
unusual facts about exports


Agriculture in Guyana

A US$5 million fish-processing plant was under construction on the Demerara River in 1990, raising the possibility of frozen fish exports.

Ana Vilma de Escobar

De Escobar worked for ten years at the United States Agency for International Development in its Private Sector Office managing projects to develop the promotion of non traditional exports and to foment foreign investment through the private and public sector.

Angolan Navy

Angola's oil wealth is allowing it to modernize its naval forces as most of the existing fleet are Soviet Navy exports from the 1980s.

Anthony Thirlwall

Perhaps his most notable contribution has been to show that if long-run balance of payments equilibrium is a requirement for a country, its growth of national income can be approximated by the ratio of the growth of exports to the income elasticity of demand for imports (Thirlwall's Law).

Argentine beef

On 8 March 2006, after unsuccessfully trying to control the rising prices of beef in the internal market (26% since the beginning of that year), the Argentine government banned beef exports for 180 days (with the exception of pre-arranged shipments and the Hilton Quota).

Australia–South Africa relations

Australian exports to South Africa were A$2.53 billion (mainly medicaments, meat and civil engineering equipment), and Australian imports from South Africa were A$1.35 billion, notably passenger motor vehicles (mainly BMW 3 Series vehicles) worth A$663 million, as well as pig iron and motor vehicle parts.

Autodesk Alias

wire data reads directly into Autodesk Inventor, Showcase and 3DsMax and It exports into several other 3D engineering packages via IGES or STEP such as SolidWorks, Pro/ENGINEER, CATIA, and Unigraphics.

Balance of payments

Brazil's finance minister Guido Mantega declared that an "international currency war" has broken out, with countries competitively trying to devalue their currency so as to boost exports.


The company got awarded the exports of 5 millions dollars by sending its wine made from Rubus coreanus for United States, Japan and Australia.


The CFMEU pointed out that most exports go to developing countries.

Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement

In 2008, Canadian goods and services exports to the EU totalled C$52.2 billion, an increase of 3.9% from 2007, and imports from the EU amounted to $62.4 billion.

Concepción del Uruguay

The Uruguay Department produces 47% of the nation's poultry, and Concepción del Uruguay together with Gualeguay and Colón make up 85% of Argentine chicken exports.

Coromandel Coast

Chinese lacquer goods, including boxes, screens, and chests, became known as "Coromandel" goods in the eighteenth century, because many Chinese exports were consolidated at the Coromandel ports.


The Société cotonnière du Tchad, also called Cotontchad, is a parastatal Chadian company operating in a monopoly regime that buys and exports all the cotton produced in Chad, a product which represents 40% of the country's exportations and in the past years has been even more dominant.

Cotton production in Chad

Therefore, customs duties on cotton exports from Chad, then a part of French Equatorial Africa, were paid to the governor general at Brazzaville (in contemporary Congo), as were duties on exports from other colonies under regional administration.

Crisis management

Mattel Inc., the toy maker, has been plagued with more than 28 product recalls and in Summer of 2007, amongst problems with exports from China, faced two product recalls in two weeks.

Economy of Vanuatu

Copra, cocoa, kava and beef account for more than 60% of Vanuatu's total exports by value and agriculture accounts for 20% of GDP.

Copra is by far the most important cash crop (making up more than 35% of the country's exports), followed by timber, beef, and cocoa.

Economy of Zambia

Floriculture is a growth sector, and agricultural non-traditional exports now rival the mining industry in foreign exchange receipts.

European Union-Indonesia trade relations

Indonesia mostly exports to the EU agricultural products and processed resources, mainly palm oil, fuels and mining products, textiles and furniture.

FN Baby Browning

The halt to exports to the USA in 1968 was dictated by the Gun Control Act of 1968 which was precipitated by Robert Kennedy's assassination involving an Iver Johnson made revolver and signed into law by then President Lyndon Johnson.

Grande Porto Subregion

Highly industrialized, is, with the neighbouring subregions, the main source of the Portuguese exports and home to one of the busiest Portuguese harbours, located in Leixões.

Haitian hip hop

The most well-known exports of Haitian hip hop are two members of the legendary Grammy Award-winning hip hop group, the Fugees, Wyclef Jean and his cousin Pras Michel (a.k.a. Pras).

Hatiya Upazila

The main exports include rice, coconut, betel nut, banana, betel leaf, chili, Hilsa, and other types of fish.

History of modern banana plantations in the Americas

Since banana exports came to dominate the overseas trade and most of the foreign exchange earnings of Central American countries, and the companies could use their financial clout as well as carefully established connections with local elites, they had great influence over politics in those areas, leading O. Henry, who lived in Honduras (which he called "Anchuria") in 1896-97 to coin the term banana republic for them.

