
unusual facts about engraved

50 krooni

A portrait of Rudolf Tobias (1873–1918), a famous Estonian composer, was engraved on the front side of the bill along with the pipe organ of the Käina church (which features the Eye of Providence).

85th Scripps National Spelling Bee

Nandipati received a $30,000 cash prize, an engraved trophy from the E. W. Scripps Company, a $2,500 savings bond from Merriam-Webster, a $5,000 scholarship from the Sigma Phi Epsilon Educational Foundation, $2,600 in reference works from Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., and an online language course and Barnes & Noble Nook from Middlebury Interactive Languages.

Alexander Maximilian Seitz

The St. Anthony, and St. Benedict, as engraved by the Capuchin Bernardo da Monaco, and his Mater Amabilis aroused admiration; an enthroned Madonna went to England.

Brimstone Cup

The name is reflected with a quote from Virgil's Aeneid engraved on the base: "The more the kindled combat rises high'r, The more with fury burns the blazing fire."

Buyla inscription

The Buyla inscription is engraved in Greek letters on the inner bottom of a round buckled bowl (no. 21 in József Hampel's notation), on a flat ring surrounding a lavishly decorated disk.

Charles Labelye

Other British projects of his were Brentford Bridge (1740–42), London Bridge (his consultations were sought in 1746 but not acted upon by the corporation of London), designs for a harbour at Sandwich (engraved by Harris about 1740) and reports on the port and harbour facilities at Great Yarmouth (1747) and Sunderland (1748, also with suggested improvements to the River Wear).

Charles-Louis Bazin

He was a pupil of Girodet-Trioson and of Gérard, after the latter of whom he engraved a portrait of Albertine de Stael, Duchesse de Broglie.

Clayton Eshleman

In June 2006, the Eshlemans plan to be in France to lead their 8th cave tour to the painted/engraved Ice Age caves for the Ringling College of Art and Design.

Coat of arms of Croatia

A Split stone baptistry from the time of Peter Krešimir IV (r. 1058–1074/5) has engraved falcons that carry something that resembles a chequy on their wings, and the bell tower of the medieval Church of St. Lucy, Jurandvor has a checkerboard pattern carved onto it.

Croatia rediviva: Ča, Kaj, Što – baštinski dani

He is also the author of the Wall of Poetry (Zid od versi) at the central square in Selca, onto which plates of the wreathed poets (poetae oliveati) are mounted, with engraved year of the wreathing, name of the poet and a few verses carved into the Bračian marble.

Diana Bloomfield

She also engraved cover roundels for the Penguin Classics and some 30 calligraphic titles for the Pocket Poets series published by Edward Hulton's Vista Books.

Eberhard Georg Friedrich von Wächter

At Vienna he illustrated books and made drawings, many of which were etched or engraved by Rahl and Leybold.

Francis Beale

A portrait of the late king Charles I, engraved by Stent, forms the frontispiece of the volume; the dedication is addressed to Montagu Bertie, 2nd Earl of Lindsey.

Francis William Topham

Topham also made designs for Fisher, Son & Co.'s edition of the Waverley Novels, some of which he engraved.

Frederick Stacpoole

Two of his earliest published engravings were after Edwin Landseer, both with other engravers: Peace with T. L. Atkinson (1848), and the Hunted Stag (engraved as Mountain Torrent) with Thomas Landseer (1850) (these both after pictures from the Vernon collection, which went to the National Gallery of British Art).


A plaque bearing the engraved coat of arms of the Freeminers is on the Greyndour tomb in the Clearwell Chapel in Newland church, and other important medieval and modern mining emblems are in the Freeminers Guild church of St. Michael in Abenhall.


These wallpaper manufacturers used thousands of engraved woodblocks for the creation of the panorama sceneries, to create wall paper such as the 20 panel Sauvages de la Mer du Pacifique which Jean-Gabriel Charvet designed for Joseph Dufour et Cie or the “du Vue de l'Amérique Nord” designed in 1834 by Zuber et cie for the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, where it is still today.

Great Western Arms Company

Wilson presented John Wayne with an engraved blued pair with smooth ivory grips that Wayne used in The Shootist.

Gunston Hall

The classical lines of the porch exactly follow those of a Roman medal of the Temple of Tyche in Eumenia, Asia Minor, only engraved once.

Isaac Milles

Bromley mentions a rare engraved portrait of him, signed by George Vertue.

Jack Kerouac Alley

The alley is now known for its engraved Western and Chinese poems, including poets such as John Steinbeck, Maya Angelou, and Kerouac himself.

Jacques-Jean Barre

In this position, he engraved and designed French medals, the Great Seal of France, bank notes and postage stamps.

Jean Bassange

Musée Vivenel holds his only surviving work, an Adoration of the Shepherds, rediscovered by that museum's curator Éric Blanchegorge - this painting inspired a work by Simon Vouet, later engraved by François Perrier.

Jean-Baptiste Corneille

Many of the paintings of this excellent artist were engraved by contemporaries, a few by the great Mariette, and Jean himself engraved and etched plates after his own designs and finished pictures, and after the Carracci.

John F. Baddeley

The texts taken more especially from manuscripts in the Moscow Foreign Office Archives; the whole by John F. Baddeley; a monumental work, published in 1919 in two volumes as a limited edition of only 250 copies, with an elaborate frontispiece ("the book epitomised in a series of pictures", said Baddeley) drawn by Amédée Forestier and engraved by Emery Walker.

