
unusual facts about infiltration


Infiltration/Inflow, inappropriate connection of surface runoff drains into sanitary sewers

48th Operations Group

The HH-60G Pavehawk Helo is used in CSAR, SAR and now, in place of the retiring MH-53 PAVELOW fleet, spec-OPS infiltration and exfiltration.

Adi Gevins

Much of her work has been done for the Pacifica Radio station KPFA in Berkeley, California, including "One Billion Seconds Later", which won the Ohio State Award and "Me and My Shadow", a documentary about Cointelpro's infiltration of the New Left.


In addition, Aquinas' interest in Islamic studies could be attributed to the infiltration of ‘Latin Averroism’ in the 13th century, especially at the University of Paris.

Battle of Mount Austen, the Galloping Horse, and the Sea Horse

On 15 December, in yet another night infiltration raid onto Henderson Field, a Lieutenant Ono led four men equipped with picric acid blocks past American sentry positions destroying several P-39 Airacobra fighters.

BEL Battle Field Surveillance Radar

In the aftermath of the Kargil War, and with the heightened levels of infiltration, the Indian Army started looking at electronic sensors to augment the surveillance capabilities.

BFSR has found use in the Indian border areas, especially along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir to prevent infiltration.

Channel 4 Banned season

The Channel 4 Banned season was a series of television documentaries on the UK's Channel 4 in 2004-2005, examining the history of explicit and controversial material on British television, and its infiltration of the mainstream.

Donald W. Duncan

Master Sergeant Donald W. "Don" Duncan (born 1930) was a U.S. Army Special Forces soldier who served during the Vietnam War, helping to establish the guerrilla infiltration force Project DELTA there.

Eighth Doctor comic stories

It has been speculated that Davies loosely adapted elements from The Flood in his later DW storylines The Parting of the Ways and Army of Ghosts (in particular the Doctor absorbing the time/space vortex to save Rose Tyler's life, triggering his regeneration and the ghost-shifting infiltration of The Cybermen on an unsuspecting public)

Gehlen Organization

Unheralded tasks, such as observations of the operation of Soviet rail systems, airfields and ports were as important as was infiltration in the Baltic and the Ukraine, using former Kriegsmarine E-boats from bases in Turkey.

Grey Wolves

There had already been attempts of infiltration of local politics by Grey Wolves in 2000, but during the municipal elections of 2006 two candidacies of leaders of Idealist clubs were put under the attention of the main media, Fuat Korkmazer on the Flemish Christian Democrats list in Ghent and Murat Denizli on the Francophone Socialist Party list in Schaerbeek, a commune in the Brussels Region.


After a training period with martial arts teacher, Japanese guru, and a beautiful Parmistan princess named Princess Rubali (Tetchie Agbayani) he is deemed ready and sent to the town of Karabal, on the Caspian Sea for infiltration into Parmistan.

Infiltration Art

Artists whose work incorporates elements of infiltration include Banksy, Christian Cummings, Nikki S. Lee, Taryn Simon, Jeffrey Vallance, David Hildebrand Wilson, Fred Wilson.

Infiltration tactics

At the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, Major Marcel Bigeard, commander of the French 6th Colonial Parachute Battalion (6th BPC), used infiltration tactics in an attempt to defend the besieged garrison against the Viet Minh trench warfare tactics.

Johannes Abraham Dimara

He was a member of TNI and infiltration in 1954 that led to his arrest by the army of the Dutch Kingdom.

Leaky condo crisis

It primarily involves multi-unit condominium (or strata) buildings damaged by rainwater infiltration in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island regions of coastal British Columbia (B.C.).

Lodge-Philbin Act

The Act was pushed through Congress by Massachusetts Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. during the Cold War, looking especially for recruits from Eastern Europe (the Soviet Bloc) to form infiltration units working in that part of the world.

Megan Rice

Justifying their infiltration of the Oak Ridge facility, the trio cited both Biblical verses calling for world peace and the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons as justifications.

Mieczysław Moczar

J. Anthony Lukas observed two chief purposes for Moczar's anti-Semitic campaign: "to clear Jews out of responsible positions so those can be filled by General Moczar's supporters, and to fix responsibility on non-Jewish leaders, probably including Mr. Gomułka, for failure to act more decisively against what Moczar called 'the Zionist Infiltration’".

Movement of National Liberation

In addition the issue of political prisoners, the release of Valentin Campa and Demetrio Vallejo, finally led Mateos to denounce the MLN, stating they had succumbed to communist infiltration.


Jeff Chapman (September 19, 1973 – August 23, 2005), better known by the pseudonym Ninjalicious, was a Toronto-based urban explorer, fountaineer, writer and founder of the urban exploration zine Infiltration: the zine about going places you're not supposed to go.

Operation Spectrum

Cheng's role was to use the Catholic church in Singapore as a "ready cover" to organise the infiltration of disparate groups of influence including the Law Society, the opposition Workers' Party and various student bodies.


The game is a vertically scrolling shooter with a "virus infiltration" theme: the player plays the role of the Waverider computer virus, and the enemies he or she encounters are Con-Human's antibodies, programmed to terminate any virus—including the player—getting inside the supercomputer's system.

Robert M. Carmack

In particular he has conducted extensive research on the K'iche' (Quiché) Mayas of the Guatemalan Highlands in the context of the infiltration and migration of Nahuatl speaking peoples into the Maya cultural areas.

Run On

Run-on, in hydrology, the process or measure of surface water infiltration


There are a variety of game modes to choose from, ranging from the popular free-for-all (DeathMatch, RamboMatch, and PointMatch) to the team-based (Capture the Flag; Infiltration, TeamMatch, and Hold the Flag).

Storm troopers

Stormtrooper - German Infantry units during World War I trained in "infiltration" and trench assault tactics

The Rag

In January 2010 The Rag Blog broke a story by novelist Marc Estrin titled "Got Fascism? Obama Advisor Promotes 'Cognitive Infiltration'" that "stirred up an Internet storm.".

The Transformers: Infiltration

Infiltration heralded the start of IDW's new continuity based on the Generation One characters, allowing Simon Furman to finally write his version of the Transformers without any continuity baggage whatsoever.

Tudor Vladimirescu

However, as they could no longer trust Phanariote rule in the face of its infiltration by Greek nationalism (Ypsilanti himself came from a Phanariote family - see Alexandru Ipsilanti, his grandfather, and Constantin Ipsilanti, his father), the Ottomans returned the two Principalities to rule by and through locals (in 1822): Grigore IV Ghica in Wallachia, Ioan Sturdza (Ioniţă Sandu Sturdza) in Moldavia.

United States military divers

He was attached to OSS Detachment 101 and OSS Detachment 404 in the China and Burma and India war area where he and his team conducted reconnaissance and infiltration by sea, scouted enemy shoreline, and participated in combat swimmer and covert operations.

University of Arkansas School of Law

Her still unsolved disappearance on March 2, 1957, became the subject of international concern because she had been a law partner of U.S. Senator John Little McClellan, the former Camden resident who at the time was investigating Mafia infiltration of organized labor.

Vũng Rô Bay Incident

The United States Seventh Fleet commander, Vice Admiral Paul Blackburn, observed that the Vung Ro find was “proof positive.” Blackburn and General William Westmoreland called for a major U.S.-Vietnamese anti-infiltration patrol operation.

Window capping

In building construction, window capping (also referred to as "window cladding" and "window wrapping") refers to the application of one material over another to provide a weather-proof layer, intended to control the infiltration of weather elements.

see also