and Mödling.

Wiener Film

Some of the best-known stars of the Wiener Filme were Paula Wessely, Attila Hörbiger, Paul Hörbiger, Rudolf Carl, Fritz Imhoff, Leo Slezak, Magda Schneider and Willi Forst himself, who was not only an important director but also an actor.

The success of Wiener Film inspired Berlin to imitate the genre, substituting the Prussian court for that of the Habsburg monarchy and moving the setting from Vienna to Berlin.

Wolfgang Müller-Wiener

From 1962 to 1967 he was the second director of the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo and during this time he directed the excavations at Abu Mena by Alexandria.

Wolfgang Müller-Wiener (Friedrichswerth, Thuringia, 17 May 1923 - Istanbul, Turkey, 25 March 1991) was a German architecture historian, archaeologist and Byzantinist.

see also