
unusual facts about bis


The 14-X is the Brazilian hypersonic aircraft, named in tribute to the 14-bis of Alberto Santos-Dumont.

Adjusted Peak Performance

APP was itself replaced in November 2007 when the BIS amended 15 CFR to include the December 2006 Wassenaar Arrangement Plenary Agreement Implementation's new metric - Gigaflops (GFLOPS), one billion floating point operations per second, or TeraFLOPS, one trillion floating point operations per second.


Die nördlichen und westlichen Bereiche einschließlich der Stadt Bockenem waren bis 1803 Bestandteil des Fürstbistums Hildesheim (mit Unterbrechung zwischen 1523 bis 1643), was sich bis heute durch Zugehörigkeit zur inzwischen aufgelösten Bezirksregierung Hildesheim, seit 1978 Hannover, auswirkte.


Walter W. Müller (Hrsg.) / Hermann von Wissmann: Die Geschichte von Sabaʾ II. Das Grossreich der Sabäer bis zu seinem Ende im frühen 4. Jh. v. Chr. (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, Band 402) Verlag der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien 1982 ISBN 3-7001-0516-9

Bavarian International School

The Bavarian International School (BIS) is an international school based in Haimhausen, Bavaria, Germany about a half an hour outside the city of Munich.

Bengt Nordén

He has developed novel DNA-binding ligands, such as bis-intercalating compounds and peptide nucleic acids (PNA), and demonstrated DNA-ligand reorganisations between groove-binding and intercalation binding geometries involving extreme activation energies and recognition due to kinetic (in contrast to thermodynamic) selection.

Bismarck Airport

Bismarck Municipal Airport in Bismarck, North Dakota, United States (FAA: BIS)

British Vietnamese International School

BVIS is part of the BIS Group of schools in Vietnam, which started with the founding of Tiny Tots in Ho Chi Minh in 1997, which went on to become the British International School, Ho Chi Minh City.

Chemikal Underground

When the second Chemikal Underground release by Bis, The Secret Vampire Soundtrack EP was successful, earning them a slot on Top of the Pops, the label was able to expand.

Colin Rowe

Between the 1950s and his death, Rowe published a number of widely influential papers that influenced architecture by further developing the theory that there is a conceptual relationship between modernity and tradition, specifically Classicism in its various manifestations, and Modern Movement "white architecture" of the 1920s - a viewpoint first put forward by Emil Kaufmann in his classic book "Von Ledoux bis Le Courbusier" (1933).

Compagnie des arts de Paris

It paraded before the Legislative Assembly on 8 September 1792 and was incorporated on 23 September 1792 into the Bataillon 9 bis, then at Châlons-en-Champagne and known as the Bataillon de l'arsenal or Arsenal battalion.

Débora Halász

She has recorded a number of CDs for the BIS and Naxos labels, notably a series of complete piano music by Villa-Lobos, and works by Seixas and Carulli.

Dental restorative materials

Bis-GMA based materials contain Bisphenol A, a known endocrine disrupter chemical, and may contribute to the development of breast cancer.

Duped Till Doomsday

Betrogen bis zum jüngsten Tag was the first East German film to be entered into the Cannes Film Festival; a year earlier, at 1956, Zar und Zimmermann and Der Teufelskreis were screened outside the competition.

Ed Vaizey

Edward Henry Butler Vaizey (born 5 June 1968) is the UK Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State post with responsibilities in both the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

Elisabeth Rotten

1930 bis 1934 wirkte sie in der Gartenstadt Hellerau, u.a. als Mitbegründerin der Staatlichen Wohlfahrtsschule Hellerau, in dieser Zeit gründete sie auch zusammen mit Jean Piaget die Schweizerische Montessori-Gesellschaft und war von 1937 bis zu ihrem Tode im Jahre 1964 Vizepräsidentin der Association Montessori Internationale.

European School of Economics

The European School of Economics is also recognized as a listed body by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills (BIS) and by UK law as an institution that delivers courses which lead to UK degrees awarded by recognised bodies – in this case specifically the University of Buckingham.

Gabardini G.9

In October 1923, Victor Emmanuel III (1869-1947), King of Italy (1900-1946), visited Cameri airfield, where he observed a demonstration of the G.9bis.

Harald Martenstein

Erotik in der deutschen Politik von Adenauer bis Claudia Nolte.

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus

His first published work, Historische Entwicklung der spekulativen Philosophie von Kant bis Hegel (1837, 5th ed. 1860), which still ranks among the best expositions of modern German thought, has been twice translated into English, by Alfred Tulk (London, 1854), and by Alfred Edersheim (Edinburgh, 1854).

Heiter bis Wolkig

Heiter bis Wolkig is a 2012 German comedy-drama film directed by Marco Petry and starring Max Riemelt, Elyas M'Barek, Jessica Schwarz and Anna Fischer.

Herma Auguste Wittstock

Herma Auguste Wittstock studied Fine Arts at Braunschweig University of Art from 1999 bis 2004 with professors Mara Mattuschka, performance artist Marina Abramović and film maker Birgit Hein.

House of Württemberg

Gerhard Raff: Hie gut Wirtemberg allewege I. Das Haus Württemberg von Graf Ulrich dem Stifter bis Herzog Ludwig.

John of Isenburg-Grenzau

Johann V. von Isenburg auch Johann V. von Isenburg-Grenzau (* ca. 1507 – † 18 February 1556 in Montabaur) war von 1547 bis 1556 Erzbischof und Kurfürst von Trier.

