
unusual facts about measure

Ali ibn Isa al-Asturlabi

During the reign of al-Ma'mun, and together with Khālid ibn ʿAbd al‐Malik al‐Marwarrūdhī, he participated in an expedition to the Plain of Sinjar to measure the length of a degree, or the circumference of the Earth.

Apostolic Vicariate of Northern Germany

In some districts the conversion of the monarchs, e.g. Duke John Frederick of Brunswick and Lunenburg, Prince of Calenberg (1651) and Duke Christian I Louis of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (1663), brought Catholics some measure of freedom.

Battle of the Cosmin Forest

However, once back in open space, the Poles were able again to take advantage of their heavy cavalry, and that part of the remaining troops which managed to retain a measure of order and discipline succeeded in crossing back into Poland - despite a Stephen's last effort to engage the remnants of the king's army in a battle of annihilation when they were trying to ford the Prut river at Cernǎuţi.

Best of Dark Horse 1976–1989

Specially for this release, Harrison recorded two new songs—"Poor Little Girl" and "Cockamamie Business"—while also including his Lethal Weapon 2 soundtrack song "Cheer Down" for good measure.

Borel set

Any measure defined on the Borel sets is called a Borel measure.


In January 2008 a clinical trial was submitted to the United States National Institutes of Health to measure the safety and effectiveness of Bryostatin 1 in the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease.

Continuous Plankton Recorder

Started in 1931 by Sir Alister Hardy, the CPR has provided marine scientists with their only measure of plankton communities on a pan-oceanic scale.


Cusec or cubic feet per second, a measure of flow rate.

Dayal Bahadure

It achieved a measure of success after a period of 16 years when a compromise naming it Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University was accepted.

Depth finder

Sonar: use of underwater sound propagation to measure depth

Embudo, New Mexico

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) gauging station at Embudo, to measure the flow of the Rio Grande, was the first (USGS) stream gauging station and was established by John Wesley Powell in 1888.

Energy drift

Energy drift is often used as a measure of the quality of the simulation, and has been proposed as one quality metric to be routinely reported in a mass repository of molecular dynamics trajectory data analogous to the Protein Data Bank.

Evans Blue

Lead singer Kevin Matisyn suggested the name, which refers to the dye that is injected into the bloodstream to measure blood volume, which he had read in one of his medical books.

Expanded memory

(Microsoft thought that bank switching was a necessary, but inelegant and temporary, stopgap measure; Bill Gates said of expanded memory, "It's garbage! It's a kludge! ... But we're going to do it".)

Fritz Windhorst

Because it provided no exceptions for impregnations stemming from rape and incest, the measure was vetoed by Governor Buddy Roemer, a Democrat, who switched parties the following year.

George Manross

For example, his findings that predicted an overwhelming victory for Chuck Reed was scoffed at by the media until Reed defeated his opponent, Cindy Chavez, by 19 points to become the mayor of San Jose; and, a $1.7 billion sales tax measure dedicated to public transportation and public transit in Fresno County, which was driven by the "findings" from two SRI voter surveys, received 77.7% voter support.

Gutenberg Glacier

The glacier was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names after German-born seismologist Beno Gutenberg, director of the California Institute of Technology seismology laboratory in the 1930s, and collaborator with Charles F. Richter in developing the Richter Scale, 1935, used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.


As a conservation measure, eggs of gwyniad have been transferred to Llyn Arenig Fawr, another nearby lake.

Hans Scholl

In the same issue of Newsday, Holocaust historian Jud Newborn noted that "You cannot really measure the effect of this kind of resistance in whether or not X number of bridges were blown up or a regime fell... The White Rose really has a more symbolic value, but that's a very important value."

Hard disk drive performance characteristics

The access time or response time of a rotating drive is a measure of the time it takes before the drive can actually transfer data.

HM Passport Office

The agency's headquarters is collocated with the Home Office at 2 Marsham Street and it has six regional offices around the UK, in London, Glasgow, Belfast, Peterborough, Liverpool and Durham as well as an extensive nationwide interview office network as all first time adult passport applicants are required to attend an interview to verify their identity as a fraud prevention measure.

INS Magdala

The ship was a part of the 20th Mine Counter Measure Squadron (MCMS) and was placed under the Naval Officer-in-Charge (Kerala & Lakshadweep) at Kochi.

Japanese post in Korea

Additional Japanese post offices/agencies were opened from 1896, particular from 1899, first in other treaty ports including Masan and Gunsan, then other inland places, predominantly as a political measure, as few initially made a profit.

José María Obando

The conflict began when Congress passed a law to suppress small convents and monasteries and re-appropriate the land in Pasto, the law was not intended to punish the Church as the places in question were indeed small and sparingly occupied by mostly Ecuadorian clergy, but the deeply Roman Catholic province went up in arms at the involvement of the government in their religious affairs, even after the Bishop of Popayán had approved of the measure.

