
unusual facts about You-reform

Anne Norton

Her challenges to mainstream political science have earned her a leadership role in the Internet-based movement to reform political science that has named itself "Perestroika" (Kristen Monroe, Perestroika: The Raucous Rebellion in Political Science, Yale University Press, 2005).

Ano Pogoni

Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Pogoni, of which it is a municipal unit.

Antonio Maura

As prime minister, he created the Spanish Institute of Provission and he attempted to carry out a reform plan, but this was opposed by the liberals.

Ben M. Jannif

Between 1928 and 1938 Janiff was involved as an administrator, coach and referee with Indian Reform League football team and was closely associated with the formation of the Suva, Rewa and Levuka district football teams.

Blue-ribbon panel

Recent examples of high-level so-called blue-ribbon panels in the United States would be the Warren Commission investigating the Kennedy Assassination, the 9/11 Commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, the Iraq Study Group assessing the Iraq War and the Clinton Administration's White House Task Force on National Health Care Reform.

Bodo Brahma Dharma

Kalicharan Brahma (then Kalicharan Mech) agitated the Brahmo religion to unify and reform Bodo society to meet these challenges.

Books of Kings

Hezekiah, the 14th king of Judah "did what was right in the eyes of the Lord" and institutes a far reaching religious reform, centralising sacrifice at the temple at Jerusalem and destroying the images of other gods.

Canadian Alliance

Under the leadership of Reform/CA activist Randy Thorsteinson, the new party never sought a formal link with the CA, and if it had done so the overture would likely have been rebuffed since many Albertan CA members continued to support the Alberta Progressive Conservatives.


Joining forces with Change FIFA, Damian Collins, Conservative Member of Parliament for Folkestone and Hythe and member of the House of Commons' Culture, Media and Sport Committee, has called for Sepp Blatter's re‑election as FIFA president to be suspended and a "reform agenda" to be introduced at football's ruling organisation.

Clyde Holding

He was a supporter of the reforming federal Labor leader, Gough Whitlam, who was determined to reform the Victorian branch as a precondition of winning a federal election.

Constitutional Act on the Czechoslovak Federation

The reform concerned Slovak autonomy; the concentration of governmental authority in Prague was a source of discontent within Slovakia throughout the 1960s, and the federalization of the Czechoslovak government codified in the 1968 constitutional amendments was virtually the only product of the reform movement associated with the Prague Spring to survive.

Constitutions of Spain

They established the very institutions that would later, under Juan Carlos I and Prime Minister Adolfo Suárez, commit "constitutional suicide" and pass the Political Reform Act, starting the Spanish transition to democracy.

Eugene J. Martin

As a child, Eugene ran away on several occasions, was placed in reform school at six years of age, and eventually spent the remainder of his childhood on a farm in Clarksburg, Maryland where his foster parents were Franie and Madessa Snowdon.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Trikala, of which it is a municipal unit.

Federal Trade Commission Building

Issues of antitrust legislation, tariff reduction, and tax reform dominated the 1912 presidential race, which culminated in the election of Woodrow Wilson as the twenty-eighth president of the United States.

Fleury Abbey

The monastery underwent a season of reform in its monastic life, about 930, along the lines first laid out at Cluny.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Apokoronas, of which it is a municipal unit.

Gates of Prayer

Israeli poet T. Carmi was brought in to provide guidance on post-biblical Hebrew texts that could be incorporated into the Reform liturgy.

Glasgow Green

The Chartism movement that grew in response to the Reform Act, later resulted in what is known as the Chartist Riot of 1848.

Groupe de Bruges

The latter had been formed in the context of the debate on reform of the European Union's Common Agricultural Policy in the early 1990s.

Gugliemo Sirleto

He collaborated in the publication of the Roman Catechism, presided over the Commissions for the reform of Roman Breviary and Roman Missal, and directed the work of the new edition of the Roman Martyrology.

Henry Pellew, 6th Viscount Exmouth

He was President of the Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor and of the St George Society, an Anglo-American group in New York; he also belonged to the Society for Sanitary Reform and the School Commission.

Hugo von Hohenlandenberg

Hugo von Hohenlandenberg can be grouped with contemporary Bishops of the Catholic Church such as Guillaume Briçonnet and Christoph von Utenheim who attempted, unsuccessfully, to reform the Church along evangelical lines without compromising ecclesiastical unity.

Jan Latosz

While most of the academy approved of the reform plan, Latosz presented a different solution through his old acquaintance Alberto Cardinal Bolognetti, former Papal nuncio to Poland in the times of king Stephen Bathory.

