
unusual facts about extremist

1635: The Dreeson Incident

The novel takes place after the events of 1635: The Cannon Law, in which French Huguenot extremist Michel Ducos came close to assassinating Pope Urban VIII and forced to flee with his followers from Rome.

32nd Field Artillery Regiment

From February 2007 until April 2008, the 2nd Battalion, 32nd Field Artillery, Task Force Patriot, as part of the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division served in northwest Baghdad where it conducted dismounted infantry operations to secure the populace and defeat extremist, insurgent, and criminal threats to security.

Abdul Rauf Asghar

During the war against the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, Ahmad Shah Masood's to escaped from the terrorist siege, U.S., India and Israel mastermind the hundreds actions,The younger brother of Jaish-e-Mohammad chief Masood Azharhe was involved in the hijacking of an Indian Airlines Flight 814 and India's most wanted it known brother, Kashmir are on the rise in extremist activities.

Adriana Faranda

Initially a member of Potere Operaio, in 1973, together with other future members of the Red Brigades (or BR) such as Bruno Seghetti and Valerio Morucci, she founded the extremist group LAP (Lotta Armata Potere Proletario, meaning "Armed Fight Proletary Power").


Against the backdrop of the Bourbon Restoration, Lombard aristocrat Fulvio Imbriani, a former political extremist who once served under Napoleon, is finally released from an Austrian jail, after a lengthy sentence for his part in the secret Sublime Brotherhood.

Assault on Dome 4

Intergalactic extremist Alex Windham (Bruce Campbell) has seized control of Dome 4, a scientific outpost on another planet, after escaping from a penal colony on Mars.

Ayhan Hikmet

President Makarios described the murders as an “odious crime” against individuals who had “ranged themselves on the side of cooperation and the harmonious coexistence of Greeks and Turks and persistently condemned the policy of the extremist elements in their community."

Beate Zschäpe

Beate Zschäpe (* 2 January 1975 in Jena, Germany as Beate Apel) is a German right-wing extremist and an alleged member of the neo-Nazi terror group National Socialist Underground (NSU).

Bernhard Schaub

Since then he has been a speaker at events, both domestically and internationally, in the far-right extremist scene (e.g. Germany's NPD party).

Black September in Jordan

Haq later staged a coup d'état, executed Bhutto, and was instrumental in supporting the most extremist mujahideen during the Soviet Afghan war, like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar.

Black Standard

Islamic extremist organizations that used such a black flag include al‑Qaeda, al‑Shabaab, the Islamic Courts Union, the Islamic State of Iraq and Hizbul Islam (2009).

Church of St Mary the Less, Cambridge

A few years after his departure, many of the Church's ornaments and statues were damaged or destroyed by the Puritan extremist William Dowsing.

Covering Islam

Islam is portrayed as oppressive (women in Hijab); outmoded (hanging, beheading and stoning to death); anti-intellectualist (book burning); restrictive (bans on post- and extramarital affairs, alcohol and gambling); extremist (focusing on Algeria, Lebanon and of course Egypt); backward (Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the Sudan); the cause of worldwide conflict (Palestine, Kashmir and Indonesia); and dangerous (Turkey and Iran).

Dia Abdul Zahra Kadim

1970 – January 29, 2007), also known as al-Ali bin Ali bin Abi Talib (Arabic: العلي بن علي بن أبي طالب), claimed to be from Hilla, Iraq, was the leader of an armed extremist Shiite Islam cult named Jund al-Samaa ("Soldiers of Heaven" in Arabic, a well-armed Shia cult regarding the religious leadership in Najaf as illegitimate) based in Iraq.

Enzo Giudici

fascist weekly publication directed by Vito Videtta, a member of the extremist Pietro Koch's "gang".


Laird Wilcox identifies 21 alleged traits of a "political extremist", ranging from behaviour like "a tendency to character assassination", over hateful behaviour like "name calling and labelling", to general character traits like "a tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil", "a tendency to substitute intimidation for argument" or "groupthink".

Extremism in America

It is a reader presenting various political, economic and social ideas, creeds and platforms of people and groups which Sargent labels left-wing or right-wing American extremists as displayed in his selection of their documents.

Extremist Makeover

Extremist Makeover features "Use It" and the single "Birthday", along with a limited edition PC demo version of the Game "Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault".

Fred J. Cook

Cook's 1964 book, Goldwater: Extremist on the Right, initiated a series of events which in the end led to the Supreme Court decision in what is known as the Red Lion case: After the book appeared, Cook was attacked by conservative evangelist Billy James Hargis on his daily Christian Crusade radio broadcast, on WGCB in Red Lion, Pennsylvania.

Gertrude Hiscox

She was also a member of the Right Club, a pro-German society founded by the right-wing extremist, Captain Archibald Maule Ramsay, the MP for Peebles and Southern Midlothian.

God's Warriors

This part covers Ayaan Hirsi Ali, as well as Ed Husain, a young Muslim who describes himself as having been radicalized as a youth to accept an extremist Islamist ideology that seeks to return peace to the world through a restoration of a governing caliphate—an ideology he now rejects.

