
unusual facts about genetically-modified organism

Alberto Piazza

In 2007 Piazza and colleagues studied the Y chromosome of men in areas of Tuscany where Etruscans had concentrated: his team found they were more closely genetically related to men from Turkey than to other regions of Italy, suggesting that the ancient Greek historian Herotodus may have been correct to claim that Etruscans came from Lydia.

Asiatic cheetah

In September 2009, at a cheetah reintroduction workshop organized in India, Stephen J. O'Brien asserted that the African and Asiatic cheetahs were genetically identical and had separated only 5,000 years ago.

In September 2009, Stephen J. O'Brien from the Laboratory of Genomic Diversity of the National Cancer Institute said that the Asiatic cheetah was genetically identical to the African cheetah and had separated about 5,000 years ago – not enough time for a sub-species level differentiation.

Baby Wildebeest

The Wildebeest Society experimented with genetically-created host bodies to house the tainted souls of Azarath.


The movie Gattaca portrays a society in which there are two classes of people: those genetically engineered to be superior (termed "Valid") and the inferior natural humans ("Invalid").

Bitter Seeds

Micha Peled's documentary exposé on BT farming in India reveals the true impact of genetically modified cotton on India's farmers, with a suicide rate of over a quarter million Bt cotton farmers each year due to financial stress resulting from massive crop failure and the exorbitantly high price of Monsanto's proprietary BT seed.

Brian Vala Nahed

Daniel Haber, Shyamala Maheswaran, and Mehmet Toner, they aim to harness this technology to genetically characterize tumor cells without needing an invasive biopsy, and determine responsiveness to targeted cancer drugs.

Buster the Amazing Bear

Buster the Amazing Bear is a comic book series created by Tommy Yune in 1993 about a baby bear cub who is genetically altered in a laboratory accident and transforms into an anthropomorphic superhero.

Chinese mole shrew

In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control reported this species can carry a version of the hantavirus which is genetically distinct from rodent hantavirus and new to science.

Cucumaria echinata

It is known to produce a lectin that has the ability to block the development of Plasmodium, the causal agent of malaria, when it is expressed in genetically modified Anopheles mosquitoes.

Dale Connelly

Among his notable creations were "The Sherpa from Intimida", "A Mighty Big Car", and Genway, "the supermarket for genetically engineered foods."

Edward Kravitz

In collaboration with his postdoctoral fellow, Antony "Tony" Stretton, Ed began developing a technique to visualize the structure of neurons in order to determine whether neuronal shapes are genetically specified.

Fallout 2

The player frees both his fellow villagers from Arroyo and the Vault 13 dwellers from Enclave control and subsequently destroys the Enclave's oil rig, killing the President of the United States Richardson as well as a genetically-modified Secret Service enforcer Frank Horrigan.


Genderqueer person who was born genetically female who is transitioning, not to male, but to something else

Genetic studies on Jews

In 2012, a genetic study carried out under the leadership of Harry Ostrer, from Albert Einstein College of Medicine, which was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that North African Jews are genetically closer to European and Middle Eastern Jews than to their long term host population.

Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor

Some of these pathways include Rap, Erk1/2, MAPK, B-RAF, PI3-K, cAMP, PKA, and TORC2 that are activated to initiate exocytosis, proinsulin gene expression and translation, increase insulin biosynthesis, and genetically increase beta cell proliferation and neogenesis.


A research team at Texas A&M University has genetically engineered cotton plants that contain very little gossypol in the seed, but still contain the compound in the stems and leaves.


This can occur naturally, such as in the mycelium of fungi during sexual reproduction, or artificially as formed by the experimental fusion of two genetically different cells.

Hitman: Enemy Within

Agent 47 - The protagonist of the Hitman series; a genetically-altered clone assassin who utilizes various disguises while on-assignment.


HLA-DR1 is not genetically linked to DR51, DR52 or DR53, but is linked to HLA-DQ1 and DQ5 serotypes.


HLA-DR10 is not genetically linked to DR51, DR52 or DR53, but is linked to HLA-DQ1 and DQ5 serotypes.

Huntington's disease clinical research

Genetically-engineered intracellular antibody fragments called intrabodies have shown therapeutic results in fruit fly models, by inhibiting mHtt aggregation using an intrabody which binds to the end of mHtt within a cell.

Japanese rice fish

They have been genetically modified to secrete various human hormones, express promoter sequences from other fish, and to make antimicrobial proteins and a protein that makes the medaka glow fluorescent green.

Killer ape theory

The Seville Statement on Violence, released under US auspices in 1986, rejected violence and in particular warfare as genetically determined.

Laboratory Row

In 1999, on New Year Eve, the building was subject to an act of eco terrorism when the building was set on fire by the members of the Earth Liberation Front, causing more than $1 million of damage protesting research involving genetically modified crops being conducted at the university.


