
unusual facts about excavations

1935 in archaeology

December: Chinese prehistorian Jia Lanpo appointed field director of the continuing excavations at Peking Man site in Zhoukoudian, China.

1966 in archaeology

Ongoing excavations at Peking Man Site in Zhoukoudian, China unearth a premolar and two pieces of skull fragment

Afanasevo culture

The culture became known from excavations in the Minusinsk area of the Krasnoyarsk Krai, southern Siberia, but the culture was also widespread in western Mongolia, northern Xinjiang, and eastern and central Kazakhstan, with connections or extensions in Tajikistan and the Aral area.

Alfred Werner Maurer

In 1973, he participated as a researcher at the University of Saarland in Saarbrücken under the direction of Rolf Hachmann in the excavations at Tell Kamid al lawz (or Kamid el-Loz) (Kumidi) in Lebanon part.

Anna Maria Bietti Sestieri

She has excavated extensively in Italy, including major excavations at Osteria dell'Osa, Castiglione, Fidenae, as well as excavations at Frattesina di Fratta Polesine (Rovigo), and Specchia Artanisi di Ugento.


Excavations by the English archeologists Frederick J. Bliss and R. A. Stewart Macalister in the period 1898-1900 at Tel Azekah revealed a fortress, water systems, hideout caves used during Bar Kokhba revolt and other antiquities, such as LMLK seals.

Birger Nerman

There he led the excavations of Izborsk (1924) and Grobin in Latvia (1929), among other early medieval sites.

Boris Piotrovsky

He was the head of 1939 excavations that uncovered the Urartian fortress of Teishebaini in Armenia (known in Armenian as Karmir Blur, or Red Hill).

Burgon Group

The group’s name is derived from Thomas Burgon (1767–1838), who supervised the 1813 excavations in Athens, during which the Panathenaic prize amphora London B 160, now on display in the British Museum, was discovered.

Burnaburiash I

He was also father of Ulam-Buriyåš, as commemorated on an onyx weight, in the shape of a frog, with a cuneiform inscription, “1 shekel, Ulam Buriaš, son of Burna Buriaš,” which was found in a large burial, during excavations of the site of the ancient city of Metsamor.


Archaeological excavations at Carlogie prior to the A92 road improvements (1998–2000) revealed pottery fragments that were tentatively dated to the Late Neolithic period.

Cluny Abbey

Modern excavations of the Abbey began in 1927 under the direction of Kenneth John Conant, American architectural historian of Harvard University, and continued (although not continuously) until 1950.

David Randall-MacIver

He is most famous for his excavations at Great Zimbabwe which provided the first solid evidence that the site was built by Shona peoples.

Ephraim Avigdor Speiser

He was field director of the Joint Excavation of the ASOR and the University Museum, 1930–1932, 1936–1937, undertaking excavations in Tepe Gawra and Tell Billa.

Franklin Toker

Franklin Toker is a professor of the History of Art and Architecture at the University of Pittsburgh and the author of eight books on the history of art and architecture, ranging from the excavations he conducted under Santa Reparata, Florence to 21st century American Urbanism.

Georg Ludwig Kriegk

Kriegk was an avid archaeologist, conducting excavations of the ancient Roman settlement of Nida, located in the present-day district of Heddernheim.

Georg Steindorff

He also brought larger finds from excavations back to Leipzig with him (for example the limestone head of Queen Nefertiti) with the permission of the then French-run Antiquities Service.


From 1994 onwards, a team of German archaeologists from the University of Bonn directed by late Prof. Dr. Helmut Roth, Dr. Udo Recker (1994-1996) and Oliver Kessler M.A. (1997 onwards) conducted joint excavations at Godavaya with the Archaeological Department of Sri Lanka, under Director General Dr. W.H. Wijeyapala and the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).

Gundred, Countess of Surrey

In 1845, during excavations through the Priory grounds for the Brighton Lewes and Hastings Railway, the lead chests containing the remains of the Earl and his Countess were discovered and were deposited temporarily beneath Gundred's tombstone.

Gustav Riek

Born in Stuttgart in 1900, Gustav Riek was an archaeologist from the University of Tübingen who worked with the SS Ahnenerbe in their excavations, and led the team that excavated the Heuneburg Tumulus burial mounds in 1937.

Hallstatt Archaeological Site in Vače

Some of them were sold to museums in Harvard, Oxford and Berlin by Duchess Marie Antoinette of Mecklenburg, a daughter of the princess who surveyed some excavations.

Hambledon Hill

Excavations in the 1970s and 1980s by Roger Mercer produced large quantities of Neolithic material.

Har Gilo

Archaeological excavations in 1998 revealed the remains of two buildings and a rock-cut winepress, both dating back to the Iron age III (586-539 BCE).

Henri James Simon

In 1911 Simon provided the financing of Ludwig Borchardt's excavations at Pharao Akhenaten's city in Amarna, whereafter large parts of the found artefacts including the busts of Nefertiti and Tiye passed into his ownership, according to a – still disputed – 1913 partition treaty with the Egyptian Département des antiquités under Gaston Maspero.