John Hodges Benwell

They included two scenes from "Auld Robin Gray"; the "Children in the Wood", engraved by William Sharp; and A St. Giles's Beauty and A St. James's Beauty, both engraved by Bartolozzi.

John Richard de Capel Wise

The book contained sixty-two illustrations drawn by Walter Crane and engraved by William James Linton.

John Richardson Jackson

He also engraved, among other kinds of subjects, St. John the Baptist after the Murillo in the National Gallery.

Joris Carolus

Martin Conway argued in 1901 that Carolus’ chart indicated that he had discovered Edge Island; but, as Wielder points out, Conway was ignorant of a map (engraved in 1612) by the Dutch cartographer Petrus Plancius, which illustrated a coastline to the east of Spitsbergen.

Krásný Dvůr Castle

Deeper in the park we find Pan's-Temple, the Obelisk, the Vantage Pavilion, Goethe's Pavilion, a memorial plaque with the engraved names of important people who have visited the park, a hermitage, a grotto with a sarcophagus and other interesting objects.

Monastery of Saint Mina

Today, numerous little clay bottles on which the saint's name and picture are engraved are found by archeologists in diverse countries around the Mediterranean world, such as Heidelberg in Germany, Milan in Italy, Dalmatia in Croatia, Marseille in France, Dongola in Sudan, and the holy city of Jerusalem.

Peter Archambo I

The Gilbert Collection now at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London has a neo-classical hot-water urn and a set of three exquisite caddies with finely engraved decoration.

Robert Stolz

In later years he used a baton inherited from Franz Lehár, that had been originally owned by Johann Strauss and contained Strauss's initials engraved in silver.

Rosemonde Gérard

The phrase became celebrated as an expression of ever-growing love when, in 1907 (17 years after its publication), a Lyons jeweler, Alphonse Augis, had the idea of making a medallion with the core portion of the verse engraved on it.

Samuel Shelley

His water-colours and miniatures were engraved by Bartolozzi, William Nutter, Caroline Watson, and others.

Samuel William Reynolds

He also engraved a great number of portraits and compositions by Dance, Jackson, William Owen (1769–1825), Stephanoff, Bonington, Sir Robert Ker Porter, and others, and was one of the artists employed by Turner on his Liber Studiorum.

Scream Aim Fire

Bullet for My Valentine have also released the album on a metal bullet-shaped Flash Drive with the band's symbol engraved into it.

Sidney Lawton Smith

Collections of bookplates designed, etched, and engraved by Sidney Lawton Smith are held in the Lewis Stark Bookplate Collection at the University of New Hampshire, and the William Augustus Brewer Bookplate Collection at the University of Delaware.

Silvester Harding

The Hardings published many prints of subjects designed by Silvester and engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi, Jean Marie Delattre, William Nelson Gardiner, and others.

Spiro Mounds

The conch shells were fashioned into gorgets and drinking cups engraved with intricate designs representing costumed men, real and mythical animals, and geometric motifs, all of which had profound symbolic significance.

Steel engraving

When Perkins moved to London in 1818, the technique was adapted in 1820 by Charles Warren and especially by Charles Heath (1785–1848) for Thomas Campbell's Pleasures of Hope, which contained the first published plates engraved on steel.

Stephen Elmer

He did not confine himself entirely to still life, but occasionally painted genre pictures, such as "The Miser" (engraved by B. Granger), "The Politician" (engraved by T. Ryder), scripture pieces, such as "The Last Supper", formerly over the altar, but now in the vestry of Farnham Church, and portraits.

Sui Jianguo

In a more recent work, the red dinosaur – a symbol of imperialist China, like communist China - with the engraved door on the chest mentions ‘Made in China’; it is a glance toward plastic toys from the start of the Chinese economic flight, and a symbol of an antiquated China moving toward being contemporary.


Over time, tampions were embossed or engraved with the arms of the unit, and they became collector's items.

Thomas Chittenden

An engraved portrait of Chittenden can be found just outside the entrance to the Executive Chamber, the ceremonial office of the governor, at the Vermont State House at Montpelier.

Thomas Simon

On the occasion of his contest with the brothers John, Joseph and Philip Roettiers, who were employed by the mint in 1662, Simon produced his celebrated crown of Charles II, on the margin of which he engraved a petition to the king.

Timothy Stansfeld Engleheart

He engraved some of the plates in ‘The British Museum Marbles,’ but seems to have removed to Darmstadt, as there is a fine engraving by him of ‘Ecce Homo,’ after Guido Reni, executed at Darmstadt in 1840.

Wentworth Castle

It was still called Stainborough in Jan Kip's engraved bird's-eye view of parterres and avenues, 1714, and in the first edition of Vitruvius Britannicus, 1715 (illustration, left).

William Gandy

He painted Northcote's grandmother, the Rev. Nathaniel Harding of Plymouth, the Rev. John Gilbert, vicar of St. Andrew's, Plymouth (engraved by Vertue as a frontispiece to Gilbert's Sermons), John Patch, surgeon in the Exeter Hospital, the Rev. William Musgrave (engraved by Michael van der Gucht), Sir Edward Seaward in the chapel of the poorhouse at Exeter, Sir William Elwill, and others.

Writing implement

Words and names are still commonly inscribed into commemorative objects, such as the engraved winners' names on the silver Stanley Cup or the Gettysburg Address carved into the stone wall of the Lincoln Memorial, but the requisite tools are not exclusively considered to be writing instruments.

see also