
2 unusual facts about equilibrium


The Story of Three Loves, aka Equilibrium, a 1953 romantic anthology film

List of types of equilibrium, the condition of a system in which all competing influences are balanced, in a wide variety of contexts

Alessandro Vespignani

Vespignani has worked in a number of areas of physics, including characterization of non-equilibrium phenomena and phase transitions, and collaborated with, among others, Luciano Pietronero and Benoit Mandelbrot.

Alliance-Union universe

When Pell's World is discovered in the Tau Ceti system, the fragile economic and political equilibrium is disrupted.

Anthony Thirlwall

Perhaps his most notable contribution has been to show that if long-run balance of payments equilibrium is a requirement for a country, its growth of national income can be approximated by the ratio of the growth of exports to the income elasticity of demand for imports (Thirlwall's Law).

Balance equation

For a discrete time Markov chain with transition matrix P and equilibrium distribution \pi the global balance equation is

Bilevel optimization

Structural optimization problems comprise of two levels of optimization task and are commonly referred as mathematical programming problems with equilibrium constraints (MPEC).

Bilevel optimization was first realized in the field of game theory by a German economist Heinrich Freiherr von Stackelberg who published Market Structure and Equilibrium (Marktform und Gleichgewicht) in 1934 that described this hierarchical problem.

Brouwer fixed-point theorem

In economics, Brouwer's fixed-point theorem and its extension, the Kakutani fixed-point theorem, play a central role in the proof of existence of general equilibrium in market economies as developed in the 1950s by economics Nobel prize winners Gérard Debreu and Kenneth Arrow.

Claus-Frenz Claussen

In 1974, he co-founded the international Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society (NES) in Bad Kissingen and, in 1981, the "Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen“ (4-GF e.V), of which he remains president.

Climax vegetation

Climax vegetation is the vegetation which establishes itself on a given site for given climatic conditions in the absence of major disturbance after a long time (it is the asymptotic or quasi-equilibrium state of the local ecosystem).

Criticisms of the labour theory of value

A close reading of Jevons' chapter on "labor" in his "Theory of Political Economy" reveals that he considered his marginal analysis quite consistent with the labor theory of value as he established that in equilibrium marginal utility equals marginal labor value.


Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium, a branch of applied general equilibrium theory in contemporary macroeconomics

Dong Open Air

July 16–17: Chainheart, Crikey, Dark Suns, Disillusion, Equilibrium, Final Breath, Humanity, Insignium, Jack Slater, Jester's Funeral, Lanfear, My Darkest Hate, Seraphim, Suidakra, The Rules, Tomorrow's Eve, Vintersorg.

Dynamic relaxation

6. Return to step 3 until the structure is in static equilibrium

Edward Brandis Denham

The recent emergence of a group of well-educated mixed-raced Jamaican politicians posed the main threat to the delicately balanced equilibrium of British colonial rule.


Underpotential deposition, a phenomenon of electrodeposition of a species (typically reduction of a metal cation to a solid metal) at a potential less negative than the equilibrium (Nernst) potential for the reduction of this metal


The analysis which led to the concept of entropy began with the work of French mathematician Lazare Carnot who in his 1803 paper Fundamental Principles of Equilibrium and Movement proposed that in any machine the accelerations and shocks of the moving parts represent losses of moment of activity.

Eta Corvi

A large amount, at least 3 x 1019 kg, of 0.1 – 1000 µm warm dust is present, in a roughly collisional equilibrium distribution with dn/da ~ a-3.5.

Evan Chambers

Chambers' music has been recorded on the compact disks The Old Burying Ground (Dorian Sono Luminus DSL-92113), Cold Water, Dry Stone (Albany, Troy 422), Brutal Reality (Albany, Troy 354), Simple Requests (Cambria CD-1088), "Collaborations" (Equilibrium CD-66), Alternating Currents (Centaur CRC 2492) and "Beyond the Red Line" (Mark Custom MCD-6537).

Fatty acid degradation

This two-step reaction is freely reversible and its equilibrium lies near 1.


These properties are typically a function of their inability to support a shear stress in static equilibrium.

Frank Ticheli

Ticheli's works are published by Manhattan Beach Music, Encore Music Publishers, and Hinshaw Music, and are recorded on the labels of Albany, Chandos, Clarion, Delos, Equilibrium, Klavier, Koch International Classics, Mark, Naxos, Reference, and others.

General equilibrium theory

Anglo-American economists became more interested in general equilibrium in the late 1920s and 1930s after Piero Sraffa's demonstration that Marshallian economists cannot account for the forces thought to account for the upward-slope of the supply curve for a consumer good.

