Ultra high frequency | Cascade Range | Range Rover | Frequency modulation | frequency | Great Dividing Range | mountain range | High frequency | Very high frequency | Range Busters | White Sands Missile Range | Iron Range | Whalley Range | VHF omnidirectional range | frequency modulation | Extremely high frequency | Woomera Test Range | Range Rover Sport | Oregon Coast Range | Hamersley Range | Sangre de Cristo Range | Rimutaka Range | Radio-frequency identification | Northern Range | Medium frequency | McIlwraith Range | Lost River Range | Kolovrat Range | Knuckles Mountain Range | Frequency |
Some of the mysteries Poundstone explores are urban legends (such as what happened to Walt Disney after his death), while others are day-to-day matters which many people may not think to contemplate, such as what barcodes mean, the Coca-Cola formula, secret air frequencies, or what makes up KFC's 11 herbs and spices recipe.
The energy range of sonic boom is concentrated in the 0.1–100 hertz frequency range that is considerably below that of subsonic aircraft, gunfire and most industrial noise.
Aguada transmission station is a facility of the US Navy for transmitting orders to submerged submarines near Aguada in Puerto Rico at 18°23'55"N 67°10'38"W by using radio waves in the low frequency range.
The Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union allow amateur radio and amateur satellite operations in the frequency range 76.000 GHz to 81.000 GHz, which is known as the 4-millimeter band.
Its competitors, Turkcell and Vodafone Turkey, have both been founded in 1994 and use the GSM 900 frequency range while Avea uses the GSM 1800 range.
Railroads used medium frequency range (MF) communications (similar to the AM broadcast band) to improve safety.
Polarization spectroscopy comprises a set of spectroscopic techniques based on polarization properties of light (not necessarily visible one; UV, X-ray, infrared, or in any other frequency range of the electromagnetic radiation).