
unusual facts about brigades

15th Airborne Corps

In May 1989, the 15th Airborne Corps’ 43rd and 44th Paratrooper Brigades were deployed to Beijing to enforce martial law and suppress the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

2nd Alpini Regiment

The regiment itself was reformed on 1 July 1963 as a training unit with four battalions, which were named for the four Alpini Brigades to which the conscripts were sent after training: Tridentina, Orobica, Cadore and Taurinense battalions.

53rd Pennsylvania Infantry

The First Division, now commanded General Francis Barlow, reorganized its four brigades, the Fourth (Brooke's) joined by the 66th New York and 148th Pennsylvania.

92nd Armored Division

In September 1980, among the units garrisoned along the Iraqi border, the IRIA had the 92nd Armored "Khuzestan" Division, with three armored brigades equipped with Chieftain MBTs and M-113 APCs (including the 283rd Armored Cavalry Battalion), including the 1st Brigade west of Khorramshahr and south of Ahwaz, 2nd Brigade west of Dezful, and 3rd west of Ahvaz.

Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades

The brigades contributed to the Palestinian resistance during the Gaza War from December 2008 to January 2009.

Anglo-Persian War

Once reinforcements arrived, an Army expeditionary force of three brigades under Major General Sir James Outram advanced on Brazjun/Borazjan (en route to Shiraz), which the Persians abandoned without a fight.

Army National Guard units with campaign credit for the War of 1812

In 1792 the militia companies from this part of Virginia were reorganized as companies in the 1oth and 16th Brigades, Virginia Militia, which served in the Whiskey Rebellion in 1794.

Barbara, Gaza

Barbara was captured by a possible combination of the Negev, Giv'ati and Yiftach brigades on November 5, 1948 during Operation Yoav.

Battle of Hastenbeck

General Chevert was ordered to flank the Hanoverian position with four brigades containing troops from Picardy, la Marine, Navarre and Eu.

Battle of Jenkins' Ferry

On April 25, 1864, in an action called the Battle of Marks' Mill, two Confederate cavalry brigades under the overall command of Brigadier General James Fagan, operating under Price, captured a Union wagon train of between 211 and 240 wagons and 1,300 men of the escort which Steele had sent to seek supplies from the federal depot at Pine Bluff.

Battle of Lynchburg

Two brigades of Major General Stephen Dodson Ramseur's division occupied the area around a redoubt two miles from the city and hindered the Union advance.

Battle of Upton

Cromwell, the same day, sent his second in command (General Charles Fleetwood) to take the command at Upton, ordering him at once to march there with a large force of troops, the whole of Colonels Lambert and Deane's brigades.

Battle of Zinjibar

Despite the military claim of being on the verge of re-taking Zinjibar, the very next day, on 21 June, the 119th and 201st Artillery Brigades were forced to withdraw around three kilometers from positions they previously held in what the Army called a "tactical move".

Council of Paris

The Préfecture de Police (which also has authority over the fire brigades of Paris), for example, has still a jurisdiction extending to the petite couronne (small corona or halo) of Paris, the three bordering départements (Seine-Saint-Denis, Hauts de Seine, and Val de Marne) for some operations such as fire protection and rescue operations, and the Préfecture de Police is still directed by France's national government.

David Rumph Jones

After Jones died, his division was broken up and its brigades reassigned to Lafayette McLaws's and John Hood's divisions.


The settlement was founded in 1975 with the construction of the BAM, built by Komsomol brigades from around Moscow.


The Division consisted nine brigades: 1st Brigade (south Meath & north Kildare); 2nd (Navan & Trim); 3rd (Kells, Virginia & Mullagh); 4th, Delvin; 5th (Mullingar & north Westmeath); 6th, Edenderry; 7th (Naas & south Kildare); 8th Fingal; and 9th (Drogheda & south Louth).

Essex County Fire and Rescue Service

Essex was one of 16 brigades called in to attend the large Buncefield oil depot fire near Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, in December 2005.

French Camp, California

French Camp was the southernmost regular camp site of the Hudson's Bay Company southern fur brigades sent from Fort Vancouver (now Vancouver, Washington), established by Michel Laframboise in 1832.

Goito Mechanized Brigade

The remaining units were distributed among other brigades: the 4th Tank Battalion and 18th Bersaglieri Battalion joined the Legnano Mechanized Brigade, while the 10th Bersaglieri Battalion had already moved to Bologna and joined the Trieste Mechanized Brigade on 1 March 1991.

History of the Army of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The 7th Corps (Travnik) was established on 7 April 1994 with brigades from the 3rd Corps to advance north-westward through southern Bosnia.

I2 Limited

The i2 Analyst's Notebook was part of the Human Terrain System, a United States Army program which embeds social scientists with combat brigades.

John Talbot Coke

On the 14th of February Coke's brigade joined Barton's and Wynne's infantry brigades (the 6th and 11th brigades) along with the artillery in occupying Hussar Hill which had been captured by the South African Light Horse.

Kent Fire and Rescue Service

It was these local brigades and the Auxiliary Fire Service – also formed in 1938 – that valiantly coped with the consequences of the Battle of Britain and much of The Blitz.