Gun Control Australia

GCA has claimed that the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (SSAA), a federated group of sporting clubs with over 150,000 members at 2013, is 'extremist' and 'pro-violence'.

Hassan Butt

One of the leading figures in the anti-war movement, the British Muslim activist Anas Altikriti, has strongly criticized Butt, arguing that, "Now that he has changed sides, rather than see the error in the methodology and ideology to which he once subscribed and which he peddled for years, he has adopted the posture of extremist once again - and is hurling abuse once more, albeit from the opposite side."

Heike Langguth

It belonged to the neo-pagan Artgemeinschaft - Germanic Faith Community Association; to the well-known right-wing extremist Jürgen Rieger.

House of Erdődy

Sándór Lajos Erdödy (b. 1802, d. 1881)joined the Batthyany and Kossuth cabinet but withdrew due to their extremist views.

Islam in Mali

Extremist worshippers of Islam have been responsible for some reprehensible acts in Mali, most notably what has been nicknamed the Battle of Gao, in which an extremist Muslim group, Ansar Dine began to destroy various World Heritage Sites.


The first recorded use of the term was by the Reverend Sydney Smith in 1845, where opposition was expressed to the idea of equal rule for "all units of society"; Smith noted that the young should not have the same authority as the old and challenged isocrats to support voting and political rights for women, which was considered an extremist position at the time.


Chirac was targeted by a right wing extremist gunman named Maxime Brunerie: the man who disarmed the gunman, thereby thwarting a presidential assassination, is called Jacques Weber.

Kosovo Protestant Evangelical Church

In Prizren, a Muslim extremist beat a Kosovo Protestant Besim Ajeti, a tax collector who was handing out bibles on March 24, 1999.

Lee Jasper

In July 2011, Jasper suggested there were similarities between the extremist Anders Behring Breivik and Mayor of London Boris Johnson.

Left-wing terrorism

The Red Brigades were founded in August 1970, mostly by former members of the Communist Youth movement who had been expelled from the parent party for extremist views.

Lennart Geijer

Geijer was Swedish Minister of Justice during the occupation of the West German Embassy in Stockholm in 1975, when Holger Meins's commando, of the armed left extremist organization Red Army Faction (RAF) took the West German Embassy in Skarpö Street in Gärdet in Stockholm.

Markazi Masjid

Tablighi Jamaat and the Dewsbury Markaz has been accused of promoting extremist Islamism and having links with Islamic terrorism in Britain; Mohammad Sidique Khan and Shehzad Tanweer, two of the 7 July 2005 London bombers, are reported to have attended prayers at the mosque.

Michael Leiter

Under Leiter's service, the NCTC was publicly criticized for failing to identify the threat posed by a known extremist, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who on Christmas Day 2009 succeeded in boarding a Delta airplane in Amsterdam rigged with an explosive device that failed to detonate over Detroit, Michigan.

Popular Front of India

The General Secretary, OMA Salaam, questioned the use of the UAPA, esp. in Kannur district where extremist RSS and CPI(M) members had been rounded up during arms training, and (lightly) booked under normal laws.

Raffy Tima

Tima was one of GMA’s main reporter during the 2000 to 2004 series of kidnappings by the Abu Sayyaf Group, a Islamic extremist group in southern Mindanao, and the all-out war waged by the Armed Forces of the Philippines against the Islamic separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front in central Mindanao.

Ronald Enroth

In the late 1970s he wrote Youth, Brainwashing and the Extremist Cults, where he explored the dynamics of conversion and member participation through some case studies of various controversial minority religious groups such as: Hare Krishna (ISKCON), Children of God, Alamo Christian Foundation, the Love Family, the Unification Church, the Way International, and the Divine Light Mission.

Salomon James de Rothschild

He regarded Abraham Lincoln as an extremist and his political sympathies lay with the Confederate cause.

Spanish general election, 1931

This was the case with the Radical Socialist Party, led by Álvaro de Albornoz and Marcelino Domingo, which promulgated extremist views.

Suhaimi Kamaruddin

He was lambasted for such a suggestion by Lim Kit Siang of the Democratic Action Party (DAP), denouncing such a view as "extremist and chauvinistic."

Sweden Democrats

Since the 2000s (decade), the so-called "Scania gang" or "Gang of Four"; Jimmie Åkesson (party leader since 2005), Björn Söder, Mattias Karlsson and Richard Jomshof continued the moderation policy which included ousting openly extremist members.

The Extremist

The Extremist is the fourth studio album by guitarist Joe Satriani, released in July 1992 through Epic Records and reissued on June 16, 2008 as part of the Joe Satriani Original Album Classics box set.


:Udara may refer also to a fictional extremist resistance movement of Tenctonese slaves.

Zubeida Malik

Zubeida has been reporting on Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda since the 1990s and was one of the first journalists to look into extremist groups holding secret military training camps and encouraging young men to become jihadis.

see also