In Search of the Pope's Children

He then made the claim that 87% of Ireland's exports generated by multinational companies such as Microsoft, Apple Computer, Dell, Intel, and Google, implying that decisions made in New York boardrooms have a far greater effect on the Irish economy than decisions made in the Dáil.

Les Bury

This strongly conflicted with Deputy Prime Minister John McEwen's concerns over its impact on Australian exports to the United Kingdom.

Mair Foods

Its fruit exports include Pakistan based Citrus (i.e., Kinnow, Mandarin, Clementine, Red Blood, Musammi) and Mangoes (Chaunsa, Sindhri, Langrha).

Malaba, Uganda

In 2005, Malaba, Uganda was the second busiest border crossing between Uganda and Kenya, based on volume of exports and imports.

Mário Wallace Simonsen

The owner of a business conglomerate of over 30 companies, including Panair do Brasil, TV Excelsior, and coffee export company Comal (at a time when coffee made up two thirds of the country's exports), Simonsen became one of the wealthiest and most influential men of Brazil.

Medvedev modernisation programme

There had been repeated calls for a more diversified economy under Putin; already in 2005, Putin's Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov warned about the dependency of the economy on raw material exports, and in 2007 Deputy Prime Minister Sergey Ivanov said that without diversification, the Russian economy will sooner or later face a collapse.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

METI has jurisdiction over a broad policy area, containing Japan's industrial/trade policies, energy security, control of arms exports, "Cool Japan", etc.

Nation branding

The concept of measuring global perceptions of countries across several dimensions (culture, governance, people, exports, tourism, investment and immigration) was developed by Simon Anholt.

Privacy International

In July 2012, the French Minister for the Digital Economy, Fleur Pellerin, announced her opposition to exports of surveillance technology to repressive regimes during a radio show hosted by Le Monde and public broadcaster France Culture.


This limited use with say STL exports as the resultant exported surface in the data would be a smooth rod rather than a thread form.

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale is a 2010 Finnish horror-fantasy film directed by Jalmari Helander about people living near the Korvatunturi mountain who discover the secret behind Santa Claus.


Economist Richard C. Koo wrote that under ideal conditions, a country's economy should have the household sector as net savers and the corporate sector as net borrowers, with the government budget nearly balanced and net exports near zero.

René Barrientos

He cooperated with Frederick Pittera, an American inventor and manufacturer of small farm tractors (the chairman of The Tiger Tractor Corp., Keyser, West Virginia, which in 1962 was nominated by the New York Office of the U.S. Department of Commerce for the Presidential 'E' Award for Exports, was endeavoring to introduce a new cooperative farming concept to eliminate world famine with his U.S.-patented small farm tractor equipment.

Richard Wade

The success of recent exports such as Cameron Wake (Miami) and Stefan Logan (Pittsburgh) -- both former B.C. Lions—has shown that CFL players can thrive in the NFL.

Royal Selangor

It exports to more than 20 countries, with retail outlets in London, Toronto, Melbourne, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Mumbai and Singapore.

Saddeka Arebi

In the final panel, Arebi partnered with Fadhil Chalabi of the Center for Global Energy Studies, explaining how the changing dynamics of oil exports will alter the economic and political situation in the Persian Gulf.

San Remo, Victoria

Around 1840 a deepwater port was established at Griffiths Point in order to provide exports of wattle bark, farm produce and cattle, and then later coal starting in the 1870s.

Scottish trade in the early modern era

Haddington, which had been one of the major centres of trade in the late Medieval period, saw its share of foreign exports collapse in the sixteenth century.

Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, 1st Marquis of Pombal

Even exports from Portugal went mostly through expatriate merchants like the English port wine shippers and French businessmen like Jácome Ratton, whose memoirs are scathing about the efficiency of his Portuguese counterparts.


Standard International Trade Classification, a classification of goods used to classify the exports and imports of a country to enable comparing different countries and years


The island's major exports are copra and hand crafts (including cowrie shell, shark tooth knives, and Kiribati stamps).

Tanzania min tiger plan

Tanzania Mini Tiger Plan is an economic plan aimed at fostering development in Tanzania by increasing exports to the global market.

Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera

Finally, he promoted steam navigation over the Magdalena River, when he authorized in 1849 that exports could pass by the port of Barranquilla.

Ultimate Air Combat

The story begins when the White House calls an emergency meeting, where they reveal that the military dictator Don Gwano is using the high revenue from his large oil exports to fund his large army and navy.

Utah Technology Council

In hopes and desiring to determine whether the Governor of Utah would be supportive of this industry-led and specific initiative, Peter Genereaux took the idea to Norman Bangerter who immediately embraced the view that such an industry could help Utah add quality and higher-paying jobs, diversify its economy and expand exports beyond Utah’s borders.

see also