
unusual facts about data set

Front-side bus

In image, audio, video, gaming, FPGA synthesis and scientific applications that perform a small amount of work on each element of a large data set, FSB speed becomes a major performance issue.

see also

Clinical Care Classification System

In 1988 to 1990, Harriet Werley established the Nursing Minimum Data Set, which consisted of 12 variables: 8 variables focused on patient demographics and the remaining 4 focused on nursing practice—


Initially developed in 2002, the model now contains a calibration data set of more than 50 projects provided by major aerospace and defense companies such as Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, SAIC, General Dynamics, and BAE Systems.

Deep learning

The results shown in the table below are for automatic speech recognition on the popular TIMIT data set.

Gazetteer of Australia

These are searchable in an online database hosted by Geoscience Australia and the entire data set can be purchased from the same organisation.


For example, if OLS is performed on a heteroscedactic data set, yielding biased standard error estimation, a researcher might fail to reject a null hypothesis at a given significance level, when that null hypothesis was actually uncharacteristic of the actual population (making a type II error).

Michael Maltz

This interest has surfaced most publicly in his critique of John Lott’s More Guns, Less Crime (see "A Note on the Use of County-Level Crime Data" and "Measurement and Other Errors in County-Level UCR Data: A reply to Lott and Whitley" below) based primarily on a detailed analysis of the validity of the Uniform Crime Reports data set that Lott used to draw his conclusions.