
unusual facts about commercialization

Garden Town

Commercialization in this area has immensely increased the traffic flow, not only on the main roads but also on the small lanes and access roads which are unable to cope with the large volume.

A Song of Ass and Fire

Seeking an advantage to counter the PS4 faction's increasing ranks, Cartman contacts Microsoft, but CEO Steve Ballmer dismisses the importance of the children's conflict, and the commercialization of the console wars.


Acuson was important enough in evolution of the obstetric ultrasound that the National Museum of American History took time in 1997 to document the history, development, commercialization and applications of the diagnostic ultrasound.

Alfred E. Mann Institute for Biomedical Engineering

A business incubator for medical device development in preparation for commercialization, AMI was founded in 1998 when billionaire medical device entrepreneur and philanthropist Alfred E. Mann made a $100 million gift to USC, a major private research university in Los Angeles.


Commercialization of the image has expanded to pictures, swimming suits, beer, wallets, socks, shirts, cigarettes, even in cartoons such as South Park and The Simpsons.

Frères des Hommes

Coraca-Protal in Bolivia, it’s a peasant organization that goes into action and leads a global local development program in the region of Cochabamba, in the center of Bolivia, basically organizing the production, transformation and commercialization of food crops;


GreatPoint Energy, a company founded in 2005 by serial entrepreneur Andrew Perlman, is a forerunner in the development and commercialization of hydromethanation.


Some of these applications are in varying levels of commercialization, such as IPv6, open-source middleware for secure network access, Layer 2 VPNs and dynamic circuit networks.

Migratory Birds Convention Act

The Migratory Birds Convention Act (also MBCA) is a Canadian law established in 1917 and significantly updated in June 1994 which contains regulations to protect migratory birds, their eggs, and their nests from hunting, trafficking and commercialization.

National Parks Conservation Association

Taking a strong preservationist position, Yard objected to such commercialization of the parks as the jazz bands and bear shows at Yosemite National Park.


Qualcomm pioneered the commercialization of the cdmaOne (IS-95) standard for wireless cellular communications, following up with CDMA2000, an early standard for third-generation (3G) mobile.

Richard Boyce

Rick Boyce, early marketeer in the commercialization of the World Wide Web

Smart Sparrow

Smart Sparrow is an ed-tech (education technology) start-up, the commercialization of an adaptive learning technology incubated within the Adaptive eLearning Research Group at the School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.


The FPS also deposited genetic material in the National Plant Germplasm System, which offers material for research, including development and commercialization of new cultivars.

Urinine Records

He folded the label on July 4, 2004 citing the increased commercialization of the indie music scene.

Vic Cherikoff

Vic Cherikoff is regarded as an authority on Australian native foods and its associated industry, having been involved in the selection and commercialization of many of the 35 or so indigenous Australian plant foods now in the market place.

see also