
unusual facts about exegetical


Abraham ben Elijah of Vilna

Of his numerous manuscripts which contained glosses to the Talmud, Midrash, Shulkan 'Aruk, and explanatory notes to his father's works, a commentary on the introduction to the Tikkune Zohar (Vilna, 1867), a commentary on Psalms I-C באר אברהם (Warsaw, 1887), Sa'arat Eliyahu, exegetical notes and biographical data about his father (Jerusalem, 1889), and Targum Abraham, notes on Targum Onkelos (Jerusalem, 1896), have been published.

August Neander

In addition to all these he published Denkwürdigkeiten aus der Geschichte des Christentums (1823-1824, 2 vols., 1825, 3 vols., 1846); Das Eine und Mannichfaltige des christlichen Lebens (1840); papers on Plotinus, Thomas Aquinas, Theobald Thamer, Blaise Pascal, John Henry Newman, Blanco White and Thomas Arnold, and other occasional pieces (Kleine Gelegenheitsschriften, 1829), mainly of a practical, exegetical and historical character.

August Wilhelm Knobel

Exegetisches vademecum fur Herrn Professor Ewald in Tübingen, (Exegetical Handbook for Prof. Ewald at Tübingen); (1844)- This publication was a polemic in reaction to Georg Heinrich August Ewald's disparaging critique of Knobel's Der Prophet Jesaia.

Brian O. Murdoch

In several hundred published works he established the centrality of the "popular" (as opposed to the exegetical) understanding of the "protoplasts" in far wider areas of medieval thought than had hitherto been appreciated.

Charles D. Provan

Provan expressed other controversial exegetical views in Christian News, including the idea that two books of the Old Testament: The Song of Solomon and Ecclesiastes were warnings concerning both the late-life degeneracy of King Solomon and thinking and behavior about which believers should not engage.

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus

Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus (3 July 1796, Pfaffroda – 22 September 1862, Dresden) was a German philosopher best known for his exegetical work on philosophy, such as his characterisation of Hegel's dialectic as positing a triad of thesis-antithesis-synthesis.

Hillel Noah Maggid

His father was a bibliographer, and his grandfather Phinehas was rabbi at Polotsk and Vilna, the emissary of Elijah of Vilna in his struggle with the Hasidim, and the author of nine exegetical works.

Jean-François Collange

He served as Lutheran pastor in Alsace and New Caledonia, before turning to exegetical studies, taking up a post of practical theology at the Faculty of Protestant Theology of the University of Strasbourg in 1981.

Prophetic medicine

A theologian renowned for his exegetical endeavors, Al-Suyuti also composed two works on prophetic medicine, one of which was on sexual relations as ordered by Muhammad.

Terence E. Fretheim

His 1984 book, The Suffering of God: An Old Testament Perspective is an exegetical approach to many of the themes and issues associated with process theology and open theism.

Wilhelm Abraham Teller

He edited the earlier volumes of a Bibelwerk ("Bible Book", 19 vols, 1749–70) which was designed as an adaptation for German readers of the exegetical works of Andrew Willet, Henry Ainsworth, Symon Patrick, Matthew Poole, Matthew Henry and others.

see also