Hjalmar Stolpe

He is most well known for his archaeological excavations at the Viking-age site Birka.

Holocene glacial retreat

Excavations in Iraq, for example, have shown evidence of a flood at Shuruppak around 2900-2750 BCE which extended nearly as far as the city of Kish (whose king, Etana, supposedly founded the first Sumerian dynasty after the Deluge).

Hong Kong Archaeological Society

In 2007, excavations in Luk Keng Village, Lantau Island was discovered two furnaces with more than 2,000 items belonging to Tang, Ming, and Qing Dynasty, with some belongs to Bronze and Neolithic age as well.


The problem was apparently solved in another way at Bassae, where, in the excavations of the temple of Apollo by Cockerell and Baron Hailer von Hallerstein, three marble tiles were found with pierced openings in them about 18 in.

John Peter Gandy

Gell and Gandy also published Pompeiana (1817–19), which came to be the standard work on the excavations at Pompeii.


Material from the excavations is stored in the Isthmia Archaeological Museum, where some of it is on display.


Lempa, Cyprus, village near Paphos District capital on island's southwestern coast; sometimes written as Lemba; located on top of escarpment overlooking Mediterranean Sea in one of Cyprus' most fertile as well as ancient regions; settled in Chalcolithic Period (c. 3800–2500 BC); since 1976 has been site of ongoing archaeological excavations

Leonardo López Luján

The year 1980 was especially significant in his career, for he began working at INAH’s Templo Mayor Project in the first season of excavations in Tenochtitlan’s sacred precinct under the direction of Eduardo Matos Moctezuma.

Li Fanwen

He was sent by the museum to participate in a minor capacity in the excavations of the Western Xia tombs at the foot of the Helan Mountains, and whilst his new wife (Yang Shende 楊慎德) and children stayed behind at Yinchuan, he lived and worked at the excavations for seven years.

Maya codices

The oldest Maya codices known have been found by archaeologists as mortuary offerings with burials in excavations in Uaxactun, Guaytán in San Agustín Acasaguastlán, and Nebaj in El Quiché, Guatemala, at Altun Ha in Belize and at Copán in Honduras.

Meike Hoffmann

In 2010 she was involved in the identification of the missing sculptures found in the archaeological excavations at the Rotes Rathaus City Hall of Berlin.


In 1905 the German archaeologist Adolf Schulten began a series of excavations which located the Roman camps around the city.

Ophrys sphegodes

Despite its apparent vulnerability, it has very successfully colonised the chalk spoil dumping grounds created near Dover at Samphire Hoe from the excavations of the Channel Tunnel.

Ostrea lurida

This species has been recovered in archaeological excavations along the Central California coast of the Pacific Ocean, demonstrating it was a marine species exploited by the Native American Chumash people.

Pioneer Helmet

The fragments of this helmet were found during excavations at Wollaston, Northamptonshire on a site operated by Pioneer Aggregates.

Rainer Stadelmann

He has participated in numerous excavations at Elephantine, Thebes and Dahshur, the latter of which he explored and wrote about the Bent Pyramid and the valley temple of King Sneferu.

Robert Hamilton Lang

During his time on Cyprus Lang began acquiring antiquities, this leading to his own excavations around the villages of Dhali, in particular the site of ancient Idalion, and Pyla.

Rupnagar district

Minutely carved and polished stone discs with a figure and motif associated with the cult of the Mother goddess of fertility have also been unearthed in the excavations from Taxila (now in Pakistan), Patna in the state of Bihar and other Mauryan sites.

Samarra culture

Samarran material culture was first recognized during excavations by German Archaeologist Ernst Herzfeld at the site of Samarra.

St Swithin, London Stone

Excavations were carried out on the site by Professor W. F. Grimes on behalf of the Roman and Mediaeval London Excavation Council.

Tell Balata

Excavations were conducted at Tell Balata by the American Schools of Oriental Research, Drew University, and the McCormick Theological Seminary in 8 seasons between 1956 and 1964 when the West Bank was under the rule of Jordan.

Temple of Isthmia

Furthermore, future excavations may be able to uncover more evidence on the temples relation to Doric architecture and so overall bring together a clearer picture of the changes that occurred as Greece moved on from the Iron Age into the Classical period.

Veluri Venkata Krishna Sastry

16. Thotlakonda, a Buddhist site with several Buddhist stupas, viharas datable from 1st century BC to 5th century AD, 1988 (excavations are in progress), Excavated and published report

Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin

With excavations in historically important cities like Uruk, Shuruppak, Assur, Hattusha, Tell el Amarna, Tell Halaf (Guzana), Sam'al, Toprakkale or Babylon came the ground of the museum collection.

Whitestaunton Manor

Excavations carried out in 1882, when the house was owned by Charles Isaac Elton, had identified a building, thought to be a roman villa, which had been incorporated into the grounds, and designated as a Scheduled monument.

see also