John S. Marmaduke

Undeterred, Marmaduke campaigned four years later for Governor of Missouri at a time when public opinion had changed, and railroad reform and regulation became more in vogue.

Joseph ben Abraham

To him was due the reform introduced in the laws of incest ( 'arayot), he having been the first to protest against exaggerations of the scope of the hermeneutic rule of analogy (heḳesh) by which the successors of Anan had prohibited intermarriage between the most distant relatives.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Andravida-Kyllini, of which it is a municipal unit.


The agrarian reform of 1953 had enabled a group of Aymara youth to begin university studies in La Paz in the 1960s.

Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala

The case originated in February 1970 when Swami HH Sri Kesavananda Bharati, Senior Pontiff and head of "Edneer Mutt" - a Hindu Mutt situated in Edneer, a village in Kasaragod District of Kerala, challenged the Kerala government's attempts, under two state land reform acts, to impose restrictions on the management of its property.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Gortyn, of which it is a municipal unit.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Mylopotamos, of which it is a municipal unit.

Lizzie Black Kander

Because Kander refused to accept social reform as essentially Christian, she joined the Milwaukee Chapter of the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) which was established to provide sewing, cooking and English classes to Russian immigrants.

M. E. Lazarus

Lazarus was also an intellectual contributor to Fourierism and the Free Love movement of the 1850s, a social reform group that called for, in its extreme form, the abolition of institutionalized marriage.

Margaret of the Blessed Sacrament

She was the second daughter of Madame Acarie, the Blessed Marie of the Incarnation, who introduced the Reform of the Carmelite Order into France.

National Offender Management Service

In January 2008, the Secretary of State for Justice announced major organisational reform which resulted in the Director-General of Her Majesty's Prison Service, Phil Wheatley, becoming the Chief Executive of NOMS, and assuming responsibility for both the National Probation Service (NPS) as well as HM Prison Service and management of contracts for private sector operation of prisons and prisoner escorting.

National Peasants' Games

For the government, the games "showcase the achievements made by the Chinese people in the 30 years of the reform and opening up to the outside world," in the words of Chinese Agricultural Minister Sun Zhengcai, at the opening of the sixth event.

National Popular Vote

National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, a series of electoral reform bills enacted or considered by U.S. state legislatures


Grover Norquist (born 1956), president of anti-tax lobbying group Americans for Tax Reform


In most of the countries in Eastern Europe, following the fall of communist-led governments in 1989, the communist parties split in two factions: a reformist Social Democratic party and a new, less reform-oriented Communist Party.

Reform Party of Ontario

The Reform Party of Ontario is not to be confused with the pre-Confederation Reform Party, which later became the Liberal Party of Ontario, or with the leftist United Reform party of the 1940s.

Sai Wing Mock

Mock Duck took advantage of the reform crusade started by Charles Parkhurst.

St. George's Abbey in the Black Forest

The monastery was founded in 1084–85 in the Black Forest, by the source of the Brigach, against the background of the Investiture Controversy, as a result of the community of interests of the Swabian aristocracy and the church reform party, the founders being Hezelo and Hesso of the family of the Vögte of Reichenau, and the politically influential Abbot William of Hirsau.

Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia

In response, four of the six political parties in the Catalan parliament—Convergence and Union, the Catalan Socialists, Republican Left of Catalonia, and Catalan green party—and that represented 88% of the popular vote reached an agreement to fight together at the Spanish Senate to reform the Constitutional Court of Spain, and hopefully nullify the possibility of an overturn of the Catalan Statute of Autonomy.

SV40 Cancer Foundation

On September 10, 2003, the Horwins were successful in getting Congressman Dan Burton, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness, U.S. Government Reform Committee to hold a hearing into SV40 contamination of vaccines.

The Flesh Mask

Sent to reform school for assault, the boy undergoes extensive facial reconstructive surgery at state expense.

Up the Ridge

Up the Ridge was created as a part of the Thousand Kites project, a nonprofit organization aimed at exacting prison reform through narrative means.

Virgilio de los Reyes

Later on, the future Secretary of Agrarian Reform pursued his Bachelor of Laws at the University of the Philippines College of Law.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality Abdera, of which it is a municipal unit.


Since the 2011 local government reform it is part of the municipality of Agios Nikolaos, of which it is a municipal unit.

see also

Bror Rexed

Internationally, he is best known today for his development of the system now known as Rexed laminae, but in Sweden, he is also known for his involvement in the "du-reformen" of the Swedish language.