
unusual facts about amendment

Alcohol during and after prohibition

The nation was highly optimistic and the leading prohibitionist in the United States Congress confidently asserted that "There is as much chance of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment as there is for a hummingbird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail.

Upon ratification of the amendment, the famous evangelist Billy Sunday said that "The slums will soon be only a memory. We will turn our prisons into factories and our jails into storehouses and corncribs." (Compare Christianity and alcohol.) Since alcohol was to be banned and since it was seen as the cause of most, if not all, crime, some communities sold their jails.

Antiquities Act

The Antiquities Act is referenced in The West Wing season one episode "Enemies", where President Bartlet uses it to counter an amendment attached to a bill by Congress that would allow an area of the Montanan wilderness to be strip-mined.

Basic structure doctrine

On 31 July 1980, when Indira Gandhi was back in power, the Supreme Court declared sections 4 & 55 of the 42nd amendment as unconstitutional.

Blair McCreadie

In a proposed amendment of the party's constitution by a delegate to hold an early leadership review of Tim Hudak, McCreadie indicated that Party President Richard Ciano should accept the same review if the motion was passed.

Brinkman v. Miami University

David Langdon, a conservative activist who wrote language for the Marriage Amendment, has stated that this is the first suit against a university's domestic partnership policy since the amendment took effect.

Child Online Protection Act

In addition to the plaintiffs ACLU et al., several witnesses testified in defense of first amendment rights on the Internet, including the director of the Erotic Authors Association, Marilyn Jaye Lewis.

Civil Rights Act of 1960

The "voter referees" plan was part of a House amendment to the original bill to substitute Representative Robert Kastenmeier's "enrollment officers" plan.

Clark Amendment

Visiting The Heritage Foundation on October 5, 1989, the ultimate beneficiary of the Clark Amendment's repeal, Jonas Savimbi's UNITA, praised the Heritage Foundation for its critical role in advocating the repeal of the amendment.

Cooper–Church Amendment

The amendment was presented by Senators John Sherman Cooper and Frank Church and attached to a major bill, the Foreign Military Sales Act (HR 15628).

Defense of marriage amendment

Federal Marriage Amendment, a proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex unions in the United States

Desafuero of Manuel López Obrador

27 April 2005: President Fox announced changes in his cabinet (including the resignation of Attorney General Rafael Macedo de la Concha) and a re-evaluation of the legal case against López Obrador, and he proposed a constitutional amendment so civil rights are not suspended until a citizen is found guilty.


The Alliance of Free Democrats and the Alliance of Young Democrats held a press conference on 5 January 1990 to release evidence that officials of the state security organisation had collected private information on a number of people, an act made illegal by a 1989 Constitutional amendment.

Emergency Powers Act

Emergency Powers Act 1964 Emergency Powers (Amendment) Act (Northern Ireland) 1964

Empty Dwelling Management Orders

They were added to the bill, now titled as "Empty Dwelling Management Orders", in an amendment by David Kidney MP, with broad cross-party support.

Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution

United States Supreme Court decisions in the late nineteenth century interpreted the amendment narrowly, and by 1910, most black voters in the South faced obstacles such as poll taxes and literacy tests, from which white voters were exempted by grandfather clauses.

Firearm case law in the United States

In 2013, the Illinois Supreme Court in People v. Aguilar held that a total ban on carrying firearms outside the home violated the Second Amendment and was unconstitutional.

First Consolidated Bank

In December 1996, the Securities and Exchange Commission approved the bank's amendment to operate as a private development bank in accordance with Republic Act No. 7906, otherwise known as the Thrift Bank Act of 1995.

Glass–Steagall in post-financial crisis reform debate

During the 2009 United States House of Representatives consideration of H.R. 4173, the bill that became the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010, Representative Maurice Hinchey (D-NY) proposed an amendment to the bill that would have reenacted Glass–Steagall Sections 20 and 32, which had been repealed by the 1999 Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act (GLBA), and also prohibited bank insurance activities.

Inner London Education Authority

However, the Government's hand was forced when an amendment was tabled in the House of Commons by Norman Tebbit and supported by Michael Heseltine to abolish the ILEA altogether.

James E. English

Sadly, in Steven Spielberg's 2012 epic Lincoln movie, both English and Augustus Brandegee, his abolitionist Republican colleague from Connecticut, are given two fictional names and are both shown, erroneously, to have voted against the amendment.

Jerome Ambro

In 1980, Ambro authored an amendment to the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act (Section 106(f)) to require that the disposal of dredged material into Long Island Sound from any federal project, or from any non-federal project exceeding 25,000 cubic yards (19,000 m³), comply with the environmental criteria for ocean dumping under the MPRSA, in addition to the requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act.

John Dunning, 1st Baron Ashburton

On 14 May 1778 Dunning seconded Sir George Savile's motion for leave to bring in a bill for the relief of Roman Catholics; and it was on his amendment that the house unanimously voted that a monument should be erected in Westminster Abbey to the memory of the Earl of Chatham.

Kay Granger

The amendment should continue to restrict the Pentagon from entering into new contracts with Russia’s state arms broker Rosoboronexport.

Kirsa Jensen case

Stuart Nash MP cited the case as one of his reasons for supporting the Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Amendment Bill in the New Zealand Parliament.

Lassonde v. Pleasanton Unified School District

A student of Amador Valley High School claimed a violation of his first amendment right of speech when parts of his salutatorian speech were censored.

Lee Wing-tat

In June 2010, he voted with the party in favour of the government’s 2012 constitutional reform package, which included the late amendment by the Democratic Party – accepted by the Beijing government – to hold a popular vote for five new District Council functional constituencies.

Leigh Union workhouse

Leigh Poor Law Union was established on 26 January 1837 in accordance with the Poor Law Amendment Act covering six townships, Astley, Atherton, Bedford, Pennington, Tyldesley with Shakerley and Westleigh of the ancient parish of Leigh plus Culcheth, Lowton, and part of Winwick.

London Government Act 1899

Edmund Boulnois, member for Marylebone East moved an amendment to ban women form being mayors, aldermen or councillors of the new boroughs.

Marian Walsh

During her political career, she helped to pass notable legislation including an amendment to increase education funding which directly affected Norfolk County Agricultural High School.

Nelson Amendment

Until Scott Brown's election to the Senate in January 2010, the Nelson Amendment was viewed by the pro-choice leadership of the Democratic party as one of the big hurdles in passing legislation, along with other significant issues such as the public option.

Nelson Cruikshank

Sen. Russell B. Long (D-Louisiana) offered an amendment in the Senate Finance Committee that would have turned Medicare into a catastrophic health insurance plan, rather than a general insurance program.

Noblesse oblige

Chief Justice of the United States John Roberts uses the phrase disparagingly in his majority opinion concerning the government's assertion that it will selectively prosecute animal cruelty videos based on their own interpretation of The First Amendment in United States v. Stevens.

Prevention of Crimes Amendment Act 1885

The Prevention of Crimes Amendment Act 1885 (48 & 49 Vict. c. 75) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

Provisional application

The provisional application was introduced to U.S. patent law with a 1994 amendment of the Patent Act of 1952.

Saenz v. Roe

He cited Justice Bushrod Washington's interpretation of the latter clause in the famous case of Corfield v. Coryell and stated that this is what the framers of the Fourteenth Amendment had intended.

Second Amendment

Florida Amendment 2 (2008), an amendment to the Constitution of Florida that prohibited same-sex marriage.

Sheila Noakes, Baroness Noakes

In January 2006 she moved, with Lord Phillips, an amendment to the Identity Cards bill which led to it being defeated in the House of Lords and sent back to the House of Commons.


Sherbert v. Verner, a United States Supreme Court case involving the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution

Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act

One proposed amendment to the Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistant Act is the Federal Disaster Assistance Nonprofit Fairness Act of 2013 (H.R. 592), a bill that passed in the United States House of Representatives on February 13, 2013, during the 113th United States Congress.

Steve J. Rosen

Floyd Abrams, a leading First Amendment attorney, said the AIPAC case "is the single most dangerous case for free speech and free press" (Washington Post, March 31, 2006) and Alan Dershowitz called it “the worst case of selective prosecution I have seen in 42 years of legal practice” (Jerusalem Post, January 31, 2006).

Tax protester constitutional arguments

Another argument is a missing amendment to the Constitution, known as the Titles of Nobility Amendment, which precedes the current Thirteenth Amendment.

Titles of Nobility Amendment

There is speculation that the Congress proposed the amendment in response to the 1803 marriage of Napoleon Bonaparte's younger brother, Jerome, and Betsy Patterson of Baltimore, Maryland, who gave birth to a boy for whom she wanted aristocratic recognition from France.

United States – Russia mutual detargeting

In 1997, during a debate over an amendment that would require the president to certify that Russia had detargeted its missiles, Representative Curt Weldon (R-PA) introduced into the Congressional Record a transcript of a 60 Minutes interview with Russian generals which stated that Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles could be retargeted to point to US targets within a matter of minutes.

Utah Constitutional Amendment 3

On December 20, 2013, federal judge Robert J. Shelby of the U.S. District Court for Utah struck down Amendment 3 as unconstitutional under the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution.

Vice President's Room

In 1919 Vice President Thomas Marshall signed the constitutional amendment bill that would grant nationwide suffrage to women once ratified by the states.

Wagner–Hatfield amendment

Wagner–Hatfield amendment was a proposed amendment to the Communications Act of 1934 aimed at turning over twenty-five percent of all radio channels to non-profit radio broadcasters.

Wayne Christian

In 2009, a controversial amendment sponsored by fellow Republican, Mike "Tuffy" Hamilton passed the Texas House, allowing Christian and a handful of neighbors on the Bolivar Peninsula near Galveston to rebuild houses destroyed by Hurricane Ike.

William C. Conner

In a 1981 decision later reversed by the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, in a case brought by Harpo Marx's widow Susan Fleming, Conner ruled that the producers of A Day in Hollywood / A Night in the Ukraine had improperly used the Marx Brothers characters in their Broadway theatre production and that the publicity rights of the comedians, even after their deaths, overrode the First Amendment claims of the show's creators.

see also