
unusual facts about Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager

Macintosh-Like Virtual Window Manager

Although no longer under active development, MLVWM has spawned a derivative known as HaZe, a Black-and-White (or Monochrome) window manager.

ABC notation

Such software is readily available for most computer systems including Microsoft Windows, Unix/Linux, Macintosh, PalmOS, and web-based.

Allie Bates

In the early days of the internet, she worked in Writer's Ink and Macintosh BBS on GEnie.

And All That Could Have Been

Sheridan and other members of the band's crew filmed the tour using consumer DV cameras, and the DVD was then put together internally at Reznor's New Orleans studio, where Sheridan and Reznor edited it on a Mac using Final Cut Pro and compiled it with DVD Studio Pro.

Andy Ihnatko

Also in the early days of the World Wide Web, it is believed that Ihnatko coined the term "Macquarium" to describe an aquarium made out of the empty shell of an early Macintosh computer.

Apple Partition Map

Apple Partition Map (APM) is a partition scheme used to define the low-level organization of data on disks formatted for use with 68k and PowerPC Macintosh computers.

Apple QuickTake

For users with an Apple Macintosh running System 7 up to Mac OS 9 with a serial port, the QuickTake 200 can be plugged directly into the computer using the Apple QuickTake camera software.


Archy in large part builds on Raskin's earlier work with the Apple Macintosh, Canon Cat, SwyftWare, and Ken Perlin's Pad ZUI system.


He wanted to show the technology to a gaming evangelist and was readying the demos on a PowerBook in the main hall at the San Jose Convention Centre when Stuart Cheshire (the author of Bolo for Macintosh) happened to sit right behind him and see what Juri was doing.


Spectasia 3D Chooser, an application for Windows and Macintosh systems.

Core fonts for the Web

It included the proprietary fonts Andale Mono, Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Georgia, Impact, Times New Roman, Trebuchet MS, Verdana and Webdings, all of them in TrueType font format packaged in executable files (".exe") for Microsoft Windows and in BinHexed Stuff-It archives (".sit.hqx") for Macintosh.

Full Impact

Only shortly after Full Impact was released, Informix Wingz shipped, and was heavily marketed—including sending their frontman, Leonard Nimoy, around to various Macintosh-related trade shows.

Graham Robertson

Based on the experiences of directing Able Edwards, Robertson went on to write the book, Desktop Cinema: Feature Filmmaking on the Home Computer, a step-by-step account into how one would make their own feature film on Apple's Macintosh computer.

Group code recording

This scheme is known as "6 and 2", and was used on Apple Pascal, Apple DOS 3.3 and ProDOS, and later on the 400K and 800K 3½ disks on the Macintosh and Apple II.

Iain Macintosh

Iain Macintosh (born 1978) is a UK sports journalist and author who writes for the Singapore daily The New Paper.


This, as well as guaranteed compatibility with both Apple II and Macintosh computers, made it popular in schools.

There were three different models introduced over time, which were mostly popular among Apple II and Macintosh owners.

Inside Macintosh

In the late 1990s, Apple ceased to publish Inside Macintosh as a printed book, instead making it available as a CD-ROM, and online.

Interface Builder

It was invented and developed by Jean-Marie Hullot using the object-oriented features in ExperLisp, and deeply integrated with the Macintosh toolbox.

Jean-Marie Hullot

Jean-Marie Hullot (born February 16, 1954) is a French computer scientist and programmer who authored important programs for the original Macintosh, NeXTSTEP and Mac OS X platforms.

John F. McIntosh

Born in Farnell, Angus, Scotland, in February 1846, MacIntosh would be famous for working at St. Rollox railway works, in Springburn, in Glasgow.


JSBSim has been in development and use since 1996, and has been built on all of the most popular platforms in use today including those running Linux, Macintosh, and Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Macintosh Quadra 840AV

At the time of introduction, its 40 MHz Motorola 68040 CPU and interleaved RAM made it the fastest Macintosh available, topping both the nominally higher-end Quadra 950 and the Quadra 800 by 7 MHz.

MacWorks Plus

It was developed for Sun Remarketing of Cache Valley, Utah, under license from Apple Inc., by a contract developer named Chuck Lukaszewski, who was responsible for versions up through 1.1(h), which supported up to Macintosh System 6.0.3.