Kronens Artilleriregiment

In 1803 it was split up into three brigades, Danske Artilleribrigade, Holstenske Artilleribrigade (the later Sjællandske Artilleriregiment) and Norske Artilleribrigade (disbanded in 1814).

Les Brigades du Tigre

Gathering a talented pan-European cast, the film is set in a very rich and interesting Belle Époque, it deals with a lot of real historical plots and characters like the scandal of the Russian Loan, the Triple Entente, the birth of modern profiling and crime-fighting police techniques, the rivalry between the PP (Parisian Prefecture Police Units) and the Brigades of Clemenceau, the birth of Socialism and famous Anarchist Movements.

Lord Michael Fitzalan-Howard

Their brigades then leapfrogged each other on the advance through Eindhoven to the Rhine and the Elbe.

Luigi Mercantini

The hymn's music was composed by his musician friend Alessio Olivieri, and proved hugely popular among Italians at home and abroad, famously being recorded by Enrico Caruso around the outbreak of World War I and again used as battle hymn of some brigades of the Italian resistance movement during World War II.

Mameli Armored Brigade

The brigades name was chosen to honor the Italian patriot Goffredo Mameli writer of the lyrics of the Italian national anthem.

Multi-National Division - Baghdad

Following the Iraq War troop surge of 2007, most of the brigades' troops were dispersed at battalion- and company-level "combat outposts" and "joint security stations." The headquarters of MND-B was previously provided by HQ 1st Armored Division (2003–2004), HQ 1st Cavalry Division (2004–2005), HQ 3rd Infantry Division (2005–2006), 4th Infantry Division (2006) and 1st Cavalry Division (2007).

Naval operations in the American Revolutionary War

During the first three years of the war, therefore, the Royal Navy was primarily used in support of operations on land, aiding General Thomas Gage and General Sir William Howe during the siege of Boston by seeking stores for the army and in supplying naval brigades.

New Zealand Fire Brigades Long Service and Good Conduct Medal

The New Zealand Fire Brigades Long Service and Good Conduct Medal may be awarded for 14 years full or part-time service as a member of the New Zealand Fire Service or a fire brigade or service operated, maintained by, or registered with the New Zealand Fire Service Commission or a Government Department of New Zealand.

Newman S. Clarke

He commanded a brigade of regulars in General William J. Worth's division during the siege of Veracruz, being one of the first brigades to wade ashore.

Operation Karbala-5

26:263 Despite their losses, the Iranian high command issued a statement, claiming capture of 155 km2 (60 sq mi) of enemy-occupied territory and the Iranian town of Shalamcheh;12 the destruction of 81 Iraqi brigades and battalions; the destruction of 700 tanks and 1,500 other vehicles; the downing of 80 Iraqi warplanes; the destruction of 250 anti-aircraft guns and 400 pieces of military hardware; the capture of 220 tanks and armoured personnel carriers; and 40,000 enemy dead.

Prince Heinrich XV of Reuss-Plauen

He commanded 12 battalions in the brigades of Federico Bianchi and Franz Schulz von Rothacker.

Republic of Ezo

The troops were organized under a joint Franco-Japanese command, Commander-in-chief Otori Keisuke being seconded by the French captain Jules Brunet, and divided into four brigades, each commanded by a French officer (Fortant, Marlin, Cazeneuve and Bouffier).

Surafend affair

The village of Surafend (also known as Sarafand) was located nearby to the camps of the three brigades of the ANZAC Mounted Division: the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, and the Australian 1st and 2nd Light Horse Brigades.

Teishin Shudan

The paratroop brigades were organized into the Teishin Shudan as the first division-level raiding unit, at the main Japanese airborne base, Karasehara Airfield, Kyūshū, Japan.

Territorial Defence Force of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina

At the end of April 1992, the TO was reorganized into 4 regions (Bihać, Sarajevo, Tuzla and Zenica) and two tactical groups that controlled TO, PL and newly formed brigades.

The Crow Comes Last

It consists of thirty stories inspired by the novelist's own experiences fighting with the Communist Garibaldi Brigades in the Maritime Alps during the final phases of World War II.

Units and Commands of the Schutzstaffel

SS-Brigaden ("SS-Brigades"): The SS brigades were intermediary commands between the SS-Groups and lower SS regiment commands known as Standarte.

Warwickshire Royal Horse Artillery

Later in August, a concentration of mounted brigades was ordered to take place around the Churn area of Berkshire and the brigade moved to the racecourse at Newbury.

Western Frontier Force

1 composite regiment of Australian Light Horse, made up of details from Australian light horse brigades.

Wroth Palmer Acland

Here Wellesley covered the dangerous disembarkation of Acland's brigade, and then drew up the two brigades with the rest of his army in a strong position at Vimeiro.

Yugoslav volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

In fact, four members of the International brigades that fought on the Republican side ended up commanding the four armies of the Partisan Liberation Army that fought the Nazis in World War II: Koča Popović, Peko Dapčević, Kosta Nađ and Petar Drapšin.

see also