Vegetation includes Swordgrass (Miscanthus floridulus) grasslands on the upper slopes, forests of Coconut Palm (Cocos nucifera), with some Pandanus trees and Papaya (Carica papaya) on the lower slopes, along with native Pisonia.
It is endemic to California, particularly to Central and Southern California and the Sierra Nevadas, where it thrives in the light, sandy soils of a number of habitats, both grasslands and open wooded areas, over a wide range of altitudes.
The majority of its populations inhabit calcareous sandy grasslands from the Deliblat (Serbia: Deliblatska Peščara) throughout the Banat (Serbia, Romania) and sandy areas in Hungary along the Danube River all the way to Vienna (Austria) and South Moravia (Czech Republic).
Numerous populations occur on acidic types of sand grasslands in the Nyírség area, near the city of Debrecen (Hungary).
The vegetation is open shrubland and grasslands mainly dominated by Stipa grasses and Kobresia species ("bog sedges").
The park and archaeological site are located within the northern reaches of the Black Forest, a relatively isolated area of montane forest surrounded by drier grasslands.
The plateau is also swampy in some places and in other parts is covered with bamboo grasslands and shrubs such as Holarrhena and Dodonaea.
The area around Cova Figueira contains farmlands within the city and the shoreline, the rest of the area are slopey and features grasslands and rocks, the mountain that includes Chã das Caldeiras is situated to the northwest.
World Wide Fund for Nature proposes to town for inclusion in the official lists of Site of Community Importance for the maritime grasslands described as Posidonia oceanica.
The grasslands of southern Andhra Pradesh support a good population of the Great Indian Bustard (Ardeotis nigriceps) and Blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra), although these and other species are declining in number.
Its geography consists of grasslands and bushes to the south and west, forest in the midlands and to the east that connects with Parnitha.
The freshwater grasslands are dominated by species of Dichanthium, while floodplain depressions contain Oryza grasslands that are important for birds.
The majority of the preserve is covered by Texas Live Oak (Quercus fusiformis) and Ashe Juniper (Juniperus ashei)...commonly called "cedar"... woodlands, Live Oak savannah, Texas Red Oak (Quercus buckleyi) woodlands, and open grasslands composed primarily of Sideoats Grama (Bouteloua curtipendula and Little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium).
Smaller communities include stands of Lacey Oak (Quercus laceyi), Pecan (Carya illinoinensis)-Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) groves, and Gramagrass-Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) grasslands, as well as fields of Sotol (Dasylirion wheeleri).
Iris macrosiphon (Bowltube Iris) is a flowering plant in the iris family, endemic to California in the Cascade Range Foothills, north and central Sierra Nevada Foothills, Inner North Coast Ranges, and San Francisco Bay Area, where it occurs in sunny grasslands, meadows, and open woodlands.
From 1948 through the 1960s the Tamil Nadu Forest Department planted large areas of indigenous grasslands along the road with black wattle for producing tanning agents for use in the leather industry.
The Eastern Marsh Harrier (C. spilonotus) breeds in the grasslands and wetlands of southern Siberia, northern Mongolia, north-east China, Manchuria and Japan, and migrates for the northern winter to South-east Asia, the Philippines and northern Borneo.
The majority of the plateau is at an elevation of 1500 metres (5000 ft), where inverted treelines in valley bottoms give rise to grasslands, with bog and fen communities of Sphagnum and Empodisma in watercourses.
Above 3,000 metres elevation, the high mountain forest yields to remote sub-alpine habitats including alpine meadows, conifer forest, tree-fern (Cyathea) grasslands, bogs, and shrubby heaths of Rhododendron, Vaccinium, Coprosma, Rapanea, and Saurauia all quite different from the tropical rain forest that covers most of New Guinea.
Niellé is in the sub-Saharan Sahel savanna biogeography region, of grasslands with trees, such as the Baobab—Adansonia digitata and Umbrella Thorn Acacia—Acacia tortilis and other species.
The grasslands are the only place in Western Australia where Zitting Cisticolas occur naturally.
The Pale-footed Bush Warbler usually associates with Themeda grasslands.
It is restricted to a narrow swath of treeline vegetation (scrub, stunted trees and Polylepis woodland) situated between montane forest and Páramo grasslands that is often just hundreds of meters wide.
The Guru Har Rai had blessed him thus: You feel’eth hunger now, worry no more...your house shall be a very big Charity House ....donating and feeding many…….the horses of you Armies shall graze in grasslands spanning the area between the Yamuna and Sutlej .
Relatively few birds, such as the Darwin's Rhea, Andean Condor, and certain miners and yellow-finches, are frequently found in the vast expanses of puna grasslands, but numerous birds are associated with the highland lakes and marshes that are found in the puna grasslands, for example the Andean Goose, Andean Flamingo, Andean Avocet, Giant Coot, Puna Teal and Diademed Sandpiper-plover.
The area around Rabil are almost entirely flat and deserted with rocks making it look like Mars with no grasslands.
The grasslands either side of the river are protected under the Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) scheme.
The Spotted Harrier is a terrestrial bird residing in open grasslands, open woodland including acacia and mallee, inland riparian woodland, grassland and shrubland.
Support towards the permanent preservation of the undeveloped grasslands surrounding the installation has in the past been provided by Dia's Board of Trustees, the State of New Mexico, De Maria's assistant Helen Winkler Fosdick, and Gucci.
After the park was formed, these grasslands were cleared of scrub to allow the rare chalk land plants and animals to re-establish including the Musk Orchid, and Chalkhill Blue butterfly.
The area provides a high quality wildlife habitat in an ecosystems that represents an ecological transition between the dry, sagebrush dotted grasslands of the Columbia Basin up toward the timbered Selkirk and Bitterroot Mountain Ranges that rise up to the east.
Common gorse is also an invasive species in the montane grasslands of Horton Plains National Park in Sri Lanka.
It grows as a terrestrial species in wet grasslands or Melaleuca-Acacia savannas at low altitudes near sea level.
The forests, grasslands and rocky regions of the park are havens for birds like the Lyrebird and the Wedge-tailed Eagle.
Xanthogramma citrofasciatum is a species of hoverfly found in grasslands from Ireland to western Siberia.
The area around are hilly and are filled with grasslands and bushy, its landscape is hilly green, it is accessible from remote roads linking with the Cruzinha-Ribeira Grande Road.