
unusual facts about Wiktionary:flock

1634: The Ram Rebellion

Flo Richards is a farmer's wife with four grown children who had bought a small flock of type C Delaine Merino sheep and some angora rabbits before the Ring of Fire in the hope that she'd see more of her youngest daughter, Jen, once she'd finished her studies out of town.

1995 Alaska Boeing E-3 Sentry accident

With its crew unaware that the Hercules had disturbed a flock of Canada geese, the Sentry lined up and started its departure roll, as it rotated No. 1 and No. 2 engine ingested the birds.

Agua Blanca, Oaxaca

Agua Blanca is popular with Mexican tourists during the Christmas holiday and Semana Santa periods, but is relatively unvisited by the foreign tourists who flock to nearby Puerto Escondido.


The "auto" (Greek for "self") prefix refers to the single coil acting on itself and not to any kind of automatic mechanism.

Bill Bogash

After retirement in 1958, Bogash went on to be a restaurateur in Los Angeles, California.

Black Country Woman

On one occasion at Headley Grange when Plant tried to go outside to sing the song, he was attacked by a flock of angry geese.

Black sheep

The term originated from the occasional black sheep which are born into a flock of white sheep due to a genetic process of recessive traits.

Brahan Seer

According to Alasdair Alpin MacGregor's The Land of the Mountain and the Flood, the Brahan Seer predicted that the bridge over the Kyle of Sutherland at Bonar Bridge would be "swept away under a flock of sheep".

Charles Sprague Pearce

Among his best known paintings are The Decapitation of St John the Baptist (1881), in the Art Institute of Chicago; Prayer (1884), The Return of the Flock, and Meditation.

China Railway Engineering Corporation

In addition to the core business of construction, the company does business in surveying and designing, installation, manufacturing, R&D, technical consulting, capital management as well as international economic and trade activities.

Chinese swords

The weapon, also known as dan dao (single knife) when just one is used, is thereby thought to be an adaptation of the kitchen knives common to Chinese cuisine.


The proconsul banished him to Curubis, modern Korba, whence he comforted to the best of his ability his flock and his banished clergy.

Dilute budgerigar mutation

In 1896, George Keartland of the Calvert Expedition to the Great Sandy Desert of Western Australia, observed a yellow budgerigar flying wild in a flock on three occasions.

Febrile neutrophilic dermatosis

Sweet, working in Plymouth in 1964, described a disease with four features: fever; leukocytosis; acute, tender, red plaques; and a papillary dermal infiltrate of neutrophils.

Fuel injection

By virtue of better dispersion and homogeneity of the directly injected fuel, the cylinder and piston are cooled, thereby permitting higher compression ratios and more aggressive ignition timing, with resultant enhanced power output.

Fuller Baptist Church

Fuller was minister at Soham at the time and was reluctant to leave his small flock, but after consulting with nine of his fellow ministers, Fuller eventually and reluctantly accepted the call and, together with his family, moved to Kettering in October 1782.


A gaggle is a term of venery for a flock of geese that is not in flight; in flight, the group can be called a skein.

Geoffrey Arone

Nearly 6 years and 14 million downloads later, Flock was acquired by Zynga.

History of Indian influence on Southeast Asia

Vietnam, or then known as Annam (; pinyin: Ānnán), experienced little Indian influence - usually via Champa.

Hollywood Freeway chickens

By 1976, the flock included about 50 of the chickens, described as Rhode Island Reds.

Hybridisation in shorebirds

A Pluvialis plover wintering with a flock of Golden Plover near Marksbury, England in 1987 was believed to be possibly a hybrid between Golden Plover and Pacific Golden Plover.

Iran–United Kingdom relations

On 19 June 2009, the Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Khamenei described the British Government as the "most evil" of those in the Western nations, accusing the British government of sending spies into Iran to stir emotions at the time of the elections, although it has been suggested by British diplomats that the statement was using the UK as a "proxy" for the United States, in order to prevent damaging US–Iranian relations.

Japanese corvette Kaimon

During its launching ceremony, a flock of white doves (the traditional messengers of the war god Hachiman) was released, setting a precedent for all future launchings of Japanese warships.

John J. Myers

On December 10, 2010 Myers received the honour Knight Grand Cross of the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus by Prince Victor Emmanuel in recognition of the Archbishop’s exemplary leadership as head of his large Catholic archdiocesan flock and as an important church and religious leader in America.

Lake Discharge Problem

Discharge at the lake outlet will vary based on the normal depth calculated from the lake and channel characteristics.

Laurens, Iowa

Laurens, France, became a sister city to Laurens, Iowa during the preparations for the 2007 quasquicentennial (125th anniversary).

Lax-kw'alaams First Nation

In 1857 an Anglican lay missionary named William Duncan brought Christianity to Lax Kw'alaams, but, feeling that he was competing in vain with the dissipated fort atmosphere for Tsimshian souls, he relocated about 350 of his flock to Metlakatla, at Metlakatla Pass just to the south.

Lone Scouts

A Lone Scout must meet the membership requirements of the Scouting organization to which they belong and have an adult Scout leader or counselor who may be a parent, guardian, minister, teacher, or another adult.

