
unusual facts about cell line

Chinese hamster ovary cell

Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are a cell line derived from the ovary of the Chinese hamster, often used in biological and medical research and commercially in the production of therapeutic proteins.

see also


A431 cells, an experimental cell line used in biomedical research


When LNCaP cells (a prostate cancer cell line) engineered to express elevated levels of AR (as found in patients with advanced prostate cancer) were treated with enzalutamide, the expression of androgen dependent genes PSA and TMPRSS2 was down regulated in contrast to bicalutamide where the expression was upregulated.

Stanley Michael Gartler

HeLa, the first successfully established human cell line, was derived from a woman of African descent named Henrietta Lacks, so this result suggested that the cell lines were not truly independent, but had been contaminated by HeLa cells.