Heterogeneity in economics

Krusell and Smith (JPE 1998) permit an arbitrary distribution of wealth but assume all prices and equilibrium variables are approximately functions of the mean or of a few other statistics of that distribution.

Jacques Drèze

Roberts, J. (1987), "An equilibrium model with involuntary unemployment at flexible, competitive prices and wages", American Economic Review 77, 856-74.

John Geanakoplos

Before the Late-2000s financial crisis, Geanakoplos was known primarily for his contributions to General equilibrium theory, particularly Incomplete markets in general equilibrium theory.

Laurent Chabry

He mainly worked in the flying mechanisms of birds and insects, and demonstrated the mechanism of "double equilibrium" in Coleoptera.

Lorenz system

At the critical value, both equilibrium points lose stability through a Hopf bifurcation.

M/M/∞ queue

Given the system is in equilibrium at time 0, we can compute the cumulative distribution function of the process maximum over a finite time horizon T in terms of Charlier polynomials.

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization in Göttingen, Germany, is a research institute for investigations of complex non-equilibrium systems, particularly in physics and biology.


Maxwell–Boltzmann statistics, statistical distribution of material particles over various energy states in thermal equilibrium

Mechanical equilibrium

In addition, this definition gives no information as to one of the most important and interesting aspects of equilibrium states—their stability.

Navarro–Frenk–White profile

The NFW profile is an approximation to the equilibrium configuration of dark matter produced in simulations of collisionless dark matter particles by numerous groups of scientists.

Nicola Acocella

This offers a novel contribution to the analysis of conditions not only for policy effectiveness or neutrality (showing the limits of validity of many currently accepted propositions on the effects of rational expectations and time inconsistency as well as on the role of policy announcements), but also for existence, uniqueness or multiplicity of the equilibrium in strategic games.

Paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions

Wilfred Bion articulates the dynamic nature of the positions, a point emphasised by Thomas Ogden, and expanded by John Steiner in terms of '"The equilibrium between the paranoid-schizoid and the depressive positions"'.

Pietro Verri

This was followed by the Meditazioni sull'economia politica ("Meditations on Economic Politics", 1771), where he enunciated the laws regulating supply and demand (also in mathematical form), explained the role of money as "universal good", and supported laissez-faire in trade, arguing that balance of payments equilibrium is achieved by GDP adjustments rather than by exchange rate adjustments; as such, he was a precursor of both Adam Smith and marginalism.

Planetary equilibrium temperature

P=\sigma A { T }^{ 4 } Any incoming power to a black body is radiated as heat according to the Stefan–Boltzmann law, where P is the incoming power, σ is the Stefan–Boltzmann constant, A is the surface area of the black body, and T is the equilibrium temperature.

Plasma stability

It usually only makes sense to analyze the stability of a plasma once it has been established that the plasma is in equilibrium.

Pot odds

Sklansky's strategy is an equilibrium strategy in the sense that it is optimal against someone playing an optimal strategy against it.

Punctuated equilibrium

In linguistics, R. M. W. Dixon has proposed a punctuated equilibrium model for language histories, with reference particularly to the prehistory of the indigenous languages of Australia and his objections to the proposed Pama–Nyungan language family there.

Route assignment

Its application was developed in 1968, and it took almost another two decades before the first equilibrium assignment algorithm was embedded in commonly used transportation planning software (Emme and Emme/2, developed by Florian and others in Montreal).

Saha ionization equation

In the early twenties Ralph H. Fowler (in collaboration with Charles Galton Darwin) developed a very powerful method in statistical mechanics permitting a systematic exposition and working out of the equilibrium properties of matter.

Sedimentary budget

When a beach environment is effected by wind, wave and tidal energy it responds with either positive or negative feedback which determines whether the system is balanced and in equilibrium.

State postulate

The state postulate is a term used in thermodynamics that defines the given number of properties to a thermodynamic system in a state of equilibrium.

Thermodynamic equilibrium

M. Zemansky also distinguishes mechanical, chemical, and thermal equilibrium.

Underpotential deposition

Underpotential deposition (UPD) is a phenomenon of electrodeposition of a species (typically reduction of a metal cation to a solid metal) at a potential less negative than the equilibrium (Nernst) potential for the reduction of this metal.

Warwick McKibbin

The McKibbin-Sachs Global Model is a global economic model developed originally in 1984 jointly with Jeffrey Sachs is a widely used intertemporal general equilibrium model of the world economy.

Wolfgang Klemperer

He is probably best known for his work on Properties of Rosette Configurations of Gravitating Bodies in Homographic Equilibrium, which have been named after him as Klemperer rosettes.

Wulff construction

The Wulff construction is a method for determining the equilibrium shape of a droplet or crystal of fixed volume inside a separate phase (usually its saturated solution or vapor).

see also