
unusual facts about genealogies

Adrian James Martyn

"Dubhaltach Mac Fhirbhisigh and the Irish Genealogies", Journal of the I.F.H.S., pp.

Avis Stearns Van Wagenen

In 1892, she became interested in the genealogy of the Stearns family through Dr. Bond's Genealogies and the History of Watertown and authored several books on the history of her family who were early settlers in the United States and arrived on the Mayflower.

Charles-René d'Hozier

In 1720, it was inventoried by Pierre de Clairambault, royal genealogist, who added a certain number of genealogies taken from the papers of Gaignières, increasing the total to 217 boxes and portfolios.

Colga of Kilcolgan

According to genealogies, Colga and Feilis were of the progeny of Aodh mac Lughaidh mac Nath Í mac Fiachra. This would make him a kinsman of the Uí Fiachrach Aidhne dynasty, and its rulers such as Guaire Aidne mac Colmáin.

Daedalus Howell

Howell is sometimes connected to Albert Summers Howell, co-founder of Bell & Howell Co. (maker of motion picture cameras in the pioneering days of cinema), though he denies a familial association despite being linked in various genealogies.

Dagobert II

Another fabrication were the alleged Merovingian genealogies that appeared in the Dossiers Secrets, planted in the Bibliothèque nationale de France in 1967.


Malinowski said “… with his tables of kinship terms, genealogies, maps, plans and diagrams, proves an extensive and big organization, shows the contribution of the tribe, of the clan, of the family, and he gives a picture of the natives subjected to a strict code of behavior and good manners, to which in comparison the life at the Court of Versailles or Escurial was free and easy” (1922: 10).


His wife was a daughter of Erispoe, and in some reconstructed genealogies their daughter marries Berengar of Rennes.

Hashim Ahmadzadeh

His other works include a translation of Dr. Abbas Vali's Genealogies of the Kurds: Constructions of Nation and National Identity in Kurdish Historical Writing ,The Kurds and their Others: Fragmented Identity and Fragmented Politics into Kurdish as well as Paul Auster's The Red Notebook.

John Stephen Dwyer

This branch of the family is mentioned by Sir Michael O'Dwyer, in The O'Dwyers of Kilnamanagh, "Chapter XIX - The O'Dwyers in Ireland, 1691-1803", but he says the O'Dwyer genealogies are lost and specific lines of descent from the chiefs are speculative.

Leabhar Adhamh Ó Cianáin

Kenneth Nicholls has suggested that Adhamh wrote the book's genealogies between 1328 and 1350, which occur in the first half of the manuscript, which also contains the metrical Banshenchus.

Llywelyn ap Seisyll

According to some genealogies, Seisyll and his son were associated with Rhuddlan, perhaps as lords of its commote in Rhos cantref.

Marek Jerzy Minakowski

For the beginning, Minakowski prepared the densely tagged XML edition of Adam Boniecki's Herbarz Polski (originally 17 volumes or 6500 pages published between 1899 and 1913, with genealogies of about 0.3 million people living since 13th to 20th century).

Matthew 1

Unlike most Biblical genealogies, Matthew's genealogy mentions several figures not in the direct line of descent, including four women, Tamar, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Rahab.

Nevile Wilkinson

Most of Ulster King of Arms's work was heraldic rather than genealogical, although collecting genealogies and proving pedigrees were essential to ensure that arms were used and inherited by the rightful heirs.

Ólchobar mac Flainn

If the most ancient genealogies are correct, e.g. Rawlinson B 502, they descended from an uncle of Conall Corc known as Dáire Cerbba, known elsewhere as the grandfather of the powerful monarch Crimthann mac Fidaig.

Pelagius of Oviedo

In the sixteenth century Ambrosio de Morales discovered a manuscript titled "Many Genealogies of the Scripture until Our Lady and Saint Anne", a genealogy of the Virgin Mary and Saint Anne ascribed to Pelagius, in the cathedral library of Oviedo.


An alternative hypothesis makes the Ratishvili a branch of the Baratashvili-Orbeliani dynasty; yet another has it that both these genealogies are correct and there were, in fact, two Ratishvili families of different origin.

Records of the Grand Historian

For example, in the first chapter, "Annals of the Five Emperors," he writes, "I have read the Spring and Autumn Annals and the Guoyu." In his 13th chapter, "Genealogical Table of the Three Ages," Sima Qian writes, "I have read all the genealogies of the kings (dieji 谍记) that exist since the time of the Yellow Emperor."

The Grand Historian used The Annals of the Five Emperors (五帝系諜) and the Classic of History as source materials to make genealogies from the time of the Yellow Emperor until that of the Gonghe regency (841-2 BC).

Second Age

Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings contains genealogies of the royal house of Númenor, and several sections of Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth deal extensively with Númenor and several of its kings.

see also