Julius Erasmus Hilgard

In 1875 he wrote a paper for the American Association for the Advancement of Science "On the Measurement of a Base Line for the Primary Triangulation of the United States Coast Survey near Atlanta, Georgia;" another for the Philosophical Society of Washington on "The Relation of the Legal Standards of Measure of the United States to those of Great Britain and France."

Kevin Sharp

Sharp's debut album, Measure of a Man, was released the same year, producing additional Top 5 singles in "If You Love Somebody" and "She's Sure Taking It Well."


Vitruvius recommends that Liber's temples follow an Ionic Greek model, as a "just measure between the severe manner of the Doric and the tenderness of the Corinthian," respectful of the deity's part-feminine characteristics.

Lipper average

Lipper Average also known as Lipper Index are a series of indices that establish benchmarks to measure the performance of a portfolio, or of various mutual funds and exchange-traded funds produced by Lipper Analytical Services.

Ludwig Scotty

Despite the grave problems which the Nauruan authorities faced in the early 21st Century, the years under the Presidency of Ludwig Scotty saw some measure of stability return to the island Republic, albeit constrained by austerity measures.

Magnitude of eclipse

This measure should not be confused with the astronomical magnitude logarithmic scale of brightness.

Mark Bluvshtein

A couple of months later, Bluvshtein raised his International rating above 2500, completing the requirements for the GM title, and he received it at age 16 at the Calvià Olympiad, where he made a further Grandmaster norm, for good measure!

Mount Richter

Named by Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) after Charles F. Richter, American physicist, California Institute of Technology, 1930–70; in collaboration with Beno Gutenberg, 1935, he developed the Richter Scale which bears his name, used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes.

Neil Shephard

Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Peter Reinhard Hansen, Asger Lunde, Neil Shephard (2008), "Designing realised kernels to measure the ex-post variation of equity prices in the presence of noise", Econometrica.

Nokia network monitor

Nokia network monitor or Monitor Mode is a hidden mode on most Nokia cell phones used to measure network parameters.


But such a drastic measure meant the stoppage of all municipal activities, and in 1798 Paris was allowed to re-establish its octroi.

People's Action Party–United Malays National Organisation relations

Such issues catalysed the impending secession: On 7 August 1965, Tunku Abdul Rahman announced to the Malaysian Parliament in Kuala Lumpur that the Parliament should vote yes on the resolution to have Singapore to leave the Federation, choosing to "sever all ties with a State Government that showed no measure of loyalty to its Central Government" as opposed to the undesirable method of suppressing the PAP for its actions.

Raja Fashions

After the handover of Hong Kong, instead of waiting for customers to come to their store in Kowloon, Mr. Daswani decided to visit his customers in United Kingdom, and began setting stores in 5-star hotels in London and letting his previous customers know by mail that he would be coming to measure people for suits.


Regulatory Focus Questionnaire, a questionnaire designed to measure prevention focus and promotion focus.

Scales of Justice

Scales held by Lady Justice symbolizing the measure of a case's support and opposition


Balanced scorecard, a tool used by managers to measure employee performance

Sodium thiosulfate

This particular use can be set up to measure the oxygen content of water through a long series of reactions in the Winkler test for dissolved oxygen.

Solar eclipse of April 6, 1875

Astronomers J. N. Lockyer and Arthur Schuster traveled to observe the eclipse and measure spectral lines to determine the elemental contents of the solar corona.


In 1957 John Philip introduced the term sorptivity and defined it as a measure of the capacity of the medium to absorb or desorb liquid by capillarity.

Spontaneous Music Ensemble

Inspired both by American free jazz and by the radical, abstract music of AMM, as well as influences as diverse as Anton Webern and Samuel Beckett (two Stevens touchstones), the SME kept at least a measure of jazz in their sound, though this became less audible in the later "string" ensembles.

Supreme Court of New South Wales for the District of Port Phillip

Justice John Walpole Willis was appointed the first Resident Judge by Governor George Gipps, largely to provide some measure of peace within the judicial establishment, Willis having been engaged in a number of acrimonious conflicts with his fellow judges in Sydney.


The ‘Ur’ in URWERK’s name refers to the ancient Sumerian city of Ur where over 6,000 years ago people used giant sundials to measure time; the ‘werk’ refers to the German noun ‘das Werk’ meaning ‘work’ or ‘creation’.

Vote-by-mail in Oregon

Individuals which supported the measure included then-Governor John Kitzhaber, Oregon Secretary of State Phil Keisling, and former U.S. Senator Mark Hatfield.

William Hammesfahr

He also advocates using Transcranial Doppler testing (TCD) to monitor patients' progress, which involves using sound waves to measure the speed of blood flow through the brain.

William McGhee

He was among the soldiers exposed to atmospheric nuclear testing at Yucca Flats, Nevada to measure the bomb's consequences.

Xue Zong

On one occasion, when the Shu Han envoy Zhang Feng (張奉) made fun of the name of his colleague Kan Ze during a feast, he gained somewhat of a measure of revenge by making fun of Shu Han's name.

see also