
unusual facts about immunity

19th Grand National Assembly of Turkey

On 2 March 1994, Parliament lifted the immunity of Hatip Dicle, an MP from (and chairperson of) the Democracy Party who was among those cross-endorsed by and caucusing with the SHP, and on the same day he was arrested.

A. Ernest Fitzgerald

Furthermore, he was involved in several legal cases that were significant in establishing presidential immunity and defining the rights of government employees, including the U.S. Supreme Court case Nixon v. Fitzgerald.

Abrogation doctrine

The Abrogation doctrine is a constitutional law doctrine expounding when and how the Congress may waive a state's sovereign immunity and subject it to lawsuits to which the state has not consented (i.e., to "abrogate" their immunity to such suits).

Abu Talb

In June 2007, the Crown Office denied that Abu Talb had immunity and declared that he could still face prosecution for the Lockerbie bombing.

Adolph Fischer

Also in attendance were George Engel and Godfried Waller, who chaired the meeting and who would later testify for the state in return for immunity (Waller was also arrested after the bombing).

Asher Karni

Chief Judge Thomas F. Hogan ordered Karni released on US$100,000 bail to Silver Spring, Maryland, having agreed to waive diplomatic immunity and wear an electronic surveillance device, but the US has moved to have that ruling overturned.

Avi Dichter

On 16 April 2009, the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit dismissed the case citing Dichter's immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA).


capacitive sensing are touch detection with gloves, higher RF immunity, elimination of false detections, Braille-friendly touch sensing and water immunity.

Bill Haast

Soon after opening the Serpentarium Haast began experimenting with building up an acquired immunity to the venom of King, Indian and Cape cobras by injecting himself with gradually increasing quantities of venom he had extracted from his snakes, a practice called mithridatism.

Cardiff University School of Medicine

The building includes 4500 square meters of state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment for research into Infection & Immunity, Cancer Biology and Psychiatric Genetics, adjacent to a purpose-built Clinical Research Facility.

Dany Toussaint

In 2003, Judge Claudy Gassant requested that Toussaint's immunity from prosecution be lifted in regards to the assassination of Haitian journalist Jean Dominique who had accused Toussaint of having his rival for the position of Secretary of State for Public Security, Jean Lamy, assassinated.

Defective Premises Act 1972

In Dutton v Bognor Regis Urban District Council 1972 1 QB 373, the courts arguably abolished the immunity of the landlord completely.

Dirección de Inteligencia Nacional

Judge Juan Guzmán Tapia would eventually ask Chilean justices to lift Pinochet's immunity in this case, called "Operation Colombo", having accumulated evidence that he had ordered the DINA to plant this disinformation, in order to cover up the "disappearance" and murder by the Chilean secret police of those 119 persons.


According to a legend mentioned in Jain texts, her husband Chandragupta's Guru and advisor Chanakya used to feed the emperor with small doses of poison to build his immunity against possible poisoning attempts by enemies.

Emil Alexander de Schweinitz

He specialized in bacteria and immunity, and studied the bacterial products of tuberculosis, hog cholera and glanders.

Fair Housing Council of San Fernando Valley v. Roommates.com, LLC

is a case in which the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, sitting en banc, held that immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA) did not apply to an interactive online operator whose questionnaire violated the Fair Housing Act.


He endowed the Benedictine convent with the lands of Zurich, Uri, and the Albis forest, and granted the convent immunity, placing it under his direct authority.

Garuda Indonesia Flight 152

She contended that because Garuda was authorized to operate in the United States at the time, the immunity had been explicitly waived under the rules of the Department of Transportation, which requires foreign air carriers to open themselves to suit in the United States as a condition of being allowed to fly to, from, or within this country.

Grigoris Lambrakis

Lambrakis, protected by his parliamentary immunity, marched alone and arrived at the end of the rally holding the banner with the peace symbol (photo), the one he had previously held up during the Aldermaston rally in the United Kingdom while protesting near the Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (AWRE).

Guanylate-binding protein

These GTPases are classified into three groups: the small 47-KD immunity-related GTPases (IRGs), the Mx proteins (MX1, MX2), and the large 65- to 67-kd GTPases.

Hansford County, Texas

Comanche medicine man Isa-tai prophesized a victory and immunity to the white man’s bullets in battle.

Harold Pringle

They tried to take him to the local field hospital, and all of his gang (except one who was given immunity for his testimony at their trials) alleged that he died on the way, claiming also that Pringle and the gang leader shot the man after he was dead several times so it would look like a Mafia killing.

IFIT proteins

IFIT proteins (Interferon Induced proteins with Tetratricopeptide repeats) are produced in human body that are supposed to confer immunity against viral infection.

Intracellular antibody-mediated degradation

Intracellular antibody-mediated degradation (IAMD) is a neutralization mechanism of intracellular antibody-mediated immunity whereby an effector protein, TRIM21, directs antibody bound virions to the proteasome where they are degraded.

