
unusual facts about air strikes

Democratic Karen Buddhist Army

As the KNU leadership would not grant permission for the white-painted pagoda, claiming it would attract government air strikes, Thuzana then started to encourage KNU troops to leave the KNU.

see also

Battle of Qalamoun

The Battle of Qalamoun started on 15 November 2013, with air strikes on the town of Qara, in the strategic Qalamoun region, in an attempt by the Syrian Army to cut rebel supply lines to Damascus from Lebanon.

Battle of Zinjibar

In the days following the attack, the military conducted air-strikes against militant positions around Zinjibar which they claimed killed 42 Al-Qaeda fighters.

On 30 May, the military hit Islamist positions in the city with air strikes while the Army was hitting the outskirts of Zinjibar with artillery.

British Pacific Fleet

Major actions in which the fleet was involved included Operation Meridian, air strikes in January 1945 against oil production at Palembang, Sumatra.

Conflict: Desert Storm II

The squad then support the securing of Kuwait City via the use of an M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, taking out numerous Iraqi infantry along the way, eventually making their way to the nearby artillery shore guns, calling in air strikes to destroy them.

Cuban Missile Crisis: The Aftermath

PRC: At the beginning of the war, the PRC, as ordered by Mao Zedong, sides with the USSR and initiates air strikes on US Air bases in Philippines.

First Ivorian Civil War

On 4 November, Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo ordered air strikes against rebels, and Ivorian aircraft began a bombardment of Bouaké.

Gaza Strip smuggling tunnels

Although Israeli air strikes rendered over 100 tunnels inoperative during the Gaza War(2012), many of them were restored within a few weeks because the main damage was sustained at the openings, not in the middle sections.

Islamic University of Gaza

Just after midnight December 28/29 local time, the Islamic University of Gaza was bombed in six separate air strikes as part of the December 2008 Gaza Strip airstrikes by the Israeli Air Force.

July 2006 in the Middle East

The UN's Jan Egeland has condemned the devastation caused by Israeli air strikes in Beirut, saying it is a violation of humanitarian law.

Koninklijke Paketvaart-Maatschappij

In January plans were made for the Aquitania to transport troops from Australia to Singapore until concern about putting such a large and valued transport loaded with 3,456 troops in range of Japanese air strikes resulted in a plan to transfer the troops to smaller vessels from Aquitania at Ratai Bay in the Sunda Strait.

Kosovo–United Kingdom relations

The Kosovo War, which Prime Minister Tony Blair had advocated on moral grounds, was initially a failure when it relied soly on air strikes; he believed that the threat of a ground offensive, which Bill Clinton had initially ruled out, was necessary to convince Serbia's Slobodan Milošević to withdraw.


After independence in 1975, MiG 23 aircraft from the nearby airbase launched air strikes against the SADF during the Battle of Cuito Cuanavale (1987–1988), a battle of the Angolan Civil War (1975–2002).

Operation Uric

Air strikes were planned on Frelimo installations in Mapai and Maxaila to demoralise the occupants.

Sitalchay Military Airbase

In March 2012, the magazine Foreign Policy reported that the Israeli Air Force might be preparing to use the airbase, located 500 km from the Iranian border, for air strikes against the nuclear program of Iran.

Taejon Airfield

By 19 July the KPA were attacking the outskirts of Taejon including the airfield, the attack was supported by air strikes by 6 Korean People's Air Force (KPAF) Yak-9 fighters and heavy artillery fire.

Videos and audio recordings of Ayman al-Zawahiri

He demanded the release of Ramzi Yousef, Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, and others as well as the end of air strikes in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, and Gaza in exchange for Warren Weinstein's release.