
unusual facts about censure


Herem (censure) |

Al-Anfal Campaign

Writer Joost R. Hiltermann has said the United States government and U.S. State Department was particularly important in helping their then ally the Saddam Hussein government in avoiding any serious censure for the campaign and in particular the attack on rebels and civilians in the city of Halabja.

Canadian federal election, 1925

Anticipating a vote of censure by the Commons, King asked the Governor General, Baron Byng of Vimy, to call an election.

Concurrent resolution

In Season 3 Episode 12 of The West Wing, President Josiah Bartlet accepts a censure via a concurrent resolution in relation to hiding the fact that he has Multiple Sclerosis

Debiprasad Chattopadhyaya

Further, it considers the role of the law-givers like Manu in establishing the supremacy of the idealist traditions, and how due to the censor and censure anti-idealists like Varahamihira and Brahmagupta worked out their philosophies in distinctive Aesopian language, developing their own modes of camouflaging their ideas.

Edward Horsman

A vote of censure on the ecclesiastical commissioners was moved by him and rejected 14 December 1847.

Facundus of Hermiane

At the instance of Theodore Ascidas, and with the ostensible purpose of reuniting to the Church the Acephali, a sect of Monophysites, Justinian was induced to censure the "Three Chapters".

Facundus was in Constantinople when this censure was pronounced, and shortly after its publication he and several other western bishops refused to subscribe to the decree, alleging that it was an attack on the Council of Chalcedon, which had accepted at least the letter of Ibas to the Persian Maris.

Fernando Wood

This was followed by a motion by Henry L. Dawes to censure Wood, which passed by a vote of 114-39.

Gaetano Filangieri

The suggestion which he made in it as to the need for reform in the Roman Catholic church brought upon him the censure of the ecclesiastical authorities, and it was condemned by the congregation of the Index in 1784.

Henry Winter Davis

In the contest over the speakership at the opening of the 36th United States Congress in 1859 he voted with the Republicans, incurring a vote of censure from the Maryland Legislature, which called upon him to resign.

Jacob Obermeyer

While in Baghdad Obermeyer clashed with the young Kabbalist Yosef Hayyim and was excommunicated, his cherem being read in all the synagogues in Baghdad.

Joshua ben Hananiah

After Gamaliel's death (comp. Mo'ed Katan 27a; Yer. M. K. 83a), the first place among the scholars fell to Joshua, since Eliezer b. Hyrcanus was under a ban.

Malcolm Dunbar

After Auchinleck's defeat by Rommel and his disastrous retreat across Cyrenaica in 1942, Bevan made one of his most memorable speeches in the Commons in support of a motion of censure against the Churchill government.

Marprelate Controversy

Meanwhile, in July 1589, Penry's press, now at Wolston, near Coventry, produced two tracts purporting to be by sons of Martin, but probably by Martin himself, namely, Theses Martinianae by Martin Junior, and The Just Censure of Martin Junior by Martin Senior.

Prenuptial agreement

In 2004, the High Court of South Africa upheld a cherem against a Johannesburg businessman because he refused to pay his former wife alimony as ordered by a beth din.

Radhabinod Pal

"When time shall have softened passion and prejudice, when Reason shall have stripped the mask from misrepresentation, then Justice, holding evenly her scales, will require much of past censure and praise to change places," Pal quoted Jefferson Davis in the conclusion of the dissent.

Rebecca Stott

In 2012 she published an epic account of the history of evolution before Darwin which documents a 2,200 year history, a tale of heretics and free thinkers who were prepared to risk public censure or even imprisonment by asking questions that challenged religious orthodoxies.

Timeline of Shakespeare criticism

Samuel Johnson, 1765 The Plays of William Shakespeare: "Shakespeare's adherence to general nature has exposed him to the censure of criticks, who form their judgments upon narrower principles. Dennis and Rymer think his Romans not sufficiently Roman; and Voltaire censures his kings as not completely royal. ... These are the petty cavils of petty minds."

United Kingdom general election, 1857

The election had been provoked by a vote of censure in Palmerston's government over his approach to the Arrow affair which led to the Second Opium War.

see also