Ivan Lexa

On April 9, 1999, the Slovak parliament elected to take away Lexa's immunity as a member of parliament, and handed him over to the police for suspicion of abduction, robbery, not announcing the theft of a vehicle, feigned buying of a painting, helping in placing an explosive system and for the unlawful holding of a spying device.

Jouarre Abbey

As part of its Celtic heritage, Jouarre was established as a "double community," i.e., a community of monks as well as nuns, both under the rule of the abbess, who in 1225 was granted immunity from interference by the bishop of Meaux, answering only to the pope.

Juan Guzmán Tapia

In September 2005, the Court acceded to Juan Guzmán's request to strip Pinochet of his immunity concerning Operation Colombo.

Justice and Security Act 2013

In the Crown Prosecution Service v Paul Burrell 2002 – A Public Interest Immunity Certificate allowed the prosecution to apply to the judge for a ruling that disclosure of certain information would be harmful to the public interest and should not be made public.

Karataş, Izmir

According to an 1856 British report presented to the Secretary of State for War, they numbered as many as 17,000 in İzmir at the time, and owing to the comparative liberty and immunity from oppression they enjoyed, their numbers were rapidly increasing.

Michael Zasloff

He is known for his work on innate immunity and antimicrobial peptides including the discovery of Magainin from the frog Xenopus laevis.


The mussurana's immunity to bothropic venom was studied by the Brazilian scientist Vital Brazil in the 1920s.

Norman Skelhorn

In 1972, Skelhorn gave bank robber Bertie Smalls, Britain's first true supergrass, immunity from prosecution in light of the amounts and detail of his Queen's evidence.

Osama Yassin

He is a member of the World Allergy Organization and a founding member of the Egyptian Pediatric Allergy and Immunity Group.

Parvati Shallow

After their tribe lost the first Immunity Challenge, they tried swinging Jon Dalton, aka "Jonny Fairplay", over to their side to gain a majority over the alliance of Yau-Man Chan, Ami Cusack, Eliza Orlins, and Jonathan Penner.

Passive immunity

In 1888 Emile Roux and Alexandre Yersin isolated diphtheria toxin, and following the 1890 discovery of an antitoxin-based immunity to diphtheria and tetanus, by Emil Adolf von Behring and Kitasato Shibasaburō, antitoxin became the first major success of modern therapeutic immunology.

Rafe Judkins

Rafe had an early alliance with Gary Hogeboom, Stephenie LaGrossa, Morgan McDevitt and Brianna Varela but back-to-back immunity losses caused the departure of McDevitt and Valera.

Rule of law in the United Kingdom

This immunity runs wider that the Head of State of other countries, for example, the President of the United States may be impeached then put on trial.

Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act

Immunity for AOL was upheld against liability for a user's posting of incorrect stock information.

Immunity was upheld against claims that AOL unreasonably delayed in removing defamatory messages posted by third party, failed to post retractions, and failed to screen for similar postings.

Simione Kaitani

A number of witnesses were summoned, among them the Parliamentary Secretary, Mary Chapman, and Senator Mitieli Bulanauca, who was given immunity to testify.

Steven L. Jordan

Jordan supervised the interrogation task force at Abu Ghraib, and was the second highest-ranking military intelligence officer there, serving under Col. Thomas Pappas who was granted immunity from prosecution so that he can testify against Jordan.

Thai general election, 2007

However, the Election Commission dismissed the complaint on the grounds that the Council for National Security (CNS) had granted itself immunity in the 2007 Constitution of Thailand.

Thara Ak-Var

Flamebird powers:

  • Pyrokinesis
  • Rapid Healing
  • Immunity to Gold Kryptonite
  • Psychic link to Chris Kent


TACI was later found to play a crucial role in humoral immunity by interacting with two members of the TNF family: BAFF and APRIL.

Tony Lundy

Throughout the 1970s, the supergrass was a feared tool that the police had begun using which is generally considered to have begun with Bertie Smalls, who, faced with a hefty prison sentence for his part in leading his gang of armed robbers, the 'Wembley Mob', decided to turn 'Queen's Evidence' against his fellow thieves which resulted in them receiving heavy prison sentences whilst Smalls was granted immunity from prosecution.

Transfer factor

In 1942, Merrill Chase discovered that cells taken from the peritoneum of Guinea pigs that had been immunized against an antigen could transfer immunity when injected into Guinea pigs that had never been exposed to the antigen; this phenomenon was the discovery of cell-mediated immunity.

Wilhelm Burgdorf

Burgdorf had been instructed by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel to offer Rommel a choice – take poison, receive a state funeral, and obtain immunity for his family and staff, or face a trial for treason.

William Kyd

He and others, such as John Mixtow, William Aleyn and Clays Stephen, acted under virtual immunity from the law for over two decades while under the protection of corrupt custom officials.

William Paddy

In 1614 the College of Physicians appointed him to plead the immunity of the college from arms-bearing before the lord mayor, Sir Thomas Middleton, and the recorder, Sir Henry Montagu.

see also