Man Bites Man EP

Clive Langer and Alan Winstanley (who produced the band's debut album) produced the first track on this CD, while Paul Tipler produced tracks 2 and 4, and track 3 was produced by Craig Macintosh - the band's lead singer.


The desktop version, MemSource Editor, installs on Windows, Mac, and Linux and is available as a free download.

Microsoft Developer Network

The Microsoft Developer Network was launched in June 1992 as a quarterly, CD-ROM-based compilation of technical articles, sample code, and software development kits, as well as a 16-page tabloid newspaper, the Microsoft Developer Network News, edited by Andrew Himes, who had previously been the founding editor of MacTech, the premiere Macintosh technology journal.

Microsoft Press

Microsoft Press' first introduced books were The Apple Macintosh Book by Cary Lu and Exploring the IBM PC by Peter Norton in 1984 at the West Coast Computer Faire.


The latest versions of the software are released solely for Microsoft Windows operating systems, but historically MicroStation was available for Macintosh platforms and a number of Unix-like operating systems.

Mosaic notation program

Several factors can be theorized: Sibelius and Finale were the competitor notation packages; they were developed for both Macintosh and Windows platforms.

Old World ROM

Old World ROM Macintosh computers are the Macintosh models that use a Macintosh Toolbox ROM chip, usually in a socket (but soldered to the motherboard in some models).

Palm Desktop

The original Macintosh and Windows versions were similar, until 3COM purchased the Claris Organizer (a Mac-only product), from Claris and rebranded it as Palm Desktop 2.

PowerBook Duo

In the early seasons of the popular TV sitcom Friends, Chandler Bing is clearly seen to be using a Macintosh PowerBook Duo.


Unix magic numbers and Macintosh data forks do provide some of this functionality, but the same is not true within DOS or Microsoft Windows environments.

Quake 4

Aspyr Media published and released Quake 4 for Mac OS X on 5 April 2006, initially only for PowerPC based Macs, but then later as a universal binary compatible with both PowerPC- and x86-based Macs.

Reality distortion field

Reality distortion field (RDF) is a term coined by Bud Tribble at Apple Computer in 1981, to describe company co-founder Steve Jobs' charisma and its effects on the developers working on the Macintosh project.

Rich Page

He was responsible for the decision to use the Motorola MC68000 family of microprocessors for Apple's Lisa and Macintosh computers and was instrumental in the initial design of the Lisa.

Robin Casady

Robin Casady founded Casady & Greene, a Macintosh software publisher and developer, in 1984 to publish fonts for the Macintosh 128K, the original Macintosh.


RoboWar is a similar game that was released later on the Macintosh, and is now available for both Mac OS and Windows.

School of Advertising Art

As it is a graphic design college, all students are required to use their own Macintosh laptop computers using the leading provided computer graphics software, such as Adobe Systems's Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and InDesign; .

Sibelius Software

All of the company's software is now available for both the Windows and Macintosh platforms.

Spy Fox

When running with ScummVM, these games can be played on different operating systems, including Windows, Mac and GNU/Linux.

The Bizarro Jerry

Also seen in the background of Kevin's apartment is a unicycle, which also is a reflection on Jerry's bicycle hanging in his apartment, and a PC - the opposite of Jerry's Mac.

The Scone Advocate

In 2007, Fairfax Media acquired Rural Press in an agreed merger, while locally, the paper's Macintosh computers were replaced with PCs.

Universal binary

A universal binary is, in Apple parlance, an executable file or application bundle that runs natively on either PowerPC or Intel-manufactured IA-32 or Intel 64-based Macintosh computers; it is an implementation of the concept more generally known as a fat binary.

Virtual desktop

Scrolling desktops were made available to Macintosh users by a 3rd party extension called Stepping Out created by Wes Boyd (the future founder of Berkeley Systems) in 1986.


Jackson was an early Macintosh software publisher who founded Silicon Beach Software and co-founded FutureWave Software, which created the original version of what is now Adobe Flash.

Web interoperability

Web interoperability means producing web pages viewable in standard compatible web browsers, various operating systems such as Windows, Macintosh and Linux and devices such as PC, PDA and mobile phone based on the latest web standards.

see also