She was a delegate of the French Greens for the Paris municipality and acted as the technical adviser for the Minister of the Environment, Yves Cochet, from 2001 to 2002.
From 1997 to 2001 she was Minister of the Environment and Regional Planning under the Lionel Jospin government, she resigned on 9 July 2001 and was replaced by Yves Cochet.
Yves Saint Laurent | Yves Saint Laurent (brand) | Yves Montand | Yves Klein | Yves Saint Laurent (designer) | Yves Leterme | Yves Coppens | Yves Tanguy | Yves Séguin | Yves Rocher | Yves Frémion | Yves Cochet | Jean-Yves Thériault | Yves Robert | Yves Pelletier | Yves Netzhammer | Yves Meyer | Yves Lévesque | Yves Larock | Yves Ducharme | Yves Camdeborde | Yves Angelo | Yves-André Hubert | Saint-Yves | Yves Guérin-Sérac | Yves Colin de Verdière | Yves Bot | José Yves Limantour | Jean-Yves Ollivier | Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur |
Green deputies Noël Mamère, Martine Billard and Yves Cochet passed a resolution in September 2003 for a Parliamentary Commission to be convened on the "role of France in the support of military regimes in Latin America from 1973 to 1984," to be held before the Foreign Affairs Commission of the National Assembly and presided over by Edouard Balladur.