Major Bowes Amateur Hour

Ted Mack, who had supervised the auditions for Bowes, became the interim host of the radio show and a few months later moved it to the fledgling medium of television.

Margaret Heffernan

Examining examples of willful blindness in the Catholic Church, the SEC, Nazi Germany, Bernard Madoff’s investors, BP’s safety record, the military in Afghanistan and the dog-eat-dog world of subprime mortgage lenders, the book demonstrates how failing to see—or admit to ourselves or our colleagues—the issues and problems in plain sight can ruin private lives and bring down corporations.

Mark Bittner

After many years of doing odd jobs while maintaining a Dharma Bums-type lifestyle, he found a flock of naturalized parrots (mostly cherry-headed conures, also known as Red-masked Parakeets) in the area of Telegraph Hill.

Memoirs v. Massachusetts

The book in question in this case was Fanny Hill (or Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 1749) by John Cleland and the Court held in Memoirs v. Massachusetts that, while it might fit the first two criteria (it appealed to prurient interest and was patently offensive), it could not be proven that Fanny Hill had no redeeming social value.


The vapour pressure of a metalorganic precursor is a crucial parameter that governs the concentrations of metalorganic precursors entering the reactor, and subsequently the rate of deposition in MOVPE process.

Monolingual learner's dictionary

Others, like Wordnik or Wiktionary, don't have that explicit focus, yet provide useful resources to learners due to their collaborative nature, which tends to produce definitions and sample sentences that are more diverse, and written in popular terms.

Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen

Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen (Originally titled in Canada and the UK as "Bitchin' Kitchen") is an offbeat cooking show starring Nadia Giosia that used to air exclusively on the Food Network Canada.

Navi Mumbai Holi riots

The feuding parties were Ghansoli Agri & Koli locals and mathadi settlers, with pre-existing "native vs. immigrant" political bad blood between the two communities serving as a tinderbox.

Of All People

This series featured profiles of Canadians who were not celebrities such as couple Fred and Mary Allison celebrating a 50th anniversary, octogenarian coin and stamp collector Vinnie Green, Newfoundlander Leonard Evans and his 14 children, Uxbridge Township dogcatcher Anne Barrett.


It includes the ability to search through lyrics for certain words; search for Bible verses in the Bible; display lyrics and Bible verses in a friendly way to the congregation; interact with Microsoft PowerPoint to provide users with an easy way to control Powerpoint.

Patrick Dewaere

In 1968, he joined Café de la Gare, the troupe of performers which also included such future stars as Gérard Depardieu and Miou-Miou.


They also experienced a major revival in the 19th century, where they gamboled through paintings by French academic painters, from Gustave Doré’s illustrations for Orlando Furioso to advertisements.

Sandhill Crane

This breeding flock is divided between the Audubon Institute's Species Survival Center and White Oak Conservation in Yulee, Florida.

Saratoga Race Course

Saratoga Race Course has several nicknames: The Spa (for the nearby mineral springs), the House of Upsets, and the Graveyard of Champions. Famous race horse Man o' War suffered his only defeat in twenty-one starts while racing at Saratoga Race Course; Secretariat was defeated at Saratoga Race Course by Onion, after winning the Triple Crown; and Gallant Fox had been beaten by the 100-1 longshot Jim Dandy in the 1930 Travers Stakes.

Scillitan Martyrs

The Acta of the Scillitan Martyrs are considered to be the earliest documents of the church of Africa and also the earliest specimen of Christian Latin.

Sedgwick Gardens

Most of the cabana doors are still intact and date back to the 1930s when architect Mihran Mesrobian designed the building.

Shayne McCosh

He played with Sheffield for two seasons, during which time he helped them to win the Challenge Cup in 1999–00 and a Grand Slam of all available trophies in 2000–01.

Species flock

The Antarctic notothenioid fishes are a species flock of 122 marine fishes that have an adaptation that allows them to survive in the freezing, ice-laden waters of the Southern Ocean because of the presence of an antifreeze glycoprotein in their blood and body fluids.

The Book of Negroes

Aminata Diallo, the daughter of a jeweller and a midwife, is kidnapped at the age of 11 from her village Bayo, near Segu in West Africa and forced to walk for days to the sea in a coffle with hundreds of strangers and a handful of people from her village.

The Last Shepherd

The 1st of October 2011, to film a scene of the movie, Marco Bonfanti brought a flock consisting of more than 700 sheep in Piazza del Duomo in Milan.

The Night God Screamed

He focuses on one of the girls and announces, "there's a chick that don't want to be baptized — she don't want to follow me" and finishes by pronouncing, "Oh, yes, Lord, in our happy flock, maybe we got us a Judas".

The Winslow

The Winslow is technically sentient and capable of speech, though rarely says anything more than the informal, colloquial greeting "Hi!", which it often enjoys repeating ad nauseam.

see also

La Ribambelle

La Ribambelle (French for "flock" or "throng") is a Belgian comics series about a gang of kids living in the same neighbourhood.