
unusual facts about criminal offence

Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007

In English law, a corporation is a juristic person and is capable of committing, and being convicted of and sentenced for, a criminal offence.

see also

1996 Manchester bombing

Their investigation was led by Detective Chief Inspector Gordon Mutch of the Greater Manchester Police (GMP), "astonishingly ... the only person ever charged with a criminal offence in connection with the Manchester bomb".

2011 Malawian Air Fouling Legislation

Even though flatulence was not the target of the bill, when responding to a journalist who inquired about the ban on flatulence in January 2011 on Capital Radio Malawi's popular Straight Talk program, George Chaponda, Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs, agreed that the legislation can essentially be interpreted as a banning farting in public places and makes it an official criminal offence.

Attorney General v Blake

Disclosure of non-confidential information was also a criminal offence under the Official Secrets Act 1911.


Arson a criminal offence in the United States, England and Wales (where it is now a sub-division of the offence of Criminal Damage) and elsewhere.

Wilful fire raising a criminal offence under Scots Law not directly equivalent to the English Law offence of arson.

Katzenberger Trial

Someone denounced Katzenberger to the authorities and he was arrested on 18 March 1941 under the so-called Rassenschutzgesetz, or Racial Protection Law, one of the Nuremberg Laws, which made it a criminal offence as Rassenschande ("racial defilement") which prohibited Aryans and non-Aryans from having sexual relations.

Knock, Knock, Ginger

However, under the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, it is a criminal offence to "wilfully and wantonly disturb any inhabitant, by pulling or ringing any door bell, or knocking at any door" punishable with up to 14 days imprisonment.

Lists of landmark court decisions

Fagan v Metropolitan Police Commissioner 1969 1 QB 439: a leading case illustrating the requirement for concurrence of actus reus (Latin for "guilty act") and mens rea (Latin for "guilty mind") in order to establish a criminal offence.

Richard Benyon

In 2012 while Wildlife Minister he refused a request from other MPs that possession of carbofuran, a deadly poison used to kill raptors that is banned in Canada and the European Union, should be made a criminal offence.