Lovelock, a genetically- and cybernetically-enhanced Capuchin monkey relates the story in the first person.

Maevia inclemens

The continuation of two male morphs may be an example of a mixed Evolutionarily Stable Strategy, in which both morphs are genetically determined by their fathers' morphs, and both are equally successful in their different ways.


The Megaceryle kingfishers were formerly placed in Ceryle with the Pied Kingfisher, but the latter is genetically closer to the American green kingfishers.


The Star Trek episode The Vengeance Factor includes a reference to a microvirus that is genetically engineered to attack nerves of the parasympathetic system.

National Institute of Genomic Medicine INMEGEN

This study is carried out in individuals genetically isolated of the La Huasteca area of San Luis Potosí.

Nuclear equivalence

According to the principle of nuclear equivalence, the nuclei of essentially all differentiated adult cells of an individual are genetically (though not necessarily metabolically) identical to one another and to the nucleus of the zygote from which they descended.

Oscarella carmela

Analysis of the genome suggests that the last common ancestor of sponges and eumetazoan animals (a clade that contains all the higher animals except the sponges and placozoans) was more complex both genetically and morphologically than had previously been thought.

Philip Leder

In 1988, Leder and Timothy Stewart were granted the first patent on a genetically engineered animal.

Polyploid complex

In Crepis and some other herbaceous perennial species, a polyploid complex may arise where there are at least 2 genetically isolated diploid populations, in addition to auto- and allopolyploid derivatives that coexist and interbreed (hybridise).

Race and genetics

While acknowledging Lewontin's observation that humans are genetically homogeneous, A. W. F. Edwards in his 2003 paper "Human Genetic Diversity: Lewontin's Fallacy" argued that information distinguishing populations from each other is hidden in the correlation structure of allele frequencies, making it possible to classify individuals using mathematical techniques.

Reginald Ernest Moreau

The young couple preferred to live at Maadi close to Wadi Digha where they kept a pet raven and conducted experiments to see if the plumage colours of larks were genetically inherited.

Ringed Kingfisher

The Megaceryle kingfishers were formerly placed in the genus Ceryle with the Pied Kingfisher, but the latter is genetically closer to the American green kingfishers.

Rita Wong

There is also a poem, 'canola queasy' dedicated to Percy Schmeiser, the Saskatchewan farmer sued by Monsanto because he intentionally propagated genetically engineered canola that had blown into his fields.


Stallior has superhuman powers as a result of his genetically superior Inhuman physiology enhanced and mutated by the Terrigen Mist.

Staphylococcus devriesei

It was originally isolated from cow's milk and teats and, on the basis of 16S ribosomal RNA sequence, is most genetically similar to Staphylococcus haemolyticus, S. hominis, and S. lugdunensis.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine relaunch

Section 31: Abyss, (Jeffrey Lang and David Weddle, July 2001): Dr. Bashir is sent by shadowy intelligence agency Section 31 to deal with a rogue S31 agent who has taken control of a Jem'Hadar cloning facility abandoned by the Dominion after the war, and who, like Bashir, is genetically enhanced.

Star Trek: Vanguard

While the station does in fact help colonies across the area, its true mission (known only to a few people) is to study a mystery that began with the discovery of genetically engineered DNA millions of times more complex than any previously encountered, known as the Taurus Meta-Genome.

Tammy Lobato

She questioned whether the Victorian Chief Scientist, Sir Gustav Nossal, was independent enough to advise the Government of Victoria on the subject, and has been critical of Victorian Premier John Brumby for approving genetically modified canola plantations in Victoria.

Timothy A Stewart

He was a pioneer in the technique of transferring recombinant genes to mice (transgenic mice) and in 1988 he and Philip Leder were granted a patent on a genetically engineered mammal.

Toshisada Nishida

These rambunctious monkeys, however, are genetically more distant from us, and many of the characteristics deemed important for human evolution, are either absent or minimally developed, such as tool technology, cooperative hunting, food sharing, territoriality, cultural traditions, and certain cognitive capacities, such as planning and theory-of-mind.

Traceability of genetically modified organisms

The unique identifier has been integrated in the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and in the European Union legislation on the labelling and traceability of genetically modified organisms (Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003).

Valle Verde, Quintana Roo

The village was the scene of a dispute in September 2003 between two groups one composed of activists from Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) wishing give away food to promote genetically modified crops and the other activists who were members of Friends of the Earth to discourage them.

When She Woke

When She Woke is a reimagining of Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter, set in a future dystopian and theocratic America where rather than imprisonment and rehabilitation, punishment for a crime consists of being "chromed" - having the skin color genetically altered based on the crime they committed - and released into the general population.

see also