
unusual facts about albumin

Bovine serum albumin

The nickname "Fraction V" refers to albumin being the fifth fraction of the original Edwin Cohn purification methodology that made use of differential solubility characteristics of plasma proteins.


GSK716155 (Albugon) is a recombinant human glucagon-like peptide (GLP)-1-Albumin protein created using Human Genome Sciences' proprietary albumin fusion technology, which involves fusing the gene that expresses human albumin to the gene that expresses a therapeutically active protein (GLP-1)1.


This may be a clinical sign of hypoalbuminaemia (low albumin), which can be seen in nephrotic syndrome (a form of kidney failure), liver failure, protein malabsorption and protein-losing enteropathies.

Ralph Kekwick

He joined Keith Cannan and resumed work on egg albumin and later published two papers in the Biochemical Journal.


The lipophilicity of T3 and T4 requires their binding to the protein carrier thyroid-binding protein (TBG) thyroxine-binding globulins, thyroxine binding prealbumins, and albumins for transport in the blood.

see also