
unusual facts about Window manager

Window manager

In the early 1980s, the Xerox Star, successor to the Alto, used tiling for most main application windows, and used overlapping only for dialogue boxes, removing most of the need for stacking.

Artwiz fonts

The fonts were incorporated as screen fonts in themes for the Blackbox and Fluxbox window managers.

Don Hopkins

He developed and refined pie menus for many platforms and applications including window managers, Emacs, SimCity and The Sims, and published a frequently cited paper about pie menus at CHI'88 with Jack Callahan, Ben Shneiderman and Mark Weiser.

Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager

Although no longer under active development, MLVWM has spawned a derivative known as HaZe, a Black-and-White (or Monochrome) window manager.

Terminal multiplexer

A terminal multiplexer can be thought of as a text version of graphical window managers, or as a way of putting virtual terminals into any login session.

see also


All IRIX releases from 4.0 to 6.5.30 utilized X11 (Xsgi) and SGI's modified Motif window manager 4Dwm.

Bradley Hughes

Bradley T. Hughes, programmer and developer of the Blackbox window manager


Enlightenment Foundation Libraries (EFL) – widget toolkit written for the Enlightenment window manager