Yves Saint Laurent | Yves Saint Laurent (brand) | Yves Montand | Yves Klein | Yves Saint Laurent (designer) | Yves Leterme | Yves Coppens | Yves Tanguy | Yves Séguin | Yves Rocher | Yves Frémion | Yves Cochet | Jean-Yves Thériault | Yves Robert | Yves Pelletier | Yves Netzhammer | Yves Meyer | Yves Lévesque | Yves Larock | Yves Ducharme | Yves Camdeborde | Yves Angelo | Yves-André Hubert | Saint-Yves | Yves Guérin-Sérac | Yves Colin de Verdière | Yves Bot | José Yves Limantour | Jean-Yves Ollivier | Jean-Yves Daniel-Lesur |
Cardinal Yves Congar, O.P. served as a consultant to the Second Vatican Council upon the invitation of Pope John XXIII, but was hired as personal and expert theologian (peritus) at the council to Bishop Jean-Julien Weber of Strasbourg which allowed him to attend all the general congregations and to take part in the discussions of any conciliar commission to which he was invited by one of its members.