Jonas Totoraitis

He went on to Freiburg University in Switzerland, where he published his doctoral dissertation on the life of King Mindaugas, Die Litauer unter dem König Mindowe bis zum Jahre 1263, the first such work by a Lithuanian scholar.

Karl Otfried Müller

In the last years of his life he undertook to prepare, for the English Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, a history of Greek literature, which in 1841 appeared posthumously as Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur bis auf das Zeitalter Alexanders (4th ed., revised and continued by Heitz, 1882–84).

Kurd Lasswitz

His first published science fiction story was "Bis zum Nullpunkt des Seins" ("To the Zero Point of Existence", 1871), depicting life in 2371, but he earned his reputation with his 1897 novel Two Planets, which describes an encounter between humans and a Martian civilization that is older and more advanced.

Manda Rin

In 1994 Manda Rin, along with brothers Steven Clark (Sci-fi Steven) and John Clark (John Disco) formed the band bis in Glasgow, Scotland.

Manufacturing Advisory Service

On 14 October 2011 Mark Prisk, a minister at the BIS, announced an overhaul of the MAS.

Markku Luolajan-Mikkola

His more than 40 solo and chamber music recordings (stand out his solo parts of Marais, Forqueray and Couperin are available on the Alba, Avie, BIS, Linn, Simax, Channel Classics, Decca, GMN and Toccata Classics labels.

New York Polyphony

Prior to signing with BIS Records, New York Polyphony released two CDs on the British label Avie Records, I sing the birth (2007) and Tudor City (2010).

Peter Joseph Bis

Peter Joseph Bis (c. 1951 - August 16, 2012) was a homeless man in Washington, D.C., known by the Capitol Hill community for his social personality and keen, savant-like memory.

Terry Mattingly reported that a painting of Bis, titled, “A Contemplation of Justice,” was placed near the entrance of the church.

After Mattingly had gone a few steps, Bis stopped him and recalled that Orthodox Easter was not until a week later.

Ralf Gothóni

He has recorded for various labels, including BIS, Decca, Deutsche Grammophon, EMI, CPO and Ondine, such works as Benjamin Britten's Piano Concerto, Heitor Villa-Lobos' Choros XI, and the first and second piano concertos of Einojuhani Rautavaara.


It won the contest for the new Polish military trainer, against the PZL-5bis and Bartel BM-4h biplanes.

Simon II, Count of Sponheim-Kreuznach

Johannes Mötsch: Die Burg Kastellaun bis 1437, in: Stadt Kastellaun (eds.): Das Wahrzeichen Kastellauns — Seine Burg, in the series Kastellaun in der Geschichte, vol.

Singapore Symphony Orchestra

The orchestra records under the BIS label and released the first recording of the complete cycle of Alexander Tcherepnin's six piano concertos and four symphonies.

Singapore–United Kingdom relations

In 2011, 6 dignitaries from the United Kingdom visited Singapore including Peter Ricketts, the National Security Advisor in January, Martin Donnelly, BIS Permanent Secretary in February, John Aston, FCO Special Representative for Climate Change in March, Jeremy Browne, Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in April, Liam Fox, Secretary of State for Defence in June and HRH The Duke of York in September.

Stemweder Berg

Rund um den Stemweder Berg liegende Ortschaften sind: Brockum (nördlich), Stemwede (östlich, südlich bis westlich; von Ost nach West mit den Gemeindeteilen Oppenwehe, Oppendorf, Wehdem, Westrup, Arrenkamp, Haldem und Dielingen), Stemshorn (westlich), Lemförde (nordwestlich) und Quernheim (nordnordwestlich).

Stijn Claessens

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Bank for International Settlements (BIS), World Bank, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (member Advisory Group Debt Relief Study)


Es reicht vom Osten des historischen Siegerlandes im Westen bis weit nach Hessen ins Upland und ins Hessische Hinterland, ein Südwestausläufer zur Kalteiche berührt an der Nahtstelle der drei beteiligten Bundesländer gar fast den Westerwald.


The name of the comarca, Valle del Besaya is derived from the Astur-Leonese Bisalia, which in turn derives from the Celtic, Bis-salia (the second Salia or Saja) from the two rivers that flow through the city.

Trade Sanction Reform and Export Enhancement Act

Under the act, the trade of certain agricultural commodities (defined and listed under section 102 of the Agricultural Trade Act of 1978) and medicine/medical devices (defined and listed under section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act) became permitted (www.bis.doc.gov).

Urft Dam

Deutsche Truppen hatten zudem die Verschlüsse des Kermeterstollens am Kraftwerk Heimbach gesprengt, woraufhin die Talsperre bis zum Niveau des Kermeterstollens leer lief.

Von Gestern bis Heute

Von Gestern bis Heute ("From Yesterday until Today") is the first major compilation album released by German Schlager group Die Flippers.

Wilhelm Kunst

Carl Schurz, Lebenserinnerungen bis zum Jahre 1852, Berlin: Georg Reimer, 1906 and 1911.

Zero Retention Force Arming Unit

In November 2009 the Information Tribunal looking at EDO MBM's export licence applications held by the Dept for Business (BIS) found “There was no dispute that the ERU151 and the ZRFAU are components which can be incorporated into VER-2 bomb racks for use with F-16 combat aircraft, that those aircraft are used by the Israeli air force, and that from 1998 EDO owned the right to manufacture the ERU151 and the